Dr. Joules, Electro Therapist

"it could be a problem with your sensitivity." the luxray muttered. "usually my patients have over sensitive nerves, which causes them to climax too quickly. yours may not be sensitive enough, requiring more stimulation than average."

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Toy Factory Mishap[PokemonTF/SexdollTF]

Your feeling returns more sensitive, but somewhat wrong, as if your brain couldn't really comprehend what signals your legs are sending.

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Morning Mood

Slowly that hand began to trail higher, letting that sharp claw tip ever so gently slide along her sensitive belly flesh.

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Special Delivery

She twitched involuntarily every few seconds due to her heightened sensitivity. she was drinking lillymon's breast milk for almost 4 months now, and it was around the 2nd month she realized that her body was becoming more sensitive.

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Transformers Prime:Sparkbonded part 2

He had that against the two seekers, that he was supremely sensitive to the point that even nova and screamer were not so sensitive as he was.

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Kinktober Day 11: Sensory Deprivation

My chest heaved as she once against stopped before getting to my sensitive zones. i whimpered, flouncing in my spot. two hands squeezed my thighs, and i let out an audible squeak. fuck my thighs were sensitive.

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Just Another Friday

Which was super sensitive, much to the cuntbois disaproval. not only did he have a pussy, he also had a super sensitive colon to boot, making him an easy climax. she openly mocked him about it when they were together.

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Rekindled Flames

Drac's eyes rolled in the back of their sockets, a filling roar escaping his throat as large amounts of fertile cum hit him right in the most sensitive of places.

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Uncontrollably Ticklish

"gosh, what's happened to you lately... you're sensitive today, aren't you?" bal was only gently raking one finger along dolfy's left sole. but it was like his whole body was on fire. dolfy was sensitive, but not _that_ sensitive.

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Being Tied To A Bench Isnt So Bad.txt

The tips of his claws occasionally scraped the sensitive pads of his toes emitting a giggle from the wolf, but it wasnt as extreme as the licking he had received earlier.

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My Foxy Toy

I know it just feels so nice as the sensitive rubberiness seeps down them, all damasked and pretty looking. murrr, just look at those foxy thighs." his tongue licks out across the now strangely sensitive skin of your leg. "oh my.

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