Learn Your Place

And he felt tormented enough already... "if you take too long, though, i'll turn on the vibrator in that dildo and just leave you there to struggle for a while." he whined; it'd be torment if he did and even more torment if he didn't!

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The Journey Through Darkness: The Light

My prison was that of solid stone earth weathered and torn and that my tormenter was not that of man but of a wicked form.

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Regaining responsibility

He could try to get megan's attention, perhaps she would take him away from this torment, get him help of some kind. that tiger shark that smothered him in all her shit could truly be the only key out of his torment.

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Poison Mistletoe

My memories becomes tomorrow's torment, broken promises, the false love, the old bruises and all the pain to finish me off.

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The Hammer and the Sword Chapter 3 - Selection

To add to the torment, the first groom now moved to adjust the cruel chains, hauling on them again until lieran could barely keep his hooves on the ground, the new position tormenting his body as he was stretched impossibly tight.

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Heart and Sorrow

Until then, i just hope everyone can listen to my story, to truly feel my torment. we all want our 'happy ending' and to some people, that's not a mere fairy tale. but the struggle one must endure to reach it, must not be hidden away.


Revalation 2: Interrogation of Iris

The demon left the room, several minutes later a dark skinned human girl entered, and closely examined the tormented bird. "he was mean again. it's ok relax. i'll help you out a bit, but you have to help me first."

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She didn't even get any feedback from her paws, hooves, paws let alone her needing, filled and tormented vent and she blushed at the desperation of denial, no, no, she didn't have time.

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Origins - Wot

Despite his cruel actions and torment, he was like a father to the young lupine. "why... why did you do such a thing..." he sobbed. time passed slowly as the lupine cried on the arms of gaea.

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Watch Dogs 8- The Crucible

As he began his work, a grate used to drain away all the...fluids generated during my torment began to open, the noise attracted my torturers attention, turning his head, i tried to break free at that point, believing my torment at an end, while he stared

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