Problems and revelations

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#2 of Dad's girl

While he is in his office Alan receives a call from the school of his daughter, she has a problem and Alan must go to see the principal's office where a dark past returns to torment to Alan and Samantha.

On the next day Allan wakes up listening the annoying sound of the alarm clock, he growls and stretches his arm to turn it off. He growls when light finds its way through the Persian blinds and hits him right into the eyes.

Alan rubs his face against the pillow before waking up completely, he takes off his bedspreads and he sits at the edge of the bed while he yawns. His feet touch the floor before he stood up and goes out of his bedroom.

He goes to the contiguous bedroom and knocks at the door three times before entering the room of his daughter. Alan smiles seeing that his daughter sleeps soundly in bed, she is uncovered completely.

Certainly in middle of some dream she had uncovered herself, Alan comes closer and shakes off lightly Samantha's shoulder. She growls and she uses the pillow to put on her head and keep on sleeping.

"It is time to wake up, you will be late to the school and me to the work." Alan says while he takes away the pillow to his daughter. She growls and whines with bother.

"Can't I stay?" Samantha while she sits and rubs her eyes. Her fur is stirred and this makes his father laughs softly.

"Of course that not, a school day will not be missed." Alan says while he rubs his daughter's head. She moves the hand away from her father, he laughs. Alan gets out of the bedroom and returns to his room to take a shower.

When he finished his shower, he gets dressed in a black suit and a tie. He gets out of the room again and passes by the outside of the room of Samantha. The wolf hears the sound of the water of the shower, he realizes that she is taking a bath.

Alan comes downstairs and goes out to pick up the newspaper before going back to the kitchen and reading news. He reads slowly until Samantha show up in the kitchen, they take the breakfast content.

Samantha drinks a milk cup while her father takes a cup of coffee, when he finish taking his breakfast, he goes to his study to pick up his portable computer and some papers while her daughter goes to her room to pick up her backpack.

They are in the garage and Alan run the motor of the automobile, the garage door opens and Alan takes out the automobile with care, Alan uses the control of the door.

The door slides down to close completely. Alan begins to drive the automobile on the streets of the city. Samantha comments him her plans for the weekend.

"I will go to Susan's house, we will meet with the girls to spend the night there on Friday." Samantha says while she is excited.

"Well, I guess that her mother will be there." Alan says looking at his daughter and raising an eyebrow. She nods and she looks a little annoying thinking that her father does not confide completely in her.

Alan laughs smoothly seeing his daughter's bother.

"Ok, but there must not be problems." Alan warns seriously and some joke.

"Of course dad." Samantha says while he looks at her father and makes a grimace.

Alan smiles and continues driving until he gets to the entrance of the school of his daughter. He stops the automobile and receives a hug of his daughter before saying good-bye and going out of the automobile.

The wolf sees that his daughter heads toward the front door just like many other boys and girls that enter in the main building of the school. Alan runs the motor and he heads toward his work.

That morning in particular transit is slower of the normal thing, the sound of the horns surround Alan's automobile. He also growls and he gets upset in the meantime also succumb to impatience and join the sound from his horn to the horns of the rest.

Alan fortunately makes it to his work on time, he leaves his automobile at the parking lot and takes his suitcase and papers before getting on the first floor to mark his card and taking the elevator.

Alan greets friends and colleagues of work when he gets on the elevator, on his way he repairs his order of the day of today and pending papers. At the moment of getting to his floor he heads toward his office.

He sits and turns on his computer to begin his work, Alan reviews some payrolls and papers of deliveries and returns. Alan slowly takes care of the papers.

His morning routine changes when he finds out that somebody made a mistake sending two fill-out forms of shipment of products. Both have completely erroneous data paying more than what it was due.

Alan rapidly raises his telephone call his two persons in charge of shipment and requesting to them that they meet with him immediately. The wolf growls with distaste, this is not a smaller error, it is big one.

After fifteen minutes the two men enter in their office. Alan invites them to sit and to begin to explain the motive of his presence there. The improvised and annoying hard meeting last more of one hour. Alan greets friends and colleagues of work when he gets on the elevator, on his way he thinks about his pending papers. At the moment of getting to his floor he heads toward his office.

He sits and turns on his computer to begin his work, Alan reviews some payrolls and papers of deliveries and returns. Alan does it with calm and attention.

His morning routine changes when he finds out that somebody made a mistake sending two checks. Both have completely erroneous data paying more than what it was due.

Alan rapidly call his two persons in charge of payments and requesting to them that both meet with him immediately. The wolf growls with distaste, this is not a smaller error, it is big one.

After fifteen minutes the two men enter in their office. Alan invites them to sit and to begin to explain the motive of his presence there. The improvised and annoying hard meeting last more of one hour.

At the end of the meeting Allan decides to fire the two employees and sends them to put in order their papers in order, he makes contact with the head of the RRHH to communicate his decision. The head understands and decides to check everything before accomplishing the layoff.

When Alan hangs up the phone he growls with distaste and feel that his tension is big.

Alan cannot believe that a mistake as that one was made, now this would bring him a lot of paperwork to solve this subject.

At the time of lunch he meets with Barret in a close restaurant. Both ask for something to eat and shortly their order is ready, both begin to chat while they eat.

"I hear that somebody had messed it up." Barret says while he cuts a piece of meat and he takes it to the mouth.

"How do you know it?" Alan asks the moment that he takes a piece of bread to eat it.

"I was with Bill when he received your call." Barret says looking at his friend. Alan growls while he feels that his blood boils when he remembers that problem.

"The two imbeciles did their paperwork wrong and paid more than what it was necessary." Alan says in the meantime he gets into more details. Both chat for about fifteen minutes more of getting back to work.

Both gather in a little room in the section of finance where both can have peace to work, Alan and Barret sit side by side on the table to start work.

Alan shows his friend his calculations and notes. Barret listens and also does some asks before both make it to an agreement about the main issue of the meeting.

"Now I will show you my ideas for the plan of marketing." Barret says while he looks at Alan. He nods while he sees as his friend begins to deploy his papers on the table.

Alan knew a thing or two about marketing, he had studied it lightly in his education in college like a common course. Barret shows him his ideas for the publicity in internet.

The internet, the great wonder of the century, such a versatile and very useful tool to have publicity in each part of the world. Alan knows that the company has an important expense in that sector.

The cellular phone of Barret suddenly rings in his pocket and he takes it to respond the call. Alan notices that his friend gets surprised.

"How?" Barret asks with surprise and worry.

"Ok... I am on way." Barret says while he hangs up the phone.

"Does something bad happen?" Alan asks looking at his friend that shows up worried.

"Something happened to Richard, a problem in school." Barret says while he takes his sack and he suits it.

"We will finish this tomorrow. Do you agree?" Barret asks looking at Alan.

"Yeah, I hope that Richard is fine." Alan says. Richard is the eldest son of Barret and he is fifteen years old. As his father, the boy has a black-colored wolf, he is a good educated boy.

"I see you later, I let you this, and I hope that you like it." Barret says while he makes a grimace and indicates his papers with notes and ideas for the advertising campaign.

Alan nods and sees that his friend hurries to go out. The black wolf takes the papers and begins to read them, he smiles when he realizes that his friend is a guy with a good imagination.

His ideas of publicity are good and neither mentioning the plan that he has for the television spot. Barret had made a little dash with the classical and useful rules to attract customers.

In order to attract the young males it is just necessary a couple of breasts and attractive ass. While they are looking at the attractive females, without noticing it in their minds the model of the cellular phone will be recorded.

And it is the same to women, an attractive actor would perceive their attention, it's clear that the spot would have a most romantic tone. Alan feels confident that this year they would be doing great and begins to daydream until his cellular phone rings.

Alan takes his cell phone and does not recognize the number, the wolf responds the call.

"Hello?" Alan asks in the meantime he still sees papers and his friend's notes.

"Good day mister Arrington, my name is Tristan Elwyn, I am the principal of the school of your daughter Samantha." Voice on the other side says. Alan's eyes open rapidly.

"Samantha? Is she all right?" Alan asks immediately feeling that his heart pumps rapidly due the worry.

"Yes, she is all right, but a situation happened and I require your presence." The man says while Alan feels more restless and worried.

"Of course... what time?" Alan asks while he feels a little calmer, but still is worried.

"At 3:00 PM." The voice responds. Alan agrees before hanging up the phone.

Alan breathes anxiously. Samantha never brought problems, she is a good and responsible girl. In his mind the wolf does not know what could have happened, the following hours go slowly by and Alan cannot concentrate.

When he believes that it is time, Alan asks for permission to come out early and takes his automobile to be heading for his daughter's school. On the way a lot of worries are in his mind.

After getting to school and parking the automobile Allan enters in the building and heads toward the principal's office, on his way he does not notice as a lot of girls stop to look at him and giggle.

He does not notice the looks of some boys that growl lightly either when their alpha condition of school for the girls is threatened for a mature and good looking male. Alan gets to the principal's office.

"Excuse me, I have a meeting with the principal." Alan says getting close to a desk where a gazelle is. The female watches him some moments when she takes off her look of the computer.

"Mr. Arrington, right?" The female asks while he looks at the wolf. Alan nods.

"Please follow me." The female says getting up and leading to Alan, she opens the principal's office. Alan thanks and enters in the office, the wolf sees a tiger seated behind a desk.

There is a guy at his left side, it is a goat using some little lenses, and he seems an intellectual of some kind. But Alan gets surprised when he sees that Barret and Franny are sitting to the right side of an empty chair that it is in front of the principal's desk.

Franny is an attractive and desirable female Doberman dog. She is Barret's wife and a friendly and intelligent female.

"Good afternoon Sr. Arrington." Tristan says inviting to sit to Alan. He greets his two friends and everyone there before sit in the chair.

"He is Franklin Wiley, the psychologist of the school." Mr. Tristan says presenting to the man at his left. Alan gets surprised when he hears this, in his mind he realizes that this is somewhat serious.

"Mr. Arrington, this morning we had a problem with Samantha, she attacked to Richard, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller. She used a rock provoking an injury in the head in addition to some other injuries due some kicks." Tristan says looking at Alan.

He gets surprised completely listening to that.

"How?" Alan says looking at the principal without understanding what happened.

"According to witnesses it happened while both were together, while they were kissing in a bench, she raised a stone and did hit to Richard with it." Tristan says looking at Alan.

Alan fails to understand that what caused the problem, kissing is not a big deal and that does not worth a punishment or an attack

"Alan... well... I am not proud of this, while they were kissing, Richard at the heat of the moment, he began to touch sexually to Samantha, she apparently did not enjoyed that and she attacked first with the stone and when he fell to the floor she kicked him with force and rage, some girls had to stop her." Barret says looking at Alan, he gets surprised completely for this and he cannot imagine his daughter making such thing.

"We do not approve what Richard made, but Samantha worries us, this is not somewhat normal." Franny says looking at Alan. He looks down feeling worried and confused.

"Mr. Arrington, after talking with Samantha, I realized that everything was something without premeditation, this is something that comes from something very deep and traumatic episode in her life." Franklin says looking at Alan.

"Do you know what it can be? She refused to tell me nothing, but it is clearly something important." The goat asks looking at Alan. He nods in silence and takes a breath feeling completely sad.

"Some years ago some men kidnapped Samantha and her friend Jaynie. The bastards raped the girl in front of my daughter, they left her offered in the floor covered with and semen and pee." Alan says while he closes his eyes and feels a great pain in his inside before reopening eyes.

Alan sees that they all are surprised, his friends are completely shocked by what they had just listened. Barret and Franny cannot believe that Samantha passed though for something like that.

"When they ended up with the girl, they began with Samantha, but fortunately the police burst in in the house to rescue her. The police found to Samantha naked and being touched with a cock in her mouth." Alan says while he clenches his fists with force feeling a great rage.

"When she was rescued, it was verified that the sexual assault was not consummated, the guys went to jail and two went to the death row, Samantha was much traumatized and I had to look for counseling for her." Alan says continuing the story.

"We moved here to try to recommence everything again, but it seems that do not work completely." Alan says looking at the psychologist and to the principal of the school.

"We really sorry Alan... we did not think that so terrible could have happened." Franny says looking at Alan. Barret nods feeling surprise and rage, he has also daughters and he cannot imagine that something so terrible happen to them.

Alan looks thanked to his friends for the charm that they show about the situation.

"That explains Samantha's reaction." Franklin says while he looks at Alan.

"That traumatic situation is still in her subconscious, that moment was reminded when Richard touched Samantha sexually. And subconsciously, she acted to defend herself of what she consider a new assault." The goat says looking at Alan.

"This can seriously have influence upon her future, I mean about her relations with men, she could not be confident neither basing a relation with one." Franklin says while he fits his lenses.

Alan listens with fear, this is not new for him, but he feels terrible knowing that the problem had not finished completely. At times her daughter talked about having cubs.

"What must I do?" Alan asks looking at the psychologist.

"She needs to look for professional help, but that the most important thing that she needs is your support because you are her father and the only man in which she trusts completely." Franklin says looking at Alan.

He nods in silence feeling a great worry in his inside. Each part of his being seeks to help his daughter doing what's necessary in order that she recovers completely.

"Well... considering of what we know now, I will not punish to Samantha , just the detention for today, unless Mr. and Mrs. Fuller object it." The principal says looking at Barret and Franny.

They shake their heads without saying nothing.

"I believe that is everything, we expect that Samantha can surpass this terrible situation." The principal says looking at Alan while he stands up. Alan stands up and shakes the hand of the principal and of the hand of psychologist.

Barret and Franny also say good-bye to men and get out of the office with Alan.

"I am sorry about Richard... I will pay the medical expenses." Alan says looking at his friends.

"There is no problem, Samantha is a good girl and we know that it was not her fault." Barret says looking at his friend.

"We hope that she recovers soon." Franny says looking at Alan. He nods and he feels grateful with his friends.

"We will talk with Richard, we will not say him about what we learned here, but we will tell him to give some space to Samantha." Franny adds looking at Alan. He nods thinking that it is best.

They leave school and they say good-bye, Alan enters in his automobile and waits until he sees that his daughter leaves school.

She seems not happy and gets close to the automobile, Alan opens the passenger door and her daughter enters in the automobile.

"Hi dear." Alan says trying smiling at his daughter, but she does not smile while he buckles up his seat belt.

"Hi dad." Samantha says while he looks down. Alan feels a great sadness seeing sad to his daughter. The wolf run the motor and starts to drive, during the trajectory to his house both do not say one word.

Samantha avoids seeing her father while she tries not to cry, Alan sees as she wipes some tears. After half hour in the streets they get to their home, Alan puts the car into the garage and both come down from the automobile.

"Do you want to take a juice?" Alan asks while he unties his tie and takes off his jacket to be more comfortable. He enters in the living room followed by his daughter.

"Thanks dad." Samantha says while he goes to her bedroom to get comfortable. Alan enters in the kitchen and serves two orange juice glasses before to go to his bedroom and changing his clothes.

He comes down to the living room to find out that Samantha is seated in sofa drinking juice and watching television. Alan sits at her side and takes a sip of juice.

Both say absolutely nothing for some moments.

"Samantha, today I had a talk with the principal." Alan says while he looks at his daughter.

She looks down.

"I know it dad... I am sorry." Samantha says while he looks at her father with pain, Alan embraces his daughter and leans her against his body.

"There is no problem sweetie, it is not your fault." Alan says caressing his daughter's head slowly. Samantha closes her eyes feeling her father's soft and tender caresses.

"Samantha... what happened..." Alan says to with care looking for the correct words.

"Dad... it will not happen again." Samantha says looking directly to her father. Alan decreases the aim to see brown and beautiful eyes of his daughter, the same of her mother.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to talk about it?" Alan asks again caressing his daughter's head slowly.

"No... I do not want... I am Ok." Samantha says reclining her head on the chest of her father. Alan nods and decides not to press her, it would be bad at this moment. They watch television in silence.

Close to the sunset Allan listens that his stomach growls, Samantha laughs softly and Alan smiles seeing that she seems to be in better temper.

"Can we ask for pizza again?" Samantha asks looking at Alan. He laughs smoothly.

"I think that somebody is becoming addicted." Alan says laughing and kissing his daughter's forehead. She laughs animatedly and in less than half-hour both again are eating pizza.

After eating they begin to play a tabletop game, one of a lot of ones that they have in the house. Alan and Samantha have fun while hours pass.

Close to midnight Alan realizes that it is late and they should sleep, they get ready and Alan says good night to his daughter. He sits at the edge of the bed and caresses his head slowly.

"Good night dear, I am here, if need to talk about something." Alan says smiling at his daughter. She nods and smiles at her father, he makes a grimace and gets out of the bedroom closing the door behind him.

Alan gets in his bedroom and he gets undressed to put on his pajamas and getting into bed while he sighs with weariness.

That night it is impossible sleeping for Samantha and Alan. Samantha does not stop thinking about what happened and quietly cries in order that her father does not listen to her while he looks at the roof pensive about the present situation.

Alan, Barret, Franny, Richard, Tristan Elwyn, Franklin Wiley, Susan, Samantha are my characters.

Written by Janus Oberoth

Decisions and revelations

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