Double Trouble

Story by strieksolo1 on SoFurry

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Story Prompt : En learns how to give himself a second cock and decides to give Tam the ride of her life.

The house smelled new, the stone was not new, that came from the old cave, their first cave they ever inhabited. So many thousand years ago, when the deserts of Egypt were wet and ran with water. When there were hills tall enough to have deep caves and mines cut deep into the hills. It hadn't been soon after Atlantis exploded when they struggled together, they weren't newly mated at that time but still, the two dragons lost everything their home, many of their friends, and thousands of eggs that could have secured the future of the Draconic race. The stones of that first cave reminded the mated pair of how hard it had been back then, and how for them it would never be that hard again.

The blue drake carried a lighter box up the stairs he grinned at the claw marks that were cut into the stone that sat next to the antique wooden door. He reached out, his claws tiny compared to the massive scratch. Done by his mate in the throes of pleasure, her feral claws slicing through some of the strongest rock in the world. He shook his head and pushed into the stuffy house. He walked through the humid house, he felt like he was swimming through it.

His office was on the second floor, his desk a dark mahogany. He threw the book down onto the table. It fell over spilling its contents across the table and onto the floor. "Fuck" he cursed hard smacking a hand onto the desk before bending down to pick up a broken snow globe. The drake sighed and placed the now broken snow globe onto the table. The roses that were suspending in a baby oil solution that now shown wetly. He sighed, what a shame. His Tam had gotten that for him in India, the flowers were made of ruby and garnet. He still would keep it but not before he cleaned the glass that was broken on the edges. With a thump, he knocked into something on the ground, with a growl he bent down ready to tear whatever he stubbed his foot claws on apart.

The book made him freeze in place, the cover ripped velvet worn from countless centuries. Pages sticking strangely out in different directions. A large onyx gem was bonded to the cover. It was beautiful as it sang to him. The dragon reached down gently picking up the book, it smelled musty. A shiver ran through him as he traced the stone that was embedded in the book. It was a chaos siphon, it hummed with nearly a century of energy. With a slight groan, he sat in his large chair his wings fluttering out slightly behind him. His lungs burned as he sucked in a deep sharp breath and quickly opened the book. A rush of energy escaped the book the pages ruffling slightly. He breathed again deeply and less painfully.

With a slight touch ran his hand over the page the words swirling around his hand gently bouncing near the drake's hand before skittering away. He smiled laughing as the book sang to him. Gently the dragon flipped a page, the words chattering at him. Those amber eyes roving over the pages, spells that had no name no meaning. Spells that could turn a person inside out, or make a person quiver with so much arousal that it would drive one mad. His eyes slowed as a spell perked his interest.

Tam scooted into the house, her scales shimmering with a slight sheen of sweat. It was getting hotter and hotter by the minute. Annoyingly so, much to the dragoness's annoyance. She had told the two boys, Gem and Leo, to go do something as they unpacked the storage containers. They would only get in the way. The dragoness felt her ears pop, a scent of iron sent a tang through the air, along with a masculine musk that she knew as her mate's. With a whine she followed that scent, up the stairs that she almost fell on due to the fact that she was not paying attention to where she was stepping . With a deep inhale she pressed her hand onto the mahogany door that led to her mate's office.

His senses were heightened, his blue-grey body shivering with arousal. He felt the air move as she opened the door. His amber eyes glowing in the foggy air. The dragoness walked into the room, her footfalls slightest on the ground. Those violet eyes met his, a growl ripped from his chest as he moved, his body pressing her against the wall. With a groan, she kissed him, but what interested her most was the two hard cocks that were throbbing against her leg. Those violet eyes wandered down his body to the cocks between his legs. "You want to tell me something En?" The drake grinned leaning forward nibbling on his mate's neck his hands running down her tight body, his hands cupping her round ass. With a groan, he kneaded her ass through her tight leather pants. A breathy groan escaped her, her hands coming up rubbing his body, hand wrapping around one of his pulsing cocks. He growled low in her ear husky words of love and adoration. With a whine, she stroked one of his cocks hard. He grinned as he licked the crick of her neck causing her to shiver and moan slightly.

His hands came weaving up her body resting on her shoulders pressing her just enough to tell her to get down on her knees. She grinned as she opened her mouth engulfing the bottom cock, he groaned loudly his talons digging into the plaster wall. The drake's strong musk engulfing her as she was worshiped the cock in her maw. His hips suddenly thrust forward causing her to gag on the large cock. Enryous grinned, running a hand through her dark hair as she gulped air back into her lungs. Her violet eyes met his as her tongue moved over the pointed cock tip.

She was beautiful he thought to himself. Still so young after so many years, his hand running through her soft raven hair as she worshiped him. The mighty TAmbriel on her knees before him, her maw stuffed full of his own meat. "Show the other one love too." He purred as he pulled the cock from her maw, a slippery mess of saliva dripping down her chin. The drake grinned as she moaned , taking the second cock greedily into her mouth. He groaned loudly as her tongue move its way over the hard flesh devouring the scent and taste of it , it was her drug and he was her dealer. With a roar he threw his head back, grabbing the back of her head and fucking her mouth as she slipped a hand into her her pants. Her scent hit him like a tidal wave, the sweet scent of her wetness, her arousal. Fucking her sweet mouth for a moment longer before yanking her up to her feet, his claws shredding down her pants revealing sweetheart shaped panties that the drake would have shredded right through. But he kind of actually liked them, so instead he pulled them down gently. His mate shot him a look, knowing that he usually just shredded her clothes instead of being gentle with them.

It was his turn to fall to the ground before her, spreading her legs. She watched as he leaned forward his tongue slipping out and onto her hot folds. A gasp slipped from her throat, her hands weaving their way into his dark hair as he feasted on her. Shivers wound their way through her body, talons digging into the already abused plaster wall, she felt his hand come up and press against her stomach studying her as he forced his tongue inside of her. The dragoness whined loudly, his tongue squirming inside of her hitting the spots within her that made her knees buckle and shake. Enryous grinned against her cunt, she tasted like his own personal heaven. Everything he could ever want was right here between her legs.

Soon she cried out, her wanting splitting the air like lightening . He grinned as he stood not licking his snout before kissing her fiercely, letting her taste herself. She moaned louder trying to wrap her legs around his waist to force herself down onto his cock. With a grin he lifted her, her legs wrapping around his waist, the drake felt the warmth pouring off of her cunt. He growled in her ear what he was going to do to her. All of the naughty things that he wanted to do to her body. With a swift thrust, he penetrated her. In an instant she was full , the one cock fitted down to the knot in her cunt and the other pressed tight in her ass. Her mate never really fucked her in the ass that much, it wasn't that Tam didn't enjoy it. She actually rather enjoyed it, but when he needed her she let him take her any way he liked.

The feeling of her stretching around her was unlike anything he had experienced. She was beautiful, she glowed with pleasure that he was giving her. That was one of the many reasons that he loved her and had been mated to her for so long. She loved him with all of her heart and soul, he had had other lovers before but no one ever like her. When he first mated her she was the most beautiful dragoness that he had ever seen and after centuries of being with her he still thought she was just as gorgeous.

The drake trusted into her with wild abandon, feral growls lighting up the room. She moaned his name over and over again like a mantra, begging her to fill her up with his sticky cum. He buried his groans into her shoulder as he thrust her against the wall, the room filling with the scent of their sex. The dragoness felt him shift inside of her one of the knot slipping into her cunt, but he didn't force the other one into her ass. the dragon knew that she couldn't handle the knot without it hurting her. HE groaned loudly as he bit down onto her shoulder where their mating bond sang.

The bite is what threw her over the edge plummeting down the into her orgasm. Tam screamed her mate's name cumming hard around his cock, squeezing the two cocks within her hard. HE roared and followed over the edge, spraying her womb and ass full of his cum, digging his claws into her back holding her there against the wall.

They stood there breathing hard, Enryous felt the spell give loose causing the second cock to disappear. She whined as the cum slipped down her legs. Gently he set his mate onto the ground, her legs shaky. Tam grinned up at him her scales glowing brightly. The drake grinned and kissed her sweetly.

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