Wasteland Survivor – Davis' Directive - ch2

Physically unfit, the emotionally unstable and a deficiency in, well, lets call it factor-x, any of those and they didn't make ... uh", the sergeant became the centre of the radio techs attention for a moment, "sir, permission to question the sergeant as to

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Oraefo Makes It Big!

unfit for her size and weight, the best crunched as over twenty stone of weight collapsed upon it. the pair didn't notice save for the change of direction. heat built between them as their passionate lip-lock built toward greater things.

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Lost in Los Angeles- Chapter 2

The contents of every can, bottle, jar, and box in the place were scattered across the tile, mixing in an unattractive blend of food and drink unfit for even a dog.

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Maintaining Mechanics

"i need your help to get this tool and maintain its function, as im clearly unfit with my dirty paws." another silence appeared before he carried on. "go on, grab it, its right there!" partex smirked and pointed at his loincloth.

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The Beginning Of Xrohne Part 2 Chapter #2

The population of the werle have the ability to take you from your seat of power at any time if you become corrupt or we see you unfit to lead." x grinned happily and nodded stretching his left hand out to grip michaels firmly, "it's a deal."

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Rags And Riches: A dragon's beginning

He said, his voice trembling in a way that was unfitting for a man such as himself. his whole body seemed smaller than i've ever known it to be, showing just how much life has taken it's toll on him.

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23- Calm Before the Storm

"shara, while you may have royal blood, your murder spree against the guardians, attack on new schatten, and the torture of my real cousin show you are unfit to lead.

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The Dragon Dance (letter)

King, alpha male, chief and all other humans terms are probably unfitting to describe what they really are. one of them was red like the fire in the sky, the other, slightly smaller, was green.



While he wasn't unfit thanks to basic daily exercises and having to deal with his wife's antics, he didn't have enough strength to make her budge. next, he tried shaking her off by rocking back and forth.

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Second Nature

Neither of them were unfit, in fact they rather enjoyed the fact that both their bodies were kept in rather good physical condition, but it had been a long time since he had climbed a tree. long before he and adam had become intimately involved.

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Quick One Shot: The Harvest God's Will

"i believe that the goddess herself called me: a rude uncultured harlot unfit to lick her boots." "i have no designs to push my faith upon you." he said while sharpening his sword. "i fell for you a long time ago.

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Cloricia "Tex" Teixeira: Growing up 6

Anyways, teresa was a bit "unfit" to drive and she ended up "convincing" someone to drive her home. i just drove home by myself. the drive was peaceful and quiet, but i was still happy.

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