Yet The Reed Bends
Shinai the weasel, Bridges the otter and Klein the skunk have a threesome, and learn more about themselves than they bargained for along the way. Bondage, master/pet play, foot stuff, minor drug use, watersports. This story is 32 pages and 23347 words long! I did my best to try to give the protagonists some personality and character development as I went. Enjoy!
"And when there is an opportunity, 'I' do not hit... 'It' hits all by itself." - Bruce Lee
"Aw, man!"
The weasel almost wished that his portable phone had offered him some kind of equivalent to old school phones you could slam down, but he had no such luck, not even. His skunk friend, who was sitting with him over drinks at a table in that nightclub they went to, looked at him quizzically. "Ogun can't make it," Shinai told the skunk, sticking his tongue out for emphasis. "I mean, I get why, it's not his fault, but..." The weasel rolled his eyes, shook his head and sighed as Klein strove to think of the right thing for him to say. "Aw, that's too bad," the skunk answered, frowning. "I was looking forward to seeing him tonight too." Shinai sighed again, slower this time, scratching his head. "I know." Sometimes life had to take precedence.
The missing chimera had texted the weasel rather than Klein because Ogun and Shinai were a thing. The weasel and the skunk were *also* a thing, of course, since this was the kind of existence that they led, but Ogun and Klein were not. They were on friendly enough terms, but that was as far as it went. That didn't mean the skunk hadn't been looking forward to seeing the chimera as well, but it did give Shinai an extra reason to be disappointed that Ogun wouldn't be there, especially considering what they were meeting for. "What do you think we should do?" Klein asked the weasel. "I don't know." The skunk assumed the reason must've had something to do with Rakim but he wasn't sure. It didn't seem like the right time for him to ask.
"Do you think we should just cancel the whole thing?" In his heart, part of Klein didn't really want to, but was it a good idea to bring up? "I have no idea," Shinai shrugged, "I didn't have a backup plan for if this happened. I really should've. If anything, I expected *Bridges* to flake out on us, not Ogun." The skunk winced. The weasel had never carried the otter in his heart, Klein had often vaguely regretted. It made things sort of awkward for the skunk, since he was seeing both of them. Ostensibly, they were both okay with it, but Shinai would make light, snide remarks about Bridges when he'd be alone with Klein sometimes that left him wondering whether they were just good-natured ribbing or hinted at something that ran deeper than that.
"I'm not sure who else Bridges would even be off seeing," the skunk wondered aloud, "since Ogun's busy, and *I'm* here." The otter and the chimera were *also* a thing, even though the weasel and Bridges were definitely not. They led complicated lives. Klein had just given up and made a chart outright to keep track. "Who knows," Shinai answered, "knowing Bridges, he may as well just have picked up some guy off the dance floor and forgotten all about the whole thing altogether on his way here," he amused himself. "You think you know Bridges?" the skunk tilted his head at the weasel. "Well, not as thoroughly as *you* do, I'm sure," he mock-punched Klein's shoulder, "just well enough to know what to expect from him."
Shinai tilted his head at him. "You think I don't?" It wouldn't have been the first time. "I guess you do," the skunk admitted grudgingly as people kept dancing and drinking around them, oblivious to their concerns. "Seems like a bit of a waste, but what are you gonna do," Klein chuckled nervously, hoping to defuse the tension. "What *are* we going to do?" the weasel asked him pointedly. "We have to do *something*, don't we?" It wasn't an easy question, the skunk reflected. "I guess we do," he answered, taking a sip of his drink thoughtfully. "Well, one way or the other, since Bridges is still on his way here, I should at least wait here to let him know Ogun can't make it when he'll be here," Klein offered.
"I don't want him to just show up here to find none of us here and have no idea what even happened, you know?" Shinai chuckled. "Are you sure?" He couldn't help picturing it. "I mean, it'd be kind of funny, wouldn't it?" the weasel grinned. Turnabout was fair play, wasn't it? At least Ogun had let Shinai know what the hell had been going on before vanishing into the night. "You would say that," the skunk stuck out his tongue at him. "Come now, that's hardly fair," the weasel played mock-hurt expertly, "in fact, to prove to you what a good sport I am, I'll even offer to wait here *for* him so *you* can be on your merry way if you'd like, how would you like that?" He looked at his friend with benefits expectantly.
Would Shinai really have waited for the otter for as long as it would've taken for him to get there on his own? Or would he have made the most of the opportunity that Klein would've given him to play a prank on Bridges by leaving early, making up for his spoiled evening by snickering to himself all the way home picturing the befuddled otter looking for them with no idea of what had happened, questioning whether their plans had been real or if he'd imagined the whole thing? The skunk had no way to be sure, but knowing the weasel as he did, he wouldn't have put it past him. Grim and dour though he play-acted, Shinai did have a sense of humor, it just wasn't always as much of a 'nice' one as Klein thought that his and Bridges' were.
"I'll wait for him," the skunk replied, "it's the least I can do. Go out on the dance floor and try to score yourself if you want," he offered, "that way your evening still won't totally be a bust. If you strike out by the time Bridges shows up, you and I can figure out what to do then, and I'll come up with a way to make your evening still worth your while, how about that?" The weasel winced at the phrase 'strike out.' Of course he could've picked someone up just like that! He could've very well picked someone up, left to sleep with them, and come back to the nightclub before the otter would've even walked through the door, couldn't he? Still, it was a very generous offer, he had to admit. It was definitely worth thinking about nonetheless.
Yet if he went out and tried to get a replacement for himself, but failed, then had to go back to the table to face Klein and Bridges with his tail literally between his legs, would they have acted smarmy about it? The weasel couldn't help picturing that scenario now, and cringed inwardly. Perhaps it would be better to come up with another solution that didn't leave him quite so open to retaliation for his barbs against the skunk's favorite cloud-cuckoo-lander instead. "No, that would be rude," Shinai said demurely. "I'll wait here for him with you. I already know you're good company for me to wait with, don't I?" The weasel grabbed Klein's hand in his, smiling a smile that reminded him of why they were together in the first place.
"Thanks," the skunk chirped back, holding Shinai's hand to lean over and kiss him himself before sitting back down. The weasel settled back, crossing his arms behind his head while Klein crossed his legs and arms, leaning back as they waited together for the otter to arrive. "We didn't have this problem that time Bridges didn't show, at least," Klein observed, striving to make the best of the situation that Shinai had seemed to enjoy holding over Bridges earlier. "Well no," the weasel chuckled, remembering the evening fondly, "Who cares, right? More for me," he added, winking as he did. "Thanks for being such a good sport about that, by the way." All false humility aside, Shinai had loved having been the center of attention then.
"I'm sorry about that time I couldn't make it, since we're on the subject," the skunk apologized. Mano had needed him for something important that night, and it'd seemed important for him to have been there for her in her time of need. She was his friend. Still, Klein felt guilty about having left the weasel alone that night with the chimera and the otter who he tolerated so magnanimously. "Nah, don't feel too bad," Shinai reassured him, "after all, Ogun is, well, uniquely gifted for taking care of more than one person, you know?" Being a chimera did mean that Ogun had four mouths, one of which was at the end of a prehensile tail. Such things definitely had their pluses in situations such as theirs.
"That's good to hear," the skunk nodded, "I felt kinda bad about it." The weasel slapped Klein's back amicably. "No harm done. Ogun certainly liked having us to himself enough. Besides, even I missed out on a night out with you guys that one time, didn't I?" The skunk nodded. "That's true." Shinai furrowed his brow. "I hope *I* didn't put you out by it, while we're at it." Klein shook his head. "You were sick! You should've let me come help like I offered to. Bridges and Ogun would've been fine. It would've been just like when they go out with each other anyway." The weasel waved it off. "Eh, I didn't want to take you both away from Bridges." The skunk raised an eyebrow. "Really, for poor, old, horny Bridges? How touching."
Shinai sighed. "Look, I didn't want you taking care of me, okay? You already do that more than you should. It's embarrassing." The weasel still liked to think of himself as a warrior. His objectives had just changed. "I figured that was why, yeah... I wish you'd accept that it doesn't have to be embarrassing to let people who care about you take care of you sometimes," Klein told him. "There you go again," Shinai rolled his eyes, "This is why I didn't want you to come over then. You always have to try to make me feel like your damsel in distress. So you and Ogun showed Bridges a good time while I was home sick. Big deal. I lived. Accept it. *I* have." He punctuated his sentence by taking an authoritative swig of his drink.
"Can I ask you something, Shinai?" The weasel put his drink back down firmly. "What?" He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, furrowing his brow. "So, you're okay with having a foursome with me, Ogun, and Bridges, right?" Shinai nodded. "That's why we were meeting tonight, obviously." The skunk went on. "And you were okay with having a threesome with just Bridges and Ogun, right?" The weasel nodded again. "We've established that, Sherlock. What's your point?" Klein tilted his head at him. "Why is it different for you to be with Bridges and me? It's totes your prerogative, totes!" he hastened to add. "I was just curious as to why, but it's not something you have to explain to me if you'd rather not. I won't assume the worst if you don't."
Shinai spread out his arms. "Because Ogun has a couple of spare sets of eyes to keep on Bridges to make sure he won't steal anything even while we're fucking. It's not your fault you only have two eyes, it's just life. I don't have any more either." The skunk made a bit of a face. "So it's the stealing? Ugh, fair enough, I guess." Klein hadn't owned anything real for Bridges to steal when they'd first met. He had to admit that had to have softened the skunk's impression of the otter somewhat. How would've he felt to be stolen from? "That's all of it?" he inquired. The weasel stopped, and thought about it. "I don't know. I was kinda just being a jerk there, but I hadn't really thought about it, until you just asked me." Now they were getting somewhere.
"Does it bother you that he'd be seeing Ogun and me too?" Shinai made a dismissive waving gesture. "Nah, it doesn't. Doesn't bother you I'd see Ogun either, right?" Klein looked at him meaningfully. "But Bridges is different somehow, isn't he?" The weasel struggled to find the right words. "It just... In his case it just fits in so well with everything else he does. He just can't keep his hands to himself and can't let other people have anything for themselves, you know? It's like he's playing right into that trope. He styles himself as this fancy Robin Hood figure, people make excuses for him because of his disorder, and he always gets away with it. He makes other anarchosocialists like you look bad. He always has to have everything."
The skunk's expression made him regret what he'd said. "I'm sorry, it's..." Klein shook his head. "No, it's important that we'd be talking about this. I've wondered why you didn't like Bridges for a while, it just seemed rude to ask. Sometimes I assumed it was because you lost to him every time you've fought." There was an element of truth to that, but Shinai wasn't about to admit it. "I don't care about that. I never made a big deal about losing to you." The skunk crossed his arms behind his head. "Yeah, but you've beaten *me*." The weasel gave him a snide look. "Has he ever given you his little speech about how his body 'protects' him when he fights, and uses it to excuse his kleptomania? Now that's pretentious!" he stuck out his tongue.
"Wow, I knew you hated his guts, I just didn't know how much." Klein sighed. "I shouldn't be saying any of this," Shinai apologized, "I'm hurting your feelings. I never said anything because I never wanted to damage anything between you and him. I still don't." The skunk shook his head. "No, it's okay. Better out than in." This was turning out to be an educational evening. "You're an existentialist, Klein, aren't you?" So this was where he was taking this. "I see what you're doing, Shinai." The weasel looked on unwaveringly. "That means you believe we're condemned to be free, right?" Klein was forced to nod. "So why does Bridges get a special exemption? What's so special about him?" The skunk spread out his arms.
"Because Bridges has a *mental disorder*, Shinai! How could you of all people not understand what that means?" Shinai's eyes narrowed to slits. "What does *that* mean, 'me of all people'?" Klein rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean. I got OCD. Bridges is a kleptomaniac. Rakim's afraid of fire. Mano's agoraphobic. Fugue's claustrophobic. I don't know what *you've* got, but you've got *something* all right. We're all in the same boat. We don't get to pick that, no matter how much agency we might have otherwise." The weasel pointed his finger at him. "But *you* don't use it to excuse your shitty behavior to others! That's his excuse, 'I can't help it'? That he means well? What would you say if a killer or a rapist told you that, Klein?"
The skunk took a would-be casual swig. "If Bridges was a killer or a rapist, we wouldn't be having this conversation, Shinai. The fact that you have to make that comparison itself shows just how far out of its depth it is at trying to do the job." Shinai resisted outright exasperation as well as he could. "Maybe it's easier for you to forget about, but a lot of people *need* their stuff, Klein! What would you say if he stole some asthmatic's inhaler from them? Would that still be cool with you, because he can't help it?" Klein gave him a pained look. "It's not that he and I don't get why it's a problem. Of course we do. It's pretty obvious. The problem is that realizing that it's a problem and knowing how to fix it are two different things."
The weasel sighed dejectedly. "No, I do get it on that level, it's just..." He shook his head. "He has to extend it to everything he does, you know? He can't even commit to a consistent belief system. He just changes it to whatever anybody else has got to manipulate them based on the situation, just like that chameleon psycho you used to go with." The skunk gave him a dubious look. "Bridges is nothing like Boko, Shinai. I hope you never have to find out just how much." A chill went down his striped spine at the very thought of it. "You know what I mean. When I converted from paganism to Buddhism, when you converted from Christianity to Daoism, it was one of the biggest decisions of our lives! It was something we took seriously."
Shinai was getting the impression that he wasn't getting through to Klein, but the skunk was certainly listening to him. That was something, he guessed. "And you think he doesn't?" The weasel seemed to hesitate. "He's kind of an appropriative, strategic non-essentialist, isn't he? I mean, he won't take pride or blame in any of his achievements or failures, and he treats the world's belief systems like a great big smorgasbord for him to pick from. Don't you think he trivializes that in some way, by flitting between belief systems like a butterfly does between flowers?" Klein had often resented how he had to admit that Shinai had a way with words even when he was saying something that the skunk didn't agree with.
"But he's not doing it to *be* manipulative. With the rest of his personality set up the way it is, wouldn't it be more of a pose for him to pretend to adhere to restricted concepts more strictly, when it's not in his nature at all to do something like this? Isn't it better if he worships however he sees fit as he goes along, as long as he's doing it from a place of sincerity?" The weasel was still convinced that he was right but he just didn't know how to convince Klein that he was. He was starting to privately ask himself if he should just give up and accept that the skunk would always see the otter differently from how he did, and that this would be all there was to it. He wasn't really the giving up type about a lot of things though.
"You don't... just get to opt out of having an affiliation like this. It's a copout. People live and die for their stuff, for their beliefs, for their country. You can't just erase all that." Klein frowned. "Yeah, well... You know what I think about that." The skunk had never approved of Shinai's plans to join the military someday. "Of course I know! You keep telling me about it every minute of every day." Klein stuck his tongue out at him. "I get it. If I get to get on you about that, you get to get on me about Bridges. Turnabout *is* fair play, isn't it?" An idea was beginning to form in the weasel's mind. "If I stop getting on you about Bridges, will you stop getting on me about the army?" The skunk laughed. "You could never do that!"
Shinai gave him a sly look. "Well, I know I could hold out longer than *you*." Should Klein take him up on his wager, he asked himself? "Okay... If you stick around until Bridges shows up, and you're actually civil to him for once, I'll stop asking you not to join the army for... Well, how long do you think would be a fair period of time?" The weasel covered his mouth with his hand pensively. "... Well, just how 'civil' would I have to be?" The skunk scoffed. "Well, you can keep your pants on, buster." Shinai raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you daring me to have a threesome with you and Bridges in exchange for shutting up about the army? Because it seems like that's what you're doing." Klein raised his palms front. "That's your idea, not mine."
The weasel crossed his arms. "A week." The skunk gasped. "Two days." That seemed like far too little. "A week." Onto the next step, then. "Three days." Shinai shook his head. "A week." Klein persisted. "Four days." The weasel didn't budge. "A week." Perhaps if he tried again? "Five days." Shinai did not relent. "A week." Couldn't he get him to budge from one, single, lonely day? "Six days." The weasel pointed at him. "One. Week. Not a day more, not a day less." The skunk supposed he should take it. "Deal." He was amazed Shinai would agree to anything like this, let alone to this much. "No deal yet. Still not enough," the weasel wrinkled his nose dubiously. "Oh, come on!" Shinai raised his eyebrows expectantly. "What do you got?"
So he was leaving it up to Klein to think of something. "Well, for one thing, there are certain things that you, and I, and Bridges are into that Ogun definitely isn't... We avoided those things during our foursome. We avoided them when it was you, Ogun and me. I know you avoided them with Ogun and Bridges when I wasn't around either. So if you want, tonight, we could finally do those things, and go all out with it." It was turning into a more interesting evening already. "The week off was a start. This is a good follow-up. Still missing a bit of a clincher, though." How much more could he afford to milk this thing, he asked himself? He was getting drunk with power, and he liked it. "What if you... got to be in charge for the night?"
The weasel's curiosity seemed piqued. "Would you... care to elaborate on that?" What was the skunk getting himself into, he asked himself? But he'd already started down that road. It seemed too late to turn back. Shinai kept drawing Klein into those stupid games of chicken, as he was wont to do. "I mean that, for the whole night, Bridges and I would do everything you tell us to do. And I do mean everything." The weasel raised an eyebrow. "Everything?" Klein nodded decisively. "*Everything*." Shinai persisted. "No questions asked?" The skunk matched his determination. "No questions asked." This could turn out to have been a very profitable evening after all, who'd have thought it? "You're sure can get Bridges to go along with this?"
Klein nodded. "I'm pretty sure he'll be up for it, yeah." The weasel chuckled. "Yeah, Bridges would fuck a tree if you promised him something shiny."
Bridges was up for it.
He even seemed excited about it. They walked back from the Bolgia to Shinai's apartment with the skunk in between the weasel and the otter, the two mismatched pair's arms wrapped around Klein's shoulders from each side, Shinai's fur bristling involuntarily when Bridges' arm touched his own. He would be undeterred and steadfast, he reminded himself, gritting his teeth. Just think of England or something. It would be worth it just to be able to rub the skunk's face in it after the fact. Klein briefly wondered whether or not he was doing the right thing by going along with this himself, but the wheels were in motion by then, and it certainly wasn't going to be the craziest thing he'd ever done. That record was firmly held.
"Okay, first," the weasel started off after they'd walked into his place, taking off their shoes by the doorstep before stepping inside as he insisted that all his guests do, "we're going to set up some ground rules, got that?" The otter and the skunk nodded dutifully, sitting on the floor in front of their boss-for-the-evening as he addressed them as though he were giving them some sort of mission briefing. "Number one, Bridges doesn't touch me unless I specifically ask him to. I may touch him if I please, but I may ask Klein to do it for me if I don't feel like it. Bridges doesn't touch me anywhere sexual regardless of anything. I will not touch him anywhere sexual either. That's Klein's job. Got that, pea brain?" Klein nodded. "Got it, sir."
Shinai had the skunk's full attention. Good. "Number two, we're gonna get messy in here. This is *my* place. Since I am generously offering my apartment as the location where this is to take place, it's only fair that I should be compensated for it by not having to clean up after you mofos when you'll be done messing it up the way you mess up everything. Since Klein is with me while Bridges isn't, and I'm doing him the privilege and honor of having him over as a guest in my humble abode in the first place, cleanup duty will fall to Bridges, and no one else. Klein will not be allowed to help Bridges clean up. He'll be forced to watch Bridges clean up after us, and I'll get to enjoy the show as well. Got it?" Bridges saluted proudly. "Yes, sir!"
Pretty standard deal so far, Klein thought to himself privately, wondering what the weasel would come up with next. "Third, nobody shoots his load unless I say so. Pay close attention to how you're feeling at all times. Don't let it sneak up on you like some kind of an idiot. If you feel like you're getting close, you have to tell me right away. Once you tell me, and I really, really think about it, maybe, *maybe*, if I feel like it, we can have a *conversation* about if you're allowed to shoot or not. For the duration of the evening, the comings and goings of your... precious bodily fluids, as it were, are to be under my command, and mine alone." Even in a situation like this, Shinai still couldn't resist a Dr. Strangelove reference, Klein thought.
"Yes, sir!" they answered in unison. The weasel would have these two wimps whipped into shape in no time, he thought to himself, whether that would be literally or not - he hadn't decided yet. He did have a whip, if it came to it. "Fourth and last rule, worms..." Shinai paused for effect. "... Bridges keeps his hands where I can see them at all times. Any and all objects that we'll use throughout the evening are to be used by Klein and by me only. Bridges may not handle anything I own without my express request for him to do so, if I should choose to change my mind at let him after all, for a duration of time and purpose of my choosing." The skunk bristled at this one, but said nothing. "Sir, yes, sir!" Bridges said, without hesitation.
How was the otter even going to be able to *keep* that promise, Klein asked himself? Yet he'd just agreed to do so with the utmost seriousness. He didn't sound like he was kidding. The skunk hoped to the Eight Immortals that Shinai knew what he was doing. "Good! Bridges, go to the kitchen and get us all some beers, think you can handle that, lowlife?" Bridges nodded enthusiastically before dashing off to the kitchen. "Ugh, Ogun was going to bring Mano's empathy drug, wasn't he," the weasel brought his palm to his forehead. "Do you have any, Klein?" Klein shrugged. "I just have some regular weed." It wasn't perfect, but it was better than nothing. "It'll have to do," Shinai said grudgingly as the otter returned with their beers.
"Get us some water to have with those, fool," the weasel gestured at Bridges emphatically, "you want us to get dehydrated and pass out?" This was proving surprisingly cathartic. He should've suggested it a long time ago. "Sir, no, sir!" The otter didn't miss a beat, running back to the kitchen like his life depended on it while the skunk dug his weed, grinder, rolling papers and lighter out of his pockets to start grinding some buds for them to share. Transferring it out of his grinder onto a rolling paper carefully, so as not to drop any of it on the floor as he did, Klein rolled it up inside a paper with a cute animal on the label like a sushi roll while Bridges ran back from the kitchen with water bottles to keep them hydrated for the night.
"Beers first, dimwit," Shinai ordered Bridges unceremoniously. The otter twisted bottle after bottle open and brought one first to the weasel, then to the skunk, then before opening a third looked at Shinai expectantly, wanting to make sure that he was allowed to open one for himself before doing so. "Drink up, sea cat," the weasel waved at him benevolently. "Thank you, sir!" Bridges said eagerly, twisting off a third bottle to bring it to his lips thirstily. "Don't get mushy, just drink," Shinai answered understatedly as Klein raised his bottle to sate his thirsty maw as well. "You'll be glad you did," the weasel promised before taking a swig of his own. Gosh, it went down easy, he thought. He and the skunk had already had a few back at the bar.
"I'll drink to that, sir" the otter smiled in-between gulps. Klein had once heard other people talking about beer saying that it tasted like piss to them. He'd inferred that it meant that they didn't care for it. "Hey stinker, light up." Shinai snapped the drunk skunk out of his reverie back to attention. "Right away, sir," he obeyed, making sure to bring the joint that he'd rolled to the weasel's lips first before flicking on his lighter at the end of it so that Shinai could take a nice, long draw out of it. Its end turned a fiery orange while the weasel sucked the smoke into his mouth down his throat, taking a deep breath through his nose right after to bring as much of the smoke down into his lungs as he could, hitting the roof his nose as he blew it back out.
Klein guessed, correctly, that it would be up to him to take the second draw because, even for something like this, Shinai would have wanted Bridges to get his share last. It would've been part of it. The skunk felt the tension oozing out of his body as the skunk hit his metabolism, calming his nerves and relaxing his muscles as he felt the cannabinoids gently dig their way into his brain like a tree putting down roots in the ground beneath it, almost as if he were becoming one with it just as roots could become part of an inextricable living network underground. It was almost as if some plant-like symbiont had found its way into his organism, and was providing him the best chemical reward possible to convince him to let it settle in him.
His sensory threshold rose, making him more sensitive to everything around him, and his mind gently opened up to whatever the evening may have had in store for him like a flower blooming in spring. Finally handing the joint to the otter and lighting it up for him after having taken his own due of it, Klein reflected while he exhaled as Bridges drew on just how sexual it felt for him to watch the otter do it. The way Bridges wrapped his lips around the joint, gently sucking on it while he did, the sheer expression of pleasure that came over the otter's features as the THC wormed its way into him to lower his defenses, made the skunk feel as though his cock was the joint, and Bridges was getting high from giving him a blowjob through it.
"My turn now," the weasel reminded them, not wanting to let them forget who's boss. After Klein had given him his second draw, a happy expression came over Shinai's face as well, softening his features no matter how much he kept trying to make himself seem like a hardass to stay in character. "Ahh... At ease, men," the weasel smiled at them. The otter chuckled while the skunk followed suit with his own second toke as well. Klein's worries about the evening began to go up in smoke along with what he'd brought for them. When Bridges took his third draw and slowly blew it out, imagining the smoke cloud looked the same as it would've coming out of a wizard's pipe, he felt more at ease around Shinai than he ever had since they'd met.
"You guys get yourselves a drink of water," the weasel pointed at each of them in turn as he spoke before twisting open the lid on his own water bottle. "I'm not having either of your bodies give out when push comes to shove, we'll have none of that," Shinai added reproachfully before gulping down a big swig of ice cold water from his fridge. It was so refreshing, the skunk thought, as pure and fresh as a sinner's clean slate on a nice cold day. The otter drank some of his own water with his species trademark enthusiasm, with the same joy with which Klein had seen Bridges swim in it, bathe in it, dive in it, or shower in it. Sometimes the skunk could've sworn the otter had to have been part fish. He just loved water that much.
"Take off your shirts," the weasel waved dismissively, as though it would've been preposterous for them to imagine that they should've kept them on, quick to do the same without any prompting on his own, but it wasn't time for them to take off their pants so soon, not just yet. Shinai laid on his back, stretching to his full mustelid length in front of them, and extend his legs so that one of his feet rested in Klein's lap and so that his other foot rested in Bridges' lap. "I've had to do a lot of walking today," he lifted himself up on his back ever so slightly to look at them, wriggling his toes at them as he spoke, "so you guys should probably do something about that," he added while lying back down with his arms crossed behind his head.
It wasn't the first time the skunk gave the weasel a foot rub, but it was certainly the first time that the otter gave Shinai one. The weasel may not have been attracted to Bridges, and the lutrine sailor may have had his flaws, but whatever they may have been, the man sure knew how to give a mustelid a foot rub, Shinai certainly had to give him that. He'd only been half-kidding with how he'd addressed them both earlier. It was true that his feet gathered a lot of tension in them while he walked, so much that he often felt at risk of getting a charley horse from how knotted up they'd get. His feet were just as reliable to him as he tried to be to others, and it wasn't easy. Didn't they deserve positive attention for their efforts, just as he did?
His sparring partners in the ring both remembered having been kicked by those very same brown, furry feet in their laps right then, or having stepped on them while they fought to stop him from kicking them with them, yet now, he exposed his feet to them, sensitive, vulnerable, full of pressure points that acted as direct lines to every nerve in his body. Even though they were serving him, it still occurred to the otter just how much of a gesture of trust that represented from him toward them. It wasn't direct sexual contact, just as the weasel had ordered him to refrain from having with him, yet Klein and Bridges' foot rubs were clearly both making a small tent appear under Shinai's zipper as they both kneaded his feet thoughtfully.
It wasn't as one-sided as it may have initially appeared to an outside observer. If one had looked attentively enough, it would've become clear to them that the fabric in front of the skunk and otter's pants' crotches was also straining to keep the two mammal's boners from tearing right through it as they both pushed plaintively against its restrictive confines. They enjoyed the feeling of a grateful man's feet in their hands, in their laps, about as much as their temporary boss enjoyed having them rubbed. As Klein squeezed the weasel's heel between his fingers and palm, looking to Bridges to make sure he was also having a good time, the otter guiltily wondered if he was breaking some sort of prohibition by getting an erection from it.
Shinai had asked them to, though! Surely it wasn't his fault that he'd been enjoying what he'd been doing? If the weasel didn't want him to get a hardon, he shouldn't have asked him to rub his feet, should he? He was just a man. He was made of flesh and blood, just as they were. He was subject to the same forces as they were. These were the reflections that were going through his mind when the skunk saw Bridges blush as pre started staining the front of the otter's pants next to him. "You're really liking this, aren't you?" The skunk smiled at him. "No, I'm not!" Bridges blushed an even deeper shape of crimson. "Less talking, more rubbing," Shinai smirked at them, confident about how well he was exercising the power he'd been given.
Again, Klein was struck by just how sexual the weasel's moans came across as, so uninhibited in how openly they revealed his satisfaction with the service they were providing for him. Just as when the skunk had watched the otter smoking a blunt next to him, the foot rubs that Klein and Bridges were giving Shinai were 'almost like sex, but not quite sex.' More importantly, they gave the weasel a loophole to accept something pleasurable from the otter, just as they gave Bridges an opening to do something nice for Shinai without making the weasel feel that he had to be too proud to accept it. The dynamics of the situation were set up so that his pride could stay intact, so that it would still forgive him for allowing such kindness to him.
The otter and skunk breathed in the scent of Shinai's feet through their nostrils almost longingly. Even the way that his feet smelled could be erotic to them. They felt a weird intimacy develop between them from how they were both sharing the experience of rubbing their bossy weasel's feet together, struggling to keep their attention focused on Shinai as they did so that he wouldn't feel as though they were drawing each other's attention more than he was, which was the last thing that they would've wanted to happen then. Looking forward at him, they both saw that the weasel's eyes had closed, too lost in his own enjoyment of what they were doing to have been monitoring their reaction anywhere nearly as closely as they'd worried.
Shinai wanted to move on to the next step that he had in mind, to reassert his strength and control in front of them, but it was just so hard for him to ask them to stop! It felt so good that it was almost too much for him to handle. As uptight as people sometimes liked to accuse him of being, nothing loosened him up like getting a really good foot rub from two obedient subs, he was finding out in a hurry. Maybe he should just have let them keep doing this for the entire evening, the thought crossed his mind. But that wasn't the main reason for which they'd met there, he strove to remind himself, and if he hadn't, the urgency with which his cock was straining up against his pants by then would have reminded him of it *for* him.
"All right," he finally worked up the willpower to ask of his eager servants, "let's move on for now." So much of the weasel's frustration from earlier that night already seemed to have evaporated, Klein observed. It was as if Ogun's last-second cancellation had already become a distant memory, one that may as well have occurred during a previous lifetime, as far as how disconnected it now felt from their current experience as it did was concerned, even though it had really happened so recently. "Time to get this show on the road," Shinai smirked toothily, getting up to grab a pair of handcuffs out from his bag to snap the rope between them to its full length in front of their widening eyes and gasping maws evocatively. "Stand up."
The weasel handed the skunk his cuffs. "You," Shinai pointed at Bridges, "turn around, face away from him." The otter obliged. "Tie him up but good, with his hands behind his back," he ordered Klein, "I got plans for you two and I'm not about to let little mister 'wandering hands' over here ruin them for me, I can tell you that," he added, tongue-in-cheek. The skunk, with a few well-practiced motions that spoke volumes about how often he'd handled such instruments, made sure that the cuffs that the weasel had handed him would be securely fastened around Bridges' wrists behind his back in a way that would make it very difficult for the otter to break free if he could at all, unless someone else were to open them for him.
"Turn around to face him again, fish breath." Bridges did. "Now unzip his pants, Klein... That's right, bring his pants down around his hips all the way down to the floor, just like that..." Klein held down one pant leg after the other to help the otter as he struggled to get out of them. Shinai could've asked Bridges to take off his pants before having had the skunk put the cuffs on him, but where would have been the fun in not watching the otter have to struggle to earn his freedom from them a little? "You can't even get out of those without tripping over yourself unless someone helps you out of them, how pathetic," the weasel licked his lips. Shinai stood by his decision not to have sex with him, but Bridges sure had everything where it went.
Fortunately, the weasel could stare at the naked otter while fucking the skunk all night for all they cared. Shinai could get as much of an eyeful of lutrine nudity to arouse himself with as he wished while using Klein to release all the feelings it may have stirred in his loins without giving up an inch of his precious moral high ground. What were they going to do about it? "You're overdressed, stinky." The weasel gestured with his head toward the skunk. "But of course, sir," Klein answered obsequiously, unzipping his own pants to bring them down around his ankles and step out of them as well, standing proudly at attention after he'd finished doing so.
Shinai gave him a dubious expression, standing near them as they faced each other nude. "You know, I'm not sure you're good enough at taking off people's pants yet. You seemed to have kind of a hard time doing it. Why don't you get more practice by taking mine off too?" Why take off his own pants when he could get a pliable skunk to do it for him? "With pleasure, sir," Klein chirped back at him, unzipping the weasel's pants to bring them down around his ankles yet again, ending up in a crouch with Shinai's dick inches from his face, resisting the temptation to lick it without being ordered to but seeming like he was seriously thinking about doing it anyway as Bridges looked on enviously. "You haven't earned that yet, get up, fuzzface."
That was certainly the cutest nickname that the weasel had ever come up with for the skunk so far, but Klein wasn't about to tell him that. He could tell that Shinai was trying to be insulting, and didn't want to dissuade him from that, but privately, it both amused and warmed him. "You two face each other and you kneel in front of him, otter boy," he directed them. Following the instructions that he'd been given, it was now Bridges' turn to have the skunk's length dangling right in front of his face, so close to it that Klein could feel the excited otter breathing on his member. As Bridges was about to forget all about their arrangement to engulf the skunk's shaft in his maw, he yelped, eyes wide as he felt something close around his neck.
"Nu-uh-uh, no sucking for you yet, wanker," he chastised the otter. Bridges realized that the weasel had just put a collar with a leash on it around his neck. "Not until I say so." Shinai was now standing behind the otter. "You there," the weasel pointed at Klein standing in front of him over the kneeling Bridges' head, "start jerking off for me." The skunk slowly pulled down the skin around his penis, exposing his leaking glans to the otter's hungry eyes, the hapless sub inhaling its scent in an unselfconsciously deep breath, as though he wanted to permeate his entire being with it, while Klein slowly brought his hand back up then back down, careful not to touch Bridges with it as the otter licked his lips in anticipation. Surely he'd get a taste soon?
"That's right, just a *little* bit faster, but not *too* fast, we don't want you to pop just yet," Shinai grinned at the skunk, enjoying the conflicted expression on Klein's face as he was torn between how weirdly guilty the skunk's mind felt at the thought of participating in forcing the otter to stay so close, yet so far away, while Klein's body craved more stroking and release. The weasel loved forcing people to confront their own contradictions like that, he found it... enlightening. Seeing Bridges craning his neck forward in his growing thirst for skunk cock, Shinai used the leash around the otter's neck to pull him back from being able to savor the flavor of Klein's boner that he so dearly wanted down his throat, putting his foot on Bridges' back.
"See how much fun he's having without you?" the weasel leaned forward to the side, turning his head to speak in the otter's ear in front of him. "Look at him!" Shinai added, grabbing Bridges face in his hand to force him to take in the view of the vigorously masturbating skunk in front of him as fully as it could be. "It's almost like he doesn't need you here at all." Klein had to slow down a little, not only because of a vague sense of guilt but also because he really would spew one off right on the otter's face if he didn't slow down, some of it dribbling down Bridges' face to land in his mouth - he had to disembark from that train of thought before the idea of it helped carry him the rest of the way too fast, he scolded himself.
The weasel moved to kneel by the otter's side facing him and pulled down on the leash, pushing Bridges' head down to force his face right in front of the skunk's feet. "First you have to lick these," he told the otter. Klein moaned, wriggling his toes, his knees buckling as he kept stroking himself while Bridges licking his feet adoringly sent tingling waves of pleasure rippling through his body. "All right, I bet you guys want some oral to happen now, don't you?" Both nodded emphatically. "Okay, Klein, stop stroking. Bridges, sit in that chair." The skunk helped the otter sit down in a way that allowed the otter to keep his tied up hands behind the back of the chair, so that Bridges could still rest his back easily enough despite having been bound.
The otter wondered excitedly whether Shinai was about to let him have Klein shove his dick down Bridges' throat after all, unable to stop the skunk from using him so, or if the weasel was going to order Klein to kneel in front of him to ask him to suck on the otter's erection instead. Rather than doing either of those things, Shinai stood in front of Bridges sideways. "On your knees, stripy," the weasel insisted, indicating the spot on the floor facing Shinai, not the otter. The skunk knelt in front of the weasel unquestioningly, briefly turning his head toward Bridges tied up on the chair to his side apologetically. "Eyes on your work," Shinai admonished Klein, grabbing the skunk's head to turn it back toward the weasel's crotch. Klein nodded fast.
"I don't think this guy knows how to give a blowjob, do you, Klein?" Shinai asked the skunk, indicating the otter to Klein with his thumb to their side as he spoke. Bridges had given Klein blowjobs that had blown the skunk's mind many times since they'd met, but Klein knew better than to argue. "No, sir." The weasel chuckled evilly. "Didn't think so. C'mon, show him how it's done. Maybe if he pays real close attention, we'll let him give it a shot." If these two had to be taught self-control the hard way, then that's what he'd have to do, Shinai told himself. The skunk started by licking the weasel's balls, teabagging him for a moment to make him nice and hard so that he'd be ready enough for Klein to be able to get to work on Shinai.
Pulling down the flesh around the weasel's erection, the skunk licked his way all the way up Shinai's urethra, from the base of his hardon to the slit on his glans. Klein licked the weasel's frenulum, his fingers wrapped around the base of Shinai's length, and engulfed the weasel's glans in his maw, eliciting appreciative moans from Shinai as the skunk circled the weasel's glans with his tongue in his mouth a few times. Klein started moving his head up and down on Shinai's member, taking as much of it in his mouth on his way down, so much that he had to struggle when it reached the back of his throat, and letting out as much of it as he could on its way out without actually ever allowing it to slip out of his mouth completely either.
"Oh, good boy!" The otter could see the weasel's tail wagging behind him as he petted the skunk who was fellating him approvingly. Klein held just Shinai's glans in his mouth again, resting his tongue against his frenulum this time, while he started giving the weasel a series of firm, quick strokes, feeling Shinai harden in his mouth to his utmost as he did. If the weasel wanted to be able to give them both a lesson about self-control, it looked like he was going to have to ask the skunk to stop what he was doing, and fast, or his own lack of it, which would have been impossible for him to hide from Klein, swallower of its results, would have given him not much of a leg to stand on to do it from. Just after a few more strokes, it couldn't hurt...
"Ack! Stop, stop!" Shinai said urgently, pulling the skunk's head away from his crotch at the very last second right before the start of his emission phase became irreversible. The weasel closed his eyes, clenching his internal sphincter muscle with all his might to prevent his semen's daring escape plan out of his slit before its time. "Not so fast," Shinai panted, waiting for his heart to slow down from its increased pace as he spoke, "first let's see if this bozo over here learned anything from watching the master at work down here," he added, gesturing at Bridges with his head as he spoke. "Aww, thanks sir!" Klein gushed. "I *said*, no mushy stuff," the weasel disapproved. "No, sir," the skunk agreed, licking Shinai's pre from his lips.
The otter, who'd been getting mighty restless watching them without having been able to touch himself, them, anyone or anything while his penis cried out for affection for that matter, felt his pulse quicken as the weasel directed Klein to help Bridges out of his chair without untying his hands from behind his back, forcing the otter to kneel in front of the skunk again. Bridges looked up at Shinai from the floor pleadingly. "Can I, now, sir?" When the weasel nodded and gestured for him to proceed, the otter wrapped his lips around Klein's glans longingly, the skunk greeting the welcome sensation of a hot mustelid's tongue caressing his shaft as Bridges bobbed his head up and down on Klein's crotch with a grateful moan.
When the otter stopped moving his mouth back and forth around the skunk's boner, holding only Klein's glans in his maw circling the skunk's tip with his tongue just as he'd seen Klein doing for Shinai moments before, the skunk, realizing that Bridges couldn't stroke him the way Klein had stroked the weasel because he hands were tied, decided to start stroking his own cock. "Nu-uh," Shinai pulled the skunk's hand away, "Just sucking. You already got to wank off before, we all saw you." It felt so good yet it was so frustrating. The more he got sucked, the more it increased his threshold, that is, the more he knew his orgasm would feel better and better the further along he'd be, but being sucked just wasn't enough to come, not on its own.
Desperate to regain some control over the pace of stimulation himself, Klein put his hands on the otter's head and started thrusting in and out of Bridges' maw in front of him himself, in the same kind of way as if the skunk had been humping someone. "That's right, fuck his face, just like that... How do you like that, Bridges?" The otter tried to answer in the affirmative but the sounds that he tried to make only came out muffled. "Tsk, don't talk with your mouth full, rube," the weasel chided Bridges, "we'll have to teach you some manners, it looks like." Moving over to Klein's side as he pistoned the otter's maw, Shinai whispered something that proved inaudible to Bridges into the fellated skunk's ear. He nodded in assent.
Stopping his thrusting grudgingly, Klein strove to empty his mind of all distractions and to control his excitement enough to be able to get the right valves to close and open in his loins in spite of his dick's engorgement while the surprised otter tried to figure out what was going to happen next. It was more difficult when he was this hard but not impossible, he knew that from experience. Closing his eyes to concentrate, with a small grunt of effort, the skunk was finally able to convince his erection to allow him to start peeing right into Bridges' mouth. The otter almost gagged but did not relent, keeping his lips tightly sealed around Klein's hardon as the skunk continued to empty more of his bladder's contents down Bridges' throat.
The weasel played mock-indignation beautifully. "Klein, what are you *doing*?" He seemed so distraught, as though it were the first time he'd seen anyone do such a thing in his life, even though the skunk already knew from repeated personal experience just how far from the truth that was. "What kind of naughty skunk would do a thing like *that*?" Klein shook his head no to indicate that he didn't know, his eyes still closed as he threw his head back while shaking out the last few drops on the otter's tongue. "*I* never saw anything of the sort, did you?" Shinai yanked Bridges' head off the skunk's length to force the otter to look him in the face as he spoke. Bridges had *definitely* seen it. Smelled it. Tasted it. Many times. "No, sir."
The weasel shoved the otter's head to the side dismissively. "Didn't think so. Looks like *you're* the one who'll need to be disciplined after all," Shinai looked down his nose at Klein, ignoring Bridges altogether by then. "On your knees, bitch." The skunk knelt in front of the standing weasel's crotch, taking Shinai's member into his maw to start sucking on it before the weasel grabbed his head to hold it still. Klein fought to keep Shinai's penis in his mouth as the weasel let out a sigh of relief, urinating in the skunk's mouth to his heart's content while the sheer extremity of the bitterness overwhelmed Klein's senses, transporting him. The chemicals from the weed, filtered through Shinai's bladder by then, made the skunk get high from his pee.
It occurred to Klein that the otter must also have gotten stoned from drinking the skunk's pee earlier. "Learned your lesson yet, fucker?" What a strangely accurate moniker that was, Klein thought. He sure was someone who fucked people. "Yes, sir." The weasel turned to Bridges, who could still taste the skunk's musky piss on his tongue. "Is that right? I don't think he's had enough, do you?" The otter knew better than to disagree. "No, sir." Shinai looked back down at Klein. "Looks like you're out of luck, even your drinking buddy's with me on this." The weasel turned his head back to Bridges, motioning for the otter to take his place in front of the skunk. "C'mon, come put that joke you call a wang to good use for a change." He untied him.
Bridges moaned when he felt Klein wrap his lips around the otter's shaft, hardening at the first direct form of penile stimulation that he'd received that evening so far, but he knew he had to keep his mind on the task that he'd been given. Putting his hands on the skunk's head, he closed his eyes, tightening his pelvic muscles, gritting his teeth as he struggled to overcome the psychological resistance to pissing anywhere but in a toilet that we were all instilled with, focusing on the rewards that awaited him on the other side of that barrier. Klein took him all in, licking the base of Bridges' boner as his whole body spasmed in vain resistance against the taste, the pee almost coming out of his nose as the otter shivered out his last few drops in him.
"Nu-uh, no sucking!" Shinai yanked back the skunk's head before he could follow up what they'd shared by giving Bridges a blowjob of his own. Klein coughed as he tried to force his throat to catch up and accept what the skunk's mind and cock delighted in so. "Gosh, what a filthy animal you make," the weasel shook his head at the otter disbelievingly. "Now kiss and make up, dirtbags." Shinai saw both their dicks get ridiculously hard as they made out in front of him, each of them tasting their own pee in the other one's mouth when they thrust their tongues into each other's maw. "Get us some water, sailor." The otter ran to the kitchen again to bring them back all of their water bottles from earlier. "Ahh, that's better..." They all drank.
"Down on all four, skunk." Klein faced away from the weasel, knelt and bent down forward to put his hands on the ground, lifting his tail up high and swishing it seductively over his inviting pucker as he looked back at Shinai over his shoulder. "Didn't I tell you you're on cleanup duty tonight?" The weasel gave Bridges a look, motioning toward the skunk's backside with his head as he did. "You did, sir," the otter nodded as he sat on his haunches behind Klein, getting the message for him to spread the skunk's cheeks, lean forward, and start licking Klein's backdoor in front of him. The skunk whimpered as every hair on him stood on end and his body trembled, striving not to collapse from the overwhelming pleasure that assaulted his senses.
He couldn't come just from a rimjob, even when he was being rimmed so expertly, but it was such a more immediate, intense sensation than even getting fucked could be. Shinai grinned, slowly masturbating as he watched Bridges circling his tongue against Klein's quivering entrance and even pushing his tongue inside under the skunk's tail in-between licks. He'd always loved listening to the sounds that the skunk made when he was getting rimmed. It was as if all of Klein's defenses were abruptly brought down, leaving him completely vulnerable, helplessly at the mercy of the guy rimming him, as if he was so desperate to continue getting rimmed that he would have given up literally anything to have him keep going by that point.
What a pleasant sight that made... "Eat that ass, yeah, what a dirty boy..." The swishing of the skunk's tail grew spastic over his lower back as the otter licked on, dripping his lutrine pre on the ground between his legs while he did. Giving a rimjob was one of his favorite things to do, they could both tell. Klein's whimpers escaped his control, wanting to say that the pleasure was so intense that he grudgingly wanted it to stop because it was consuming him so much that it was becoming hard for him to breathe, but whimpering so uncontrollably that he was unable to even speak. The weasel, monitoring what was going on with the same trademark close attention that he made sure to pay for everything, finally motioned for Bridges to stop.
"You call that a rimjob? Hand me the lube, you dumb fuck." The otter moved away to go get the lube in a hurry while Shinai motioned for the skunk to move. "Get up." Bridges brought back the lube and handed it to the weasel helpfully. "Good, now that you brought me this, sit back on that chair and put your hands behind your back. You, tie him up." The otter fought back his body's insistence that he do something, anything, that would start bringing him closer to an orgasm faster by that point, determined despite his urges to do everything by the book. Shinai got a kick out of watching people at war with themselves like that. Bridges hoped that the weasel would ask the skunk to sit on the otter's crotch, but Shinai had something else in mind.
"Get on your back." Klein laid down on his back with his side to Bridges in front of the weasel, who knelt in front of him while squeezing some lube out from the bottle to rub it on himself, making sure he'd be nice and slick to make things go as smoothly as they could. The skunk lifted and spread his legs around Shinai's body, the weasel grabbing Klein's feet to put them up on Shinai's shoulders while advancing the weasel's knees forward around the skunk's hips. Klein lifted his hips to make entry easier while Shinai grabbed one of the skunk's hips with one hand and his own erection in his other hand, pressing his tip against Klein's pucker to make sure to align it to go in properly before slowly pushing in under the skunk's balls inch by inch.
"Ahh... You see, Bridges," the weasel turned his head toward the otter as he started with just a few slow thrusts, "we men always want everything we like right now, you know?" For someone who he was humping, Shinai sure seemed to have been ignoring Klein completely. That was part of it. "We live in a culture of - unf! - instant gratification, right?" Bridges nodded. "So we're conditioned to think that, the faster we get what we want," the weasel slapped the skunk's hand away from stroking his hardon while he was being fucked, "the better off we'll be. But the truth is, sometimes, the more you wait for something, the better it ends up being when you do get it, you get what I'm getting it, fun boy?" The otter nodded again. "I get it, sir."
Shinai raised a finger toward Bridges didactically while resting his other hand on Klein's abdomen. "But we can't do that on our own, can we?" The otter shook his head. "No, sir." The skunk moaned as the weasel kept hitting his prostate, fighting back the desire to jerk off again. "Why can't we resist our own desire, which is the source of all suffering, all by ourselves again, student?" All Bridges could think about was how good it would have felt to have been in Klein's place, getting rammed for all he was worth as he couldn't stop watching. "Culture of instant gratification, sir." The skunk cried out at an extra deep thrust that took him by surprise. "Good, maybe you're teachable after all. It's all about the slow build, you see. *That's* the key."
The otter nodded again. "Hold on, I can see there's only so much you can learn from my example, perfect though it may be." Klein groaned in disappointment when Shinai suddenly pulled out of him. "Get up and untie my disciple over there, wretch." The skunk stood up, feeling some of the weasel's pre mixed with lube dribbling out of him down his leg as he did, and walked over behind the chair that Bridges was sitting in to undo his cuffs behind him. "Now it's your turn to get down on your hands and knees," Shinai pointed at the otter this time. Bridges went down on all four in front of Klein, lifting his tail for the skunk just as Klein had lifted his tail for him.
"Remember what this mook did for you, skunk boy?" The skunk nodded as he knelt behind the otter, understanding what the weasel wanted him to do. "Don't be selfish." Spreading Bridges' buttocks apart in front of him with his hands, Klein leaned forward to press his tongue firmly against the otter's rectum, folding it to push it just barely in, then tracing it up from Bridges' balls across his taint to the base of the otter's tail before circling it around then flicking it over Bridges' anus as the otter shuddered through the sensations overwhelming him. Shinai could tell from all the pre that was now pooling on the floor between Bridges' legs that the skunk was giving him the rimjob of his life, and from the pre under Klein that he liked it.
"Oh, Klein!" the otter cried out, pressing his rump back against the skunk's tongue urgently as all other thoughts in his mind gave way to the single, overarching drive to have Klein penetrate him right then, right now. Bridges had to have the skunk inside him, he just had to! What could have been worse for him than to have been denied this? "All right, stop to kneel upright nearer behind him, but don't do anything else yet," the weasel raised his finger at Klein as he spoke, who didn't need to be told twice. "Don't lift your tail, move it aside," Shinai added at the otter, who was so far in subspace then that any thought of disobedience could no longer form in his mind. The skunk held Bridge's butt and looked at the weasel, waiting for permission.
"Hotdog him." The otter barely held back from groaning in protest at the unthinkable injustice of it all, but it wasn't up to him. This was so much harder than it looked! Though he held back, the other two could tell just how much he regretted it. It just showed on his face. It was all that Klein could do to bend forward over the otter to put his hands on Bridges' brown, furred back and to start cautiously sliding his length back and forth between the otter's butt cheeks in front of him, grazing Bridge's tailhole every time he moved his hips up and down while always being careful not to actually go in him. The whimpering otter's member twitched resentfully as the skunk guiltily admitted to himself that the stimulation he got felt pretty good.
"You poor bastard," the weasel chuckled, yanking on the leash that Bridges still wore. "You want to have him go in you so bad, don't you?" Shinai added while Bridges was being hotdogged. "Yes, sir!" the otter confessed. "This guy can't seem to get it in you though!" The weasel laughed, peeing on the otter's face from above while Klein still hotdogged him, Bridges doing his best to keep breathing while some of Shinai's golden showers trickled down his throat. "You're so weak, you'd do *anything* to get cock in you by now, wouldn't you?" The otter nodded. "Yes, sir!" The skunk started worrying that he'd go one thrust too far and that he'd waste his seed all over Bridges' lower back if the weasel didn't tell him to stop soon.
"You still don't understand the value of self-control," Shinai shook his head at the otter. "That'll be enough, Klein," he added offhandedly. Klein heaved a sigh of relief, withdrawing his shaft from the small, furry canyon that Bridges' buttocks formed in front of him before it was too late. "Back in the chair for you, Bridges." The otter tried to negotiate with himself as he headed over to it to sit back down in it, hoping it wouldn't mean he still wouldn't get to receive any stimulation of his own this time while the weasel directed the skunk to go tie Bridges' hands behind his back again. "Go down on your hands and knees facing him." As Klein obliged, lifting his striped tail as he did, the otter could feel the skunk's breath on his penis.
"First, I have to show him how to do this properly," Shinai explained to Bridges while he knelt behind Klein, spreading the skunk's rear with his hands before bringing his boner near Klein's pucker, holding the skunk's tail up in one hand while grabbing his own boner with his other hand to align it with his tip pressed right against the right spot for it to be able to go in. "He just kept missing earlier, you know?" The weasel grunted as he pushed his cock forward under Klein's tail, the pleasure that drew itself on his features all too obvious for the bound otter to see on Shinai's face facing him behind the skunk as he started humping Klein eagerly. "Ahh, this is how you do it, Klein, you understand now, right?" The skunk moaned. "Yes, sir!"
The weasel gave the Bridges his best shit-eating grin. 'I'm fucking your friend right in front of you, and you're not, and you can't do anything about it,' it seemed to imply. The otter had to admit that Shinai had played the waiting game expertly up until that point. He hoped that the payoff would be as worth it as he was being promised that it would be when it would be time for it. "Do you think you've earned a lick, Bridges?" That was a trick question, wasn't it? "N... No, sir!" It had seemed like what the weasel would have wanted to hear, but it had been so hard to say! "Good, now we're learning something," Shinai grinned as he kept humping Klein. "Enlightenment is all about breaking the ego, you see. Let go, and you'll get everything."
The weasel's pistoning in and out of the skunk's ass felt so good that Klein started wanting to stroke himself along with it again, but he scolded himself for it. "Give him a lick, fuckboy," Shinai encouraged the skunk. Bridges' heart leapt in his chest as Klein finally licked his way up the otter's cock from its base to its slit, stopping at the tip to flick his tongue across its frenulum a few times. "Take it in," the weasel went on without pausing his thrusting. The skunk wrapped his lips around Bridges' glans, circling it with his tongue a few times before bringing his head down to take as much of the otter's dick as deep into his throat as it could go, pulling his head back up without letting it out of his salivating maw before bringing it back down yet again.
"Okay, that's enough for now," Shinai pulled Klein's head back away from its task after a time, "let's not get ahead of ourselves here, shall we?" The weasel had to be strategic and alternate between different types of stimulation for the benefit of his charges that evening, he reasoned. It was up to him to take things one step at a time, to guarantee that things would neither be rushed nor stagnate. This time the skunk managed to keep it together enough not to sound too let down when Shinai withdrew from him behind him, getting up to make Klein follow suit and go back behind Bridges to untie him again. "Get on your back, you scurvy scalawag," the weasel motioned for the otter to do with his head as he spoke.
As Bridges laid down just as Shinai had instructed him to do, the weasel turned his attention to the skunk who he'd just been humping a moment ago. "You'll want this," Shinai said, throwing Klein the bottle of lube that the otter had brought him earlier for the skunk to catch in midair on its way to him as the weasel walked to stand near Bridges' head. "Kneel in front of him." The otter raised and spread his legs around Klein's body as the skunk poured lube down on his erection to rub it all over his hardon, taking some to rub some on Bridges' rectum to make it wet in front of him as well. The otter lifted his pelvis up onto Klein's lap as the skunk brought Bridges' feet on his shoulders, pushing his knees forward around the otter's hips.
Still not wanting to do anything untoward, Klein made sure to start by looking up at Shinai expectantly, waiting for confirmation that it would be okay for him to proceed at this point. "Go in, but don't start thrusting yet. Just go in, and stay there at first." Nodding dutifully, the skunk held his length to carefully direct it at the right angle for it to slide forward right under Bridges' balls in front of him. "Oh, yeah!" The otter didn't want to seem happier than he had any right to be, but he'd been waiting for this for so long! Even though it wasn't moving in and out of him yet, the sheer fullness of it filled a void inside him in a way that he couldn't have explained, nor did he need to. When something felt this good, you didn't question it, did you?
Looking for loopholes as he was wont to do, Klein tensed up and loosened the muscles in his length a few times, giving and receiving a very small, stealthy amount of stimulation without breaking his current prohibition against thrusting outright. "That was worth the wait, wasn't it?" Bridges wanted to nod but his eyes were closed, his head thrown back, and his mouth wide open. "Oh yes, sir!" He was pressing his hands down on the floor on his sides as hard as he could, the pleasure flooding his mind making it all but impossible for him not to start stroking to finish himself off then and there. The weasel lifted one of his feet off the ground, tugging on the otter's leash as Shinai brought his foot in front of Bridges' face. "Lick."
The weasel sighed contentedly as the otter started licking up and down the soles of Shinai's feet. "*Now* start humping - as slow as you can, though." Bridges could only remember how much the skunk and him had enjoyed rubbing the weasel's feet together earlier, how much it had made him look forward to what was yet to come then. "That's right, not too fast, nice and slow..." The otter's feeling of total submission to Shinai from back then was certainly being enhanced by having had Klein's member embedded in his entrance poking at his prostate at a horny snail's pace on top of it, that much was certainly for sure. "Go in-between, yeah, just like that..." The weasel moaned as Bridges licked between Shinai's toes.
"Before we go any further, you two are gonna switch positions again - don't worry, we'll get there," the weasel petted the skunk reassuringly. "It's only a matter of time." Klein withdrew from the otter, staying down on his knees until he'd have received further instructions. "You remember when you were down on all four in front of him earlier, don't you?" Bridges nodded. "Uh-uh." Shinai grinned. "Well, I showed him a thing or two since then. He should be able to be smart enough to get it in you this time. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised," the weasel winked at the skunk. The otter got up off the floor to go back down on his hands and knees in front of Klein, panting and wagging his tail like a dog promised a walk.
With Bridges' anus still slick from the skunk's lube and pre from just before, it wasn't difficult for Klein to slide his penis forward right back under the otter's raised tail in front of him this time. After having pushed just his glans in, the skunk grabbed ahold of Bridges' hips and slowly, inch by inch, went all the way through the narrow passage in front of him until he'd reached a dead end, the otter feeling Klein's balls brushing up against his as the skunk gently hilted him. "Ah, that's so good!" Bridges just blurted out. He wasn't averse to topping but bottoming was like a reason to live. "Now you're gonna *start* slowly again, but..." Klein attentively didn't speed up for a while, waiting patiently for Shinai to finish his sentence.
"... now you're gonna go faster. Not too fast! Pick somewhere right at a midpoint in-between as slow as you can and as fast as you can go. Go like that," he clarified. "Uh-uh," the skunk acquiesced through his heavy breathing, the primal sensations evoked by the animalistic position in which he was penetrating the otter in front of him already bringing back that familiar, tingling pressure in the bit of his stomach that he remembered having worried about having felt when he'd been hotdogging Bridges earlier that evening. "That's good, that's a good speed," the weasel complimented him, "*you* like it, I'm sure, Bridges, don't you?" He'd have been a fool to deny it by that point. "I love it, sir! Thank you! Thank you, sir!"
What a scene! Shinai started jerking off while watching them again, gleefully appropriating how each of them must have been feeling at that point for himself. "You want him to come in your ass, don't you, slut?" The otter remembered all the occasions on which another man had ejaculated in his rump as the highest points of his life. "Oh yes, please! So much," Bridges begged, knowing that the memory of Klein coming in him would keep him warm at sea for months. "You didn't say 'sir,'" the weasel wagged his finger at the otter, tongue-in-cheek. "Sorry, sir!" Shinai asked again. "Do you want him to fill your butt up with his nice, hot come, you weakling?" For sure. "Sir, yes, sir!" Bridges pressed his rear back against the skunk.
"Pull out." This time even Klein looked at the weasel disbelievingly. He did stop thrusting though. "You heard me." The otter groaned, sounding almost heartbroken when the skunk withdrew from his warm depths, feeling Klein's escaping pre dribbling down his legs as Bridges turned his head to look back over his shoulder at Shinai almost indignantly. "Spank him." The otter cried out in pain, startled. The skunk hadn't hesitated for a millisecond. "Why do you steal, pickpocket?" Klein cocked an eyebrow at him. "Because I'm bad," Bridges answered. "Again," the weasel gestured with his head at the skunk. "Ah!" The pain jolted the otter all the way back to reality in a flash. "Why are you bad?" Bridges looked down. "Because I steal."
Shinai tapped Klein's shoulder with the back of his hand. "AH!" The skunk was starting to wonder if he should've said something. "Not good enough. Not getting out of it that easily." The weasel made Klein spank the otter again, whose backside was starting to hint at what had been done to it with bright red marks on it. "But I didn't say anything this time!" Bridges cried out when Shinai made the skunk spank him again. "You'll speak when spoken to." Klein didn't want to be responsible for bringing down the party vibe that the weasel had put so much work into raising for them, so he held his tongue to spank. "Why do you steal, shoplifter?" This time the otter struggled to speak. "Because... Because... Because I can't *help* it!" he blurted out.
This time when Shinai tapped the skunk's shoulder he was surprised and somewhat dismayed to notice that Klein hadn't spanked Bridges in front of him the way they'd established that it had been supposed to mean that the skunk should do when the weasel did that. Were they having some sort of communications breakdown? "Shinai, that's *enough*!" Shinai's jaw dropped. Klein was staring daggers at him. "What's the matter, isn't this, like, what we were doing?" The weasel didn't understand. "He's *crying*, you fucking idiot!" Shinai gasped. At first he'd thought that the tears in the otter's eyes had only been from the physical pain of having been spanked. Physical pain was nothing. They inflicted some of it on each other all the time.
Bridges didn't just have tears streaming down his face. His chest heaved and he cried out in pure, unadulterated self-hate, barely able to stop crying long enough to go on breathing as his body was wracked with sobs. "Hey man, no crying, no fair, no fair!" The otter looked like the whole world had just crumbled out from under him, and... he didn't even seem mad. "I'm sorry, please man, I'm sorry!" The skunk seemed enraged, but Bridges just looked miserably sad. "I didn't mean it like that." The otter had always hated himself for his disorder, losing sleep over what he knew his existence had cost others. "We were just playing! It's just a game, you know?" At that point the weasel broke character altogether to start petting Bridges, panicked.
Shit had just got real.
"Don't feel bad, it's okay. Please." Shinai carefully maneuvered the otter from still having been down on all four into a more upright kneel, wrapping his arms around Bridges to hug him gently. "Let it out. It's okay. It's okay to cry." Klein had never seen the weasel seem to care so much about... well, anything, really. "Let it out. I'm so sorry!" The skunk had never told Shinai that Fugue had first met the otter when Fugue had fished Bridges' body out of the sea. It had been a miracle that the seemingly cheerfully airheaded otter had survived at all. Living with kleptomania, being reminded of what it meant to others, brought him to a dark place, a place that he almost hadn't walked away from. "It's okay. Really. You're gonna be okay, buddy..."
The weasel cradled Bridges in his arms, stroking his head and back sweetly as the otter hugged him back frantically while crying his heart out on Shinai's shoulder with Klein looking on breathlessly. "Klein was right. I went too far. I didn't mean it like that, but... It doesn't matter how I meant it. My intentions aren't everything either, especially not when I hold other people to a higher standard than that myself. *I'm* responsible for you getting hurt." At that point, Shinai finally saw Bridges as the skunk saw him, not as this invincible otter everyone loved, but as someone whose life felt so empty that he would believe in anything, that he'd see beauty in anything, that he'd see the best in anyone, if it meant that someone would just be his friend.
Bridges' 'mythos' wasn't the source of his disorder - it was a desperate response to it.
"For that, I'm sorry. You don't have to forgive me. You don't owe me that." The weasel wondered just how much of why the otter was into the kind of thing that he was into in the first place was because of just how much Bridges believed that he deserved to be punished, that he deserved everything bad that happened to him, every name he was called, that he thought so little of himself that he could never have refused doing what anyone asked of him. "I'm so sorry, Bridges..." Shinai gently rocked him back and forth in his arms like a child, the otter holding onto him for dear life as he finished letting out a lifetime of sorrow on the weasel's shoulder. "You didn't deserve to get hurt like that. You really didn't. You're a nice guy."
Bridges lifted his head back up to look at Shinai, wanting to believe him but seeming to find it so difficult to take him at his word. There seemed to be so much countermanding evidence. "Do you really think so?" The weasel nodded firmly, without hesitation. "Absolutely. I feel like I got to know you a lot better tonight than any of the other times we've ever met, I can tell you that. I get what Klein sees in you now." A look of utter disbelief painted itself on the otter's features in front of him. "I... I always thought you kinda hated me," Bridges chuckled nervously. "I just never said anything because it seemed rude, and I didn't want to damage things between you and Klein, and... well, because I deserved it." Shinai shook his head.
"I don't hate you, Bridges. I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I've been kind of an asshole to you I guess, but that's... that's gonna be different from now on. You'll see." The otter almost smiled. "I never thought I'd hear you say that, Shinai." Klein sure didn't either. "Yeah, well... I owe you one. Remember that. Can I ask you something, Bridges?" The otter nodded. "And please, if you don't want to, say no! You can say no sometimes, you know." This time Bridges really did smile. "Thanks. I will." The weasel wiped a tear from the otter's eye. "Would you... Would you like to hang out sometime? As friends, I mean?" Bridges tilted his head. "You mean, just you and me?" Shinai nodded. "You and me, buddy. No funny business, I mean!"
The otter laughed. "But yeah. Just you and me hanging out, as friends. I'd like to be your friend, Bridges." This time a tear streamed down from Bridges' eye for a different reason, with his same real smile from earlier still on his face as it did. "Of course! I'd love to be your friend, Shinai!" he chirped, "I always wanted us to be, you know?" All this time, the weasel thought, he'd built up this image in his mind of this guy he hated, who just... liked him anyway, who just saw the best in him anyway, who'd only wanted to be his friend the whole time, in a world in which friendship could be so hard to find. It proved a humbling experience for Shinai to fully take in the implications of the reality of that. He wasn't about to forget what it meant.
"Do you want us to keep going? Or do you want us to stop? We won't hold it against you if you don't feel up to it," the weasel asked pointedly. "If you want, we can just kind of try to chill together for the rest of the evening and watch TV or play games or something, no harm, no foul. You get to have a chance to come down from that. I'm deliberately leaving it completely up to you." The otter stopped, and thought about it. "Well... I don't hold what happened against you, if it means anything," Bridges told him. "I forgive you, Shinai." Shinai smiled. "I won't take that for granted, I can tell you that." Bridges went on. "I'd... Well, would you guys be okay with it if we kept going, though?" The skunk paused, but ultimately nodded.
"I would too," the weasel added, "if you're really sure that's what you want as well." The otter nodded. "Yeah! I didn't get to come yet, so I kinda really want to," he chuckled nervously. "Besides, what happened was just an accident. You didn't mean any harm. It was just a landmine." At this point, it was Shinai's countenance that Klein saw darkened noticeably. "Yeah, a l-landmine..." the weasel stuttered, reeling from the thoughts that had just popped into his mind. It was a common BDSM expression. When you accidentally brought up something that was a trigger for someone by mistake, it was called a landmine. But Shinai was going to join the military. He felt like he was hit by pre-traumatic stress disorder, if there was such a thing.
A landmine was an unpleasant thing for him to think about. At that point, the skunk felt like he understood a lot of things about the weasel that he hadn't really thought about before. When Shinai had complained about how pretentious it sounded to him that Bridges' body 'protected' him the way it did, it hadn't just been sour grapes over a, well, pissing contest, for lack of a better term. For the first time, Klein understand that, when he thought about that, the reason the weasel resented the otter's preternatural reflexes was because he pictured Bridges on the battlefield next to him, dodging and weaving between bullets effortlessly as Shinai got shot dead. And the weasel couldn't confide in the skunk - Klein would've told him not to enlist.
No one at the front would ever say something had been 'just' a landmine.
"Hey... Are you okay?" The skunk put his arm around Shinai's back reassuringly. "Do you need a minute?" The weasel seemed to have been struggling not to hyperventilate. "We don't need to keep going if *you* don't feel up to it either, you know." Under other circumstances Shinai's pride wouldn't have allowed him to let Klein comfort him like that, and the weasel would've pushed the skunk away, gently perhaps, but away. "No pressure on you either, right?" The fact that Shinai wasn't resisting was itself a little worrying. "Thank you, Klein." The weasel wrapped one arm around Klein's back amicably, then shrugged and grinned 'what the heck,' wrapping his second arm around the skunk into another all-out hug as well. Why not.
Shinai realized that he could never be someone's drill sergeant at that point. He was negotiating some pretty messy stuff about giving orders to people and being ordered around through BDSM before joining the army, but he could never have been that person who yelled at someone so cruelly that the core of who they were, their sense of what they were worth, became so damaged by it that death in battle seemed preferable to going on living. "I'll be okay. It's good to know you care. But yeah... I'd kinda like to keep going too. I didn't get to come either," Shinai chuckled as well, "keeping you two in line is a lot of work." The otter laughed. "You could've fooled me! You seemed to be a natural at it." The weasel tilted his head.
"Really, you thought so? I thought I was being sorta clumsy after how things turned out." Bridges' eyes widened. "Are you kidding? Everything right up until then was incredible! Wasn't he great, Klein?" Klein chuckled. "It was pretty hot, I gotta admit!" The skunk was realizing things about himself as well, the more he thought about it. He remembered he'd read it could be a bad idea to do BDSM drunk or high, especially in a situation in which someone was put in charge who had potentially negative feelings toward someone they'd be in charge of. It would've been great if he'd remembered that back when it still mattered. "Sorry I dragged you two into this. You walked through the door but I opened it. I led us right up to this whole thing."
His hands weren't clean either.
Shinai mock-punched Klein's shoulder. "Well, we'll just have to make the best of it anyway," the weasel winked. A weird sort of intimacy had formed between them after everything they'd shared that evening so far, almost like... comrades in arms, Shinai couldn't help but think. They'd enjoyed themselves around each other, and they'd shared suffering together. "I think we could probably use another drink of water, couldn't we?" The otter got up promptly to go get them their water bottles from the kitchen again, but the weasel, who'd just made this suggestion, put his hand on Bridges' arm to stop him. The otter looked at him, puzzled. "Don't... I'll get it," Shinai smiled. This time it was Bridges' jaw that dropped.
It's not that getting them water had been a big deal or anything, but within the context that they'd built around such gestures that evening so far, the symbolism of it was hard for the otter to dismiss. The weasel returned with their water bottles, opening them for the otter and skunk before handing them to his two fellow mammals. "Cheers," he said, lifting his bottle along with them before all three of them downed a bunch of it in three great big gulps. "Now, Bridges... I can call you Bridges, right?" It seemed like such an odd question after everything that Shinai had already called them that evening. "Of course." The weasel put his hand on Bridges' shoulder. "What do you say you stand next to me arm in arm, and we'll talk for a bit?"
Shinai thought back to when they were all walking back to his apartment earlier that evening, the weasel and the otter walking on each side of Klein with one arm over the skunk's shoulder each, and how Shinai's fur had bristled when his arm had inadvertently come into contact with the otter's arm, as though there were something ignominious about such contact. He wanted to force himself to confront this, wherever it was that it was coming from. As Bridges moved to stand next to him, facing Klein, the weasel put his arm around the otter's shoulder and Bridges put his arm around Shinai's shoulder, wondering what the weasel had in mind. This wasn't so bad after all, he told himself. It was just contact. It was warm and nice.
"Be a dear and get to work on us, Klein," the weasel gestured to the skunk understatedly pointing first Klein then a spot on the floor in front of Shinai and the otter. "Right away, sir!" The skunk knelt on the floor between the two of them to wrap one of his hands around the weasel's penis and his other hand around Bridges' shaft as he did, both of their boners aimed at him in a way which implied that, theoretically, if they came, Klein would've been covered in it. "So, how did you two meet?" Shinai turned his head toward the otter as he spoke, seemingly completely ignoring the skunk who had just started stroking his cock even though Klein was who the weasel was asking Bridges about in the first place.
"You mean - ah! - he never told you?" Shinai shook his head while the otter struggled not to let the handjob that he was receiving from the skunk distract him from their conversation. "Just the basics, but I'd like to hear it from you," the weasel went on, scratching Klein behind his ear while the skunk jerked him off without looking at him. "We - oh! - we met on a boat I worked on." The skunk moved his head licked Shinai's balls while still masturbating Bridges. "He was a stowaway." The otter petted Klein as the skunk's hand kept moving up and down his lutrine dick. "Oh, he never told me that part!" Klein had been embarrassed by it, and hadn't wanted the weasel to think less of him for it. "Yeah, he didn't have any money."
Shinai nodded as the skunk stopped teabagging him to resume wanking off the weasel. "But you let him stay?" Bridges nodded while Klein licked his frenulum. "Yeah, I made a deal to have them split my duties and pay with him for the rest of the trip." Shinai seemed impressed. "That was pretty generous of you!" The skunk could feel Shinai's pre dripping on his hand while Klein deepthroated the otter. "Thank y - ooh!" The weasel patted Bridges on the shoulder. "Your sharing must've gotten him out of a pretty bad jam. Heck..." The skunk held just the otter's glans in his mouth, still jacking off both horny mustelids at once. "... If it wasn't for you, he might not have made it to Brazil or back. I might never have met him in the first place."
He hadn't really thought about that before. "I guess that's true!" Shinai briefly let the pleasure that he was receiving from Klein's ministrations wash over him, his face showing him lost in the ecstasy of the moment for an instant before he caught himself. "Thank you for that, Bridges. You did a good thing." The skunk moved his head over to the weasel's erection while still pumping Bridges' hardon. "Easy there," the weasel slapped Klein's face away from his length, careful not to do it so hard that it would force the skunk to let go of their members. "Ass to mouth, really? You kiss me with that mouth," Shinai scoffed at him. "You owe us both better than that." It was true - the otter was the only one of them who hadn't topped anyone so far.
"You're right, sir," Klein agreed. "Feels good, doesn't it?" The weasel turned his attention back to the otter. "Oh, yeah," Bridges nodded emphatically. "He's pretty good at this, isn't he, Bridges?" The skunk had gone back to whacking them both off at the same time. "Yes - uh! - sir," the otter replied. Shinai could feel Bridges' muscles tensing up next to him, contracting his entire body like a spring-loaded mechanism pushed all the way down, waiting to be activated. "Easy there, fella," the weasel told the otter as Klein's head went back to bobbing up and down around Bridges' penis, "Don't try so hard. Just let it happen." Shinai could feel the otter's muscles relaxing next to him. "Better, isn't it?" Bridges nodded. "Yes, sir!" he chirped.
"Okay, now stop," the weasel instructed the skunk, who promptly let go of their shafts just as he'd been asked to do and who looked up at Shinai expectantly, waiting for his next mission to complete. "Time to finish what we started earlier," the weasel cracked his knuckles wickedly. "Bridges, get back down on all four... You're about to get what's coming to you, you'll see." If they'd been in a cartoon, hearts would probably have replaced the otter's pupils outright at that point. "Oh yes sir, thank you, sir!" Bridges laughed nervously as he knelt facing away from Klein. "I'm sorry, I know you said no mushy stuff, sir," he apologized. "It's okay," Shinai chuckled, "if you can't get emotional about cock, what can you get emotional about?"
The skunk laughed, kneeling behind the otter in turn as Bridges leaned forward to bring his hands back down on the floor in front of him, turning his head over his shoulder to look at Klein behind him while he did. "I guess that's true, sir" the skunk agreed, holding the otter's tail up with one hand while grabbing his boner with the other one to press his wet tip right against Bridges' pucker, just enough so it would stay there as Klein's hands moved to spread the otter's buttocks in front of him, Bridges' tail now resting against his white, furred chest. "Well," the weasel completed thoughtfully, "*you* can also get emotional about ass, I hope." The skunk grunted as he pushed his boner forward under the otter's tail. "When it's this good, yes, sir!"
Bridges blushed, grateful for the compliment, but *especially* thankful about the fact that Klein was *doing* something about it. "This time, Klein... No holding back. I better see you go all out. No stopping until you make him come, got it?" The skunk nodded, eyes closed, his face flushed as blood rushed to his extremities while he got reminded of just what a nice, warm place the otter was for him to be welcomed into, the most relaxing vacation spot he'd ever had the privilege to visit in his life. "Mission accepted, sir," Klein answered between heavy breaths as he started slowly moving back and forth in and out of Bridges again. "What do *you* think, Bridges? Is he doing a good job? Do you want him to keep going?"
The otter moaned with his eyes closed, completely lost in the sensations that flowed through his body by them, giving himself over to them completely, with barely enough coherence left to answer. "Oh yes, please!" No sense in insisting on 'sir' by that point - Bridges was more animal than man by that point, and what animal could remember to say 'sir'? "Back to medium pace for you, skunky." The skunk yelped when Shinai spanked him while he humped the otter, both Bridges and Klein's eyes widening in unison as the otter felt the skunk's dick suddenly harden in him to its utmost, leaking pre into Bridges like water flooding a sinking ship. "Unlocking setting 2, sir!" Klein rasped as he sped up his thrusting back to a faster pace.
"Good, good," the weasel chuckled as he knelt behind the skunk to put his hands on Klein's shoulders. "Stroke as you hump, think you can manage that?" The skunk nodded, reaching around the otter's hip to wrap his hand around Bridges' erection without slowing down his thrusts. "There, that's what good hand-eye coordination will do for you," Shinai smirked as he grabbed his own hardon while moving his knees forward to aim it right in the center of the moving target in front of it, Klein feeling the weasel's chest pressing against his back as he did. "Now pause humping for just a second but don't stop stroking him." The skunk hilted the otter, Bridges feeling Klein's balls against his, his hips as still as a horny statue's.
"That's a good skunk," Shinai licked his lips as he pushed ahead with his hips, sliding his length forward inch by inch under the skunk's striped tail in front of him. "Unpause." That was clear enough. Klein was now moving back and forth between the otter in front of him and the weasel behind him, delighting in the extraordinary sensations that it was providing him with. When Shinai would penetrate the skunk from behind normally, the weasel would be in complete control of the pace of thrusting, but this time, since Klein was partly focusing on penetrating Bridges, Shinai would get his member engulfed nice and tight by the skunk's tailhole, Klein's bottom slapping back against the weasel's pubis like nobody's business.
Shinai had to admit that it felt pretty good! He growled, almost purring, but doing his best to remember his higher purpose in spite of it. "Are you ready for setting 3, sea beast?" The weasel didn't want to come first, but he was starting to have to hope that it meant that someone else was going to have to come before he would, and soon. "Hit me, sir!" Shinai grinned to himself as he waited just a moment before saying so, striving to focus on something different than what his body had been getting ready to do, hoping to give a boost to the skunk and knowing just how likely it would be to do the trick. Emptying his mind of distractions, eyes closed, he grunted, clenching his bladder's sphincters forcefully, and peed inside Klein's rectum.
"Now, skunk!" The skunk yelped - had the weasel just come in him? His depths felt so warm and wet, something *had* to have just come out of Shinai's penis just then, but how could he have gotten off so easily, with so little fanfare? Unable to spend any mental energy to think about it by that point, it was all that Klein could do to increase his pace to as fast as he could possibly go, pistoning the otter's anus for all he was worth, the goal of his orgasm shining brightly in his mind's eye like the finish line of a race. "Oh, oh yeah - OHHH...!" That was all it took for the skunk to finally lose control inside Bridges, still helpfully masturbating the otter's shaft under him while Klein finally ejaculated inside of his lutrine friend's rear in front of him.
The skunk didn't slow down his stroking or pull out of Bridges even as he struggled to catch his breath after his body had been rocked by his orgasm, as strong as it had been after such a protracted buildup. "Ah! Oh sir, I'm gonna...!" The weasel smirked, still humping Klein even after the skunk had come to keep forcing the Klein's dick in and out of the otter's entrance in spite of himself while the skunk's hand became a blur across Bridges' boner. "Come, boy!" Something came unraveled inside of the otter's body and he cried out, his ass squeezing around Klein's length for dear life as liquid pleasure spilled as shamelessly throughout his nervous system as it did on the floor between Bridges' legs in front of him while he came bucketloads.
"Ahh, I told you guys it'd be worth the wait, didn't I?" Shinai winked. "Now get ready for it..." He felt his heart beating faster and faster in his chest as he set his thrusting to its turbo mode, wrapping his arms around the skunk's torso in front of him to make sure he wouldn't slip out at the last second when what he wanted most of all by that point was to finish inside, where he fit so snugly that it felt as though it had been made with accommodating him in mind. "Are you close, sir?" Klein turned his head around to look at the weasel over his shoulder. "AHHH...!" It was definitely semen this time, the skunk smirked to himself while he felt Shinai's twitching hardon pump his ass full of the weasel's sweet, musky seminal fluids, just as he liked.
"Does that answer your question, skunk?" Klein felt Shinai panting on the back of his neck. "Yes, sir," the skunk nodded understatedly. The weasel finally pulled out of Klein, and the skunk also pulled out of the otter in front of him in turn before they all stood back up facing each other, Klein feeling some of Shinai's urine dripping out of his rump as they did. "Good move, sir," the skunk shivered, still turned on by just how extreme and unexpected that turn of events had proven to be. "A good leader always keeps his charges on their toes," the weasel smiled, crossing his arms behind his back as he spoke. "Now, would you two also feel up for round two, or are you out of juice for the night? Be honest! That's an order, fuzzbutts."
Shinai hadn't been lying about the buildup making a difference. Even though he'd just gotten off, Bridges felt his blood pumping in his veins, randy and spry like a spring chicken in heat. "I'm game if you are, Klein." Klein still felt himself overflowing with vitality, as if so much cum had been accumulating in his balls while they fucked that he had a whole other load ready to be unleashed then and there. "All right guys, let's go nuts then! Let's live a little," the skunk laughed, looking to the weasel for direction. "On your back then, if you think you're so tough," Shinai dared Klein. The skunk raised and spread his legs as the weasel knelt in front of him, putting Klein's feet on his shoulders and pushing his knees forward around the skunk's hips.
Shinai aligned his member toward Klein's tailhole with his hand, and slowly slid his shaft forward under the skunk's balls. "Bridges?" He had the otter's full attention. "Yes, sir?" The weasel indicated Klein to Bridges with a gesture of his head. "Why don't you sit on our rambunctious friend here? I've got him right where I want him. Make sure he won't move." An appealing prospect, the otter thought as he stepped over the skunk's abdomen facing away from Shinai to kneel down on Klein's sides and sit down on the skunk's crotch, grabbing Klein's erection under and behind him to guide it into his butt while his feet brushed against the weasel's knees behind him. "Ah, right there!" Bridges grinned. "Good." Shinai petted the otter.
The weasel started slowly thrusting back and forth in and out of the skunk in front of him while Klein also started thrusting up and down in and out of Bridges above him. Suddenly Shinai pushed the otter's body to force him to bend over forward just a little and, grabbing Bridges' arms, brought them behind the otter's back to tie Bridges hands behind his back again with the cuffs that the weasel had just pulled out again, seemingly out of nowhere. "Don't stroke him yet, make him earn it a bit," Shinai instructed the skunk. It was easier for the otter to accept that he'd have to wait this time. Not only had he already come earlier, but he'd learned to trust that the weasel's plans would ultimately include good things for him, if he allowed it.
Moreover, the sensation of Klein's length going in and out of his rear felt so wonderful that he actually enjoyed being able to focus just on moving his pelvis up and down on the skunk's crotch at first, feeling his own lutrine cock twitching in time with the rate at which Klein's penis poked his prostate every time. "Oh, your cock feels so nice!" Bridges gushed. "Unh! Thanks," the skunk tried to answer as Shinai ramming his boner up against Klein's prostate again and again under the otter's backside made the skunk melt like a snowball in hell. Bridges started feeling another sensation building up in his loins that wasn't quite sexual excitement even though it was no longer completely separate from it in the otter's mind either.
"Uh, we drank... a lot of water earlier, didn't we?" Bridges turned his head over his shoulder to look at the weasel for a sign of what he should do about the mounting pressure in his bladder. "Well, that's too bad, because your hands are tied and you're not going anywhere," Shinai replied slyly in the otter's ear in front of him. The otter could feel the weasel's chest pressed against his back. It occurred to him that the two of them had never been so close before. "I have to pee!" Bridges blurted out. "I heard you the first time, boy." The otter yelped when Shinai bit one of his ears, lowering Bridges' self-control even more. His bladder was so full! But Klein was still firmly embedded in him. The weasel wrapped his arms around Bridges.
"Oh, oh! I'm sorry, Klein, I... Ahh...!" It was so hot to see a man who just couldn't hold back, Shinai grinned to himself, petting the otter as Bridges' penis started flailing helplessly over the skunk's abdomen, releasing his lutrine urine in erratic patterns all over poor Klein's chest. "Shh, it's okay," the weasel caressed the otter's head and back almost lovingly, "don't feel bad, he loves it, can't you see?" Bridges' eyes were closed but he could feel the skunk's dick hardening and leaking pre in his anus as his overflowing hose covered Klein in his pee, carnally attesting to Shinai's veracity. "Yeah, good boy, let it all out, just like that..." The skunk looked like he was basking in the moment on his back on the floor like a lizard under a heat lamp.
Klein and the weasel slowly increased the pace of their thrusting into their respective bottoms. "You're okay with what he did, aren't you, Klein?" The skunk nodded. "Uh-huh..." Shinai caressed the otter's chest in front of him, to Klein's astonishment. "Show him just how okay it is, why don't you? He learns by example, don't you know?" The skunk understood what the weasel wanted him to do. "Of course, sir." Stopping his thrusting so that he could focus for just a moment, Klein closed his eyes and, forcing his body to overcome some of its most deeply internalized inhibitions, managed to squeeze the muscles around his bladder to piss inside Bridges. Shinai shivered when the skunk's pee flowed out of the otter's rectum onto his dick.
"*Now* stroke him, Klein!" Klein nodded quickly, wrapping his hand around Bridges' erection to start jacking off the otter, starting out slow for just a short time before speeding up his stroking to a medium, then to a rapid speed as the otter kept bobbing his pelvis up and down on the skunk's crotch while he did, thrusting in and out of Klein's hand at the same time. "Unf, unf, UNHHH...!" This time, it definitely wasn't pee that Bridges was covering the skunk's chest with, Klein smiled to himself as he struggled to commit the chaotic shapes traced by the otter's semen while it danced over his chest before landing everywhere all over him like rain to memory, so that the skunk could remember them fondly next time he'd be alone and horny.
Gosh, feeling Bridges coming right in front of him was... incredibly, incredibly hot, the weasel had to admit to himself, glad that their positioning hid his face so that Klein couldn't see him blush. Shinai had always felt that he had too much of a personality incompatibility with the otter for it to have been possible for them to have worked as friends with benefits, even though there was definitely nothing wrong with how Bridges looked in any way, shape, or form. The more he thought about it, the more the weasel realized that, to him, on some level, being attracted to the otter had come to represent an acceptance of failure, of mistakes, of weakness, of their own frailty, that Shinai just hadn't been ready to accept about life.
At first, feeling Bridges' furry back on his chest, the weasel had decided that he was doing this for Klein and the otter's enjoyment, not for his own. Shinai didn't want to come like this! With only the skunk's pelvis between the weasel's hardon and Bridges' tailhole, this was as close as Shinai could get to humping the otter sitting in front of him without actually humping him. Intellectually, the weasel knew that it was Klein's entrance that he felt spasm around his length, begging Shinai to fill the skunk with his cum. Emotionally, though, the weasel couldn't even see Klein. All he could do was to feel how warm and soft Bridges' fur felt against his own, breathe in how good the otter smelled, hear poor Bridges' lovely moans while he came...
"Oh shit! Oh fuck! Oh no! Oh man!" Shinai's thrusting had grown frantic while he hadn't been paying enough attention to what he'd been doing, clutching the otter close to him like a vise, his body determined to get him off like this before his mind could find a way to talk him out of it because it just couldn't let an opportunity like that slip away, when a situation making it possible could never have recurred. "Oh Bbrrriiiidddddggggggeeeeeeessssssss!" The skunk's eyes widened as he felt the mustelid's member shoot its load in his butt more forcefully than the previous time - maybe more powerfully than any other time that the weasel had ejaculated inside of Klein's ass at all, the skunk smirked as it dribbled out of his rear around Shinai's shaft.
"What was that?" Klein chuckled as the weasel blushed a deeper shade of crimson than seemed possible in nature, enjoying the otter's proud, toothy grin in front of him while he did. "I'm sorry - what was that, *sir*?" the skunk added slyly. Klein had always felt like Shinai sort of judged him for having had sex with Bridges. The weasel liked making jokes at both their expense over it, and had for a long time. Well... Good luck making those jokes now, Klein thought as he returned the otter's toothy grin to him playfully. "You heard *nothing*! Sh... Shut up...!" Shinai covered his mouth with his hands shamefully, but it was already too late for him to take it back. At the moment of truth, in the throes of climax, his feelings had shown through.
Determined not to leave things like this, the weasel hurriedly grabbed Bridges' hips in front of him to start lifting and lowering the otter's pelvis faster and faster on top of the skunk's crotch while also going back to thrusting in and out of Klein's depths at an ever-increasing pace. Maybe getting off would shut him up, Shinai scoffed inwardly as he humped the skunk so hard, fast and deep that short, helpless yelps were all that could escape from Klein's throat, rather than the sharp, tongue-in-cheek remarks that the weasel knew that he would have been hearing if the skunk could have had it together enough to have articulated any coherent words. Klein thought he should put Shinai in the position of having to hump him quiet more often.
The skunk, feeling his body getting ready for his second shot as well, barely managed to go back to thrusting in and out of the otter's rump a few times himself in spite of the weasel's vigorous pounding before the combined stimulation of the friction of Bridges' entrance around his penis and Shinai's shaft poking his prostate forced him right across his threshold. "Oh, I'm COMING...!" Klein cried out, still playing with the otter's junk over his crotch while he felt himself squirting spurt after spurt of his musky semen right into Bridges' anus. "And you didn't even ask for permission, tsk, tsk, tsk," said the weasel, trying to come across as way more confident than he really felt. "S-sorry, sir," the skunk apologized breathlessly.
Shinai pulled out of Klein, the otter got up off the skunk's crotch, and all three stood back up panting. Since they'd built up more energy than normal from so much more buildup than usual, they felt about as drained as they normally would have after their first orgasm of the day, but they'd still worked up quite a sweat. This was every bit as much of a workout as an evening they'd have spent in the ring sparring against each other, that much was for certain. "Ooh, that was so much fun I want to do it again let's do it again!" Bridges jumped up and down laughing like he'd just stepped out of his favorite ride at an amusement park, which in some ways was true. "Are you serious?" Klein turned to him, not sure whether he was kidding or not.
"Well..." The otter scratched the back of his head, seeming almost embarrassed by his outburst. "It's not up to me whether we do or not," he looked at the weasel meaningfully, determined to make sure that Shinai still knew that he was still the one who was supposed to be in charge of them for the rest of the evening. "I just meant I'd be up for it if you guys are," he chirped with his trademark friendliness. "Do you..." The weasel had to stop to catch his breath. "Do *you* think you still have a third shot in you, Klein?" The skunk put his hand over his mouth in thought. His body vaguely protested, but he was in that liminal state where he felt like it could still somehow be tricked into coming again, if he only cajoled it just the right way.
"Sure, why not! In for a penny, in for a pound," Klein chuckled to himself about the double meaning of the word 'pound.' Shinai groaned. He'd hoped that one of the other two would show weakness first to spare him from having to force his body through round three. What if they both came and he couldn't make himself come again? Surely there would've been something vaguely emasculating about such a thing. But how could he make sure that his body would cooperate with what he would want it to do? "Very well, then... Bridges?" Bridges tilted his head at the weasel. "Yes, sir?" Shinai pointed to the kitchen. "Some water, please." Please! The skunk had to admit that the weasel was being a lot more civil than he'd expected after all.
After Bridges had dashed off back to the kitchen to come back with their water bottles and pass them around, making sure to take off their lids for the other two as a gesture of submission, they all gulped down almost half of their bottle in one go before giving them back to the otter so that he could go put them back in the fridge, ensuring they'd be cold later on. "All right..." Wiping his mouth, feeling the cold water refresh his brain enough for it to work as well as he wanted it to, Shinai finally managed to make an idea appear in his mind. It wasn't his favorite one, but he had to be able to make absolutely sure that he'd come, even though he just already had twice. He had to keep up. And it wouldn't be the worst thing he'd confessed...
"Okay, first of all... You guys have to promise to never make fun of me for asking this. Ever. Even after this evening will be over, the deal will be a thing of the past, and you two will go back to being the two carefree gents you've always been... This part has to still hold, no matter what. Do you promise?" Both nodded. "Yes, sir!" they saluted in unison. "Okay... Uh, Klein?" The weasel looked down, holding his hand behind his back while making circles on the floor with his toes. If they'd been assholes, they could have used that to question his authority, but they were much more in the mood to learn what he wanted them to do instead. "Could you... Could you rim me and top me? If you want?" The surprise on Klein's face was palpable.
"Why would we make fun of you for wanting that? We both bottom!" In all their time together, Shinai had always been a top. He'd never admitted to the skunk that he'd enjoyed anal stimulation of any kind. "Well, it's just... sometimes, when a man likes having something... back there, people start talking. People see them differently. Even if they're gay, sometimes they... they see you as less of a man, you know?" The weasel blushed just as he had earlier, but Klein knew far better than to show any sign of amusement the way he had when Shinai had accidentally shouted out Bridges' name while he'd ejaculated earlier. This wasn't a joke, this was serious business. "We won't tell. We'd never think that. Don't worry about stuff like that."
It was something he'd started out believing himself. It was difficult for him to get over.
The weasel was just looking forward to this conversation being over and done with by then. "Look, do you want to do it or not? Because it's okay if you don't, I'd just..." He seemed so contrite. The skunk put his hand on Shinai's shoulder and looked him in the face. "It'd be an honor to fuck you... sir," Klein smiled. Without missing a beat, the weasel turned around to go down on his hands and knees facing away from the skunk, lifting his tail and closing his eyes, terrified of what he was about to allow his fuck buddy to do to him in front of witnesses. In a different world where things meant different things than they did in ours, Shinai would've been a switch. Unable to set his pride aside to trust, his craving for cock had intensified to a boil.
The weasel groaned like a thirsty man in the desert being handed water when Klein started getting to work on his rear with his tongue, licking it, flicking his tongue across it, circling it, even pushing its tip into Shinai's entrance a bit. "Oh, that feels so good!" He really sounded like he was speaking from the heart, that much was for certain. The skunk had to be careful not to get hit in the face by the weasel's tail as it wagged happily behind him while Klein ate his ass like cake. Intimating the skunk to stop for then, Shinai laid down on his back in front of Klein to raise and spread his legs around the skunk's body while Klein knelt in front of him, putting the weasel's feet on his shoulders and pushing his knees forward around Shinai's hips.
"Well... Here goes nothing," said the skunk, holding his boner to guide it carefully forward under the weasel's balls as the otter looked on, fascinated. He could never have lasted that long without cock! For him, it was like trying to imagine someone somehow getting through the day without needing to breathe. Which he guessed his previous boyfriend didn't! He just didn't think about it often. "Hah..." Klein paused after having pushed just his tip in, waiting before entering Shinai slower than he'd entered Bridges earlier that night by far to give the weasel's rump a chance to have enough time to adjust to this new visitor that it was now being asked to accommodate even though it wasn't used to such things at all. It was different.
"Is that good, sir?" Shinai nodded, wincing but undeterred. "D-deeper, boy," he insisted. "Your wish is my command, sir," the skunk said, seriously for once. Sliding further and further in cautiously, he kept going deeper and deeper into the weasel, paying very close attention to every twitch, to every sound that his new bottom made, determined not to hurt Shinai's sensitive rectum with his penis at all costs as he did. Eventually he'd finally gone in as far as he could go, hilting the weasel, stopping without moving as Klein already felt Shinai's prostate twitching inside him from having had the skunk's glans pressing against it. Klein motioned to wrap his fingers around the weasel's dick. "May I, sir?" Shinai nodded. It was a good idea.
The skunk started by stroking the weasel's erection lovingly, Shinai's depths sending warm, fuzzy chemical rippling through his metabolism telling his entire body that being fucked in the butt was good, the best thing in the world, that there was nothing wrong with it at all, that its rewards outweighed its costs by so much that they were comparatively meaningless. So long had passed since the first few times he'd fingered himself in shame, eyeing dildos, eyeing his lovers' lengths wondering how they'd feel if they'd been inside him every time, that the one advantage he couldn't help noticing to his current predicament was that his tailhole had spent all that time getting more and more sensitive, so that the lightest touch made its heart leap.
"Ohh my GOD, that's AMAZING! Hah..." Klein started slowly thrusting in and out of the weasel's entrance, encouraged by the signs that he was getting to do so. "H-holy sh-shit...!" Shinai's hands pressed against the floor on his sides with all his might, almost afraid that he'd accidentally take flight if he didn't hold on to *something*. "Is, is this what you g-guys feel like... every time?" the weasel rasped. "It's pretty awesome, yeah!" Bridges gave him a thumbs up, his hardon leaking even more pre as he watched, enraptured. "Hey, Bridges?" the skunk asked him, motioning to the floor behind him with his head as he humped. At first the otter was just confused by this. "A little help...?" Klein grinned suggestively. "Oh... Oh!" Bridges gasped.
"But we've never..." The otter had always felt like too much of a bottom to top the skunk himself. It was something he'd always felt curious about, but he'd never had enough confidence to try. He'd always worried that he'd be clumsy, that he'd accidentally damage a guy's fragile entrance with his clumsiness, and that such pleasures were reserved for those with better control over their own bodies than he'd ever have. Now that he was being encouraged by seeing Shinai trying something new in front of him for the first time and by having Klein asking him directly, his pulse quickened, and he found himself unable to say no to temptation, surrendering to it as he knelt behind the skunk to press his tip against Klein's pucker.
"AH!" The pleasure that flooded his senses as he pushed his shaft forward under the slowly humping skunk's tail in front of him was almost too much to bear. "Oh MAN...!" Bridges shook his head, biting his lip with his eyes closed as he wondered how he'd lived his whole life without having ever done something that had been right there for him the whole time and that apparently felt so ridiculously good that he couldn't have found the right words to do it justice if he'd looked for them a million years. "You're *tight*," he chuckled, surprised that Klein's rump wouldn't have been looser from having been humped by the weasel's member so many times that night already, but nice and slick from both loads of cum that had been spurted in it.
"Well," the skunk grinned as Shinai kept moaning in front of him from his ongoing thrusting while Klein turned his head around over his shoulder to address the otter behind him, "I do a lot of Kegels," he winked. He didn't, but it seemed like the right thing to say. Bridges started by humping the skunk slowly as well, trying to time his thrusts forward so they'd coincide with Klein's pull backs from the weasel and his pull backs so they'd coincide with the skunk's thrusts forward into Shinai, but it was harder than it looked in porn, and he kept almost slipping out. Eventually he decided to mostly stay still and to let Klein move back on his length as the skunk humped the weasel's anus in front of him, which proved easier.
"Is this how *you* guys feel all the time?" he asked them. His bottom nodded.
"Hey f-fuckface, why don't you pull out of him and come stand next to me for a second?" The otter bit back a disappointed groan to be pulled away from this fresh new experience that had thrilled him so, but obeyed, pulling out of Klein to go stand next to Shinai and look down, puzzled as to what the weasel could possibly have wanted him to do. "Pee on me, Bridges... Mark me like a tree, fun boy," the weasel begged, tugging on the leash that Bridges still wore around his neck to show that he was still maintaining control of the situation as he did. "Yes, sir! Right away, sir," the weasel answered, angling his boner down carefully, emptying his mind to a kind of Zen state which made emptying his bladder on Shinai easier.
"OH!" Being covered in the otter's urine proved an incredible turn on for the weasel, the smell intoxicating, the mind-bendingly bitter taste as some of it flowed down into his open maw forcing his entire body to recoil in a way that got redirected right into arousal, even getting him high from the weed they'd had earlier having been filtered through Bridges' bladder. "Ah, I'm not gonna last much longer, Klein..." Shinai admitted as the otter hurriedly ran back to kneel back down behind the skunk to re-enter him eagerly. "In that case..." The weasel's eyes widened when he felt Klein start peeing right in his rear without having asked. Shinai had said they had to ask him before coming... not before peeing. The skunk loved finding loopholes.
Back to fucking Klein doggystyle, Bridges started licking the weasel's feet on the skunk's shoulders in front of him. "Oh F-FUUUUCK!" Rope after thick rope of ejaculate sprang out of Shinai's slit as Klein felt the weasel's rectum contracting around his erection wildly while the skunk also felt Shinai's shaft twitching in his hand every time another wad of the weasel's load came erupting out of Shinai's urethra like some kind of wonderful volcano. The increased friction of the weasel's entrance squeezing his member so firmly combined with the otter's increasingly fast thrusting in and out between Klein's butt cheeks made it clear to the skunk that his time was almost up. He just had to make sure to remember to do one last thing first.
"Can I come, s-sir...?" he pleaded plaintively. "Come in me, Klein!" Klein didn't know whether or not he'd have been able to hold back by that point even if he hadn't been given permission to do so, but he didn't want to overstep his bounds yet again. Fortunately for him, it looked like he wasn't going to have to find out after all. "Oh, I'm going to!" The skunk bent over forward over Shinai's body to put his hands on the ground around the weasel's head and kiss him, still tasting the otter's pee on Shinai's lips. "Come in my ass, yeah!" The weasel's legs bent back around Klein's sides as the skunk finally went over the edge. "Ohh YYEEEAAAAHHHHH...!" Shinai wrapped his arms around Klein's body to hold him close as the skunk spurted into him.
"I'm almost there, sir!" Klein's anal contractions while he'd just ejaculated had done a number on Bridges' length and he knew that, even if he'd slowed his thrusting down to a crawl by that point, he wasn't going to be able to last for another thirty seconds. "Give it to him good, buddy!" The skunk had stopped his thrusting while his last few drops still oozed out of his slit into the weasel's depths under him, so the otter took full control of the pace of thrusting, moving in and out of Klein's tailhole faster and faster like a speeding train hurtling down a mountainside. Bridges mounted the skunk ferociously, growling through gritted teeth, hands gripping Klein's cheeks so hard it was going to leave a mark. He felt like a fierce, wild animal.
'What beast had the weasel unleashed?' the otter grinned toothily to himself as he hovered on the brink. Now that he knew that he could just do this, he'd want to do it all the time! "Awwww YEAH...!" Bridges just kept humping harder and harder into the skunk's rear right after he'd reached his emission phase, his heart beating faster at the exciting thought that for every thrust he'd keep making even after it had already become inevitable by then, the better his peak was going to be when he'd finally reach it. "Oh wow, oh man, oh yeah, oh fuck...!" Klein grinned inwardly, noticing that each exclamation coincided in perfect sync with the timing of each new squirt that the otter's pulsating dick shoved under his striped tail.
It was almost... cute. Bridges was *cute*. And he really *was* a nice guy, wasn't he?
The otter panted exhaustedly as he collapsed forward on top of the skunk's body in front of him, Klein acting as the only dividing line between the yin and yang of the other two, whichever one each of them was even supposed to be by that point, like the lines that separated the black and white on his back, the only border between order and chaos. With that, Bridges pulled out of the skunk, Klein pulled out Shinai, and all three of them got up to finally clean themselves up, which proved a momentous task, but had totally been worth it. As he'd agreed, the otter ended up doing the vast majority of the cleaning while the weasel watched him from his chair, also Bridges' fetish. Shinai tried not to stare at his ass too much.
After they'd dressed themselves back up, they actually went in for a parting group hug, even though the weasel tried to dress it up in sort of a 'go team' kind of way. "I wasn't kidding about hanging out," he mock-punched the otter's shoulder. "Thanks," he smiled back, "I'll take you up on that sometime." Shinai and the skunk went out in front of the weasel's apartment door to wave at Bridges goodbye while he walked away into the city streets. "Shinai..." Klein started as soon as the otter was out of earshot. "Yes?" Shinai turned to him, arm in arm. "I love you, Shinai." The weasel replied in a gentle tone. "I know." Gentle, but firm. "I don't, Klein." The skunk nodded calmly, unsurprised. "I know. And you can't help the way you feel, either."
Shinai turned toward him, worried that Klein's feelings had been hurt by what he'd said, to put his other hand on the skunk's shoulder and look him in the eye. "I mean, I *like* you, I do!" Klein shook his head. "No, no, I understand... It wasn't fair for me to put that on you. I get why you resented me letting Bridges get away with everything, when I kept telling you that you have a choice that you feel like you don't have." They saw each other every week, they kissed, they had sex, they shared living accommodations most of the time - they'd have seemed like boyfriends for a lot of people. But the weasel didn't want them to be boyfriends. He wouldn't change his whole life plans around the skunk. They were just too important to him. That was all.
"Thanks." That didn't mean that Shinai didn't want to spend as much of the time he had before he'd enlist around Klein. "Hey, when I go, Klein... I'm coming back, you know?" The skunk shook his head. "You can't make a promise like that." The weasel looked at him seriously. "I just did." Klein sighed. He needed to stretch his legs and get some air to clear his head. "Wanna go for a walk and talk, Shinai?" Shinai nodded. The otter was a speck on the horizon. "Sure, just let me get my..." A look of consternation shifted to pure searing rage all over the weasel's face. "My KEY! That fucking bastard took my key! Now I can't lock my door. How the hell did he even *do* that?! We didn't take our eyes off him the whole time! GET HIM, KLEIN!"
The skunk ran off like a lightning bolt while Shinai had to wait behind to guard his unlocked door, hoping against hope that he'd be able to catch Bridges before the otter would have already given it away to a passing stranger without noticing himself, redistributing everything unselfconsciously around him as he sang to himself like a storm in the night...