What is Love to a Mouse?

Story by PixelsWithFur on SoFurry

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Patti returns with more perverted escapades, but things get a little dicier as she hits on an 18yo.

Note: All characters belong to me.

Geno curiously looked at Pat's photograph, wondering why she is living with her best friend. "It feels weird that Dad helped out that poor mouse," he quietly said to himself. Patti, who overheard Geno's mumbling from the dining area, came in to check on him. "Geno? Is there anything you may need," she asked. Geno slowly nodded as she hugged him a bit. "Yes, Patti; I'm not ready for dating, so I thought you could help," he said. Pat blushed as he hugged her. "Of course, kiddo; your Dad wants happiness in your life," she said. Geno felt a bit embarrassed as the mouse began tightening her hug; his face felt her large breasts, whose fur helped make this comfortable. "Pat-" he quietly muttered to her. Pat's blush intensified as she watched him grab part of her breasts. "Go on; touch as much of them as you please," she teased. Geno got his head out of the cleavage and looked with rosy cheeks and love. "Patti; you would allow me to handle your soft boobs," he asked. Patti slightly giggled at the nervousness she was sensing.

"Ya know, it's like father, like son," she playfully teased to him. Geno anxiously placed his right hand on her breast, studying its softness. "Aren't these pretty sensitive," he asked. Patti shook her head, implying they weren't very sensitive. "Nah, kid; these love to be groped by cute guys," she said. Geno watched his friend undressing her top a bit, infatuated by her gorgeous body full of white fur. "Don't you think my Mom will be mad at you if she saw us like this," he asked. Patti's lips curved to a more devilish facial expression. "To be fair, you are already 18, so don't feel bad about romantic thoughts for me," she said. Geno sighed at the persistent mouse, who obviously wanted to be satisfied. "Patti, you don't have to do this," he clarified. Patti quietly groaned as Geno stopped fondling her breasts. "I'll be whatever role you would prefer," she said. Geno's blush got vivider as he hugged his friend. "Thank you, but-" he paused as Patti looked excited. "Don't be shy; I'm a bad girl," she teased.

Geno continued fondling the mouse's breasts as he began swallowing his pride. "How bad are you," he quietly whispered to her. Patti quietly squeaked as his hands pinched her erecting nipples a bit. "Ah! That's the spot," she groaned as her clitoris hardened for more. Geno overheard her squeaks of joy and moderate panting, triggering an old instinct deep in his intelligent brain. "Feel like doggy-style, too," he asked. Patti heavily blushed as she eagerly got her panties off for him. "Yes; I want to mate on a big love couch," she said while gesturing him with a paw. Geno tried carrying her to the love couch both of them saw. "What's with the persistence from Dad's housemaid," he thought. Patti presented a durable condom for him to use, thanks to her skirt's convenient pockets. "You should suit up," she said. Geno understood why he should suit up for this. "If I got caught impregnating Dad's maid...-" Geno tried applying the contraceptive, but found it hard to do. "Patti, care to help," he inquired. Patti awkwardly looked at the teen.

"Gean, do you know how to put on a contraceptive," she asked. Geno horizontally shook his head at Patti's genuine question. "No, not at all," he said. Patti heavily groaned from irritation as she looked at his bulging erection. "First, let it breathe," she said. Geno obediently got his penis through his under-garment's fly. "Uh, all right then," he said. Patti saw the erection's size that was a bit underwhelming, considering the various sizes she saw from Mark. "Do you like fun things as well," she asked. Geno slowly nodded as he watched Patti lick his erection a bit. "Yeah, I'll love this," he said as Patti tried fondling his balls. The mouse looked up to look in his eyes, wondering if a blowjob will work. "Fellatio," she asked. Geno nodded at the opportunity as Patti continued to stimulate his penis. "Sure, be my guest," he said. Patti's devilish facial expression came back as she sucked his rock-hard erection. "Mmm, mmm, mmm! I think I like his cock's taste," she thought. Geno quietly moaned as Patti orally pleased his cock.

"Darn it! I wish my penis was not so sensitive," he groaned. Patti overheard this and stopped to delay his orgasm. She used her saliva as lube for the condom as she then put it on. "I'm sorry for delaying that load, although I am confident you're completely erect," she said. Geno watched Patti presenting her hindquarters as she stretched her delicate buttocks for exposing her ass and pussy. Instinctively, he put his erection into her moist slit. Patti squeaked from shock and excitement as Geno's erection was already close to her G-spot. "You seem bigger than you were earlier," she said. Geno pinned her to the family love couch as they continued mating. "I think I've grown just a bit," he said. Patti moaned as his erection hit her sensitive G-spot. "Mmmmm~" she groaned as she had a squirting orgasm. Geno felt his crotch get sweatier and moist from her vaginal fluids and his sweat. "Don't you just love good old doggy-style," he asked. Patti happily squeaked to say yes. "Good," Geno responded.

Patti's paws gripped the arm rest as she felt his cock orgasm. "Oh God! I feel my muscles tightening on his dick," she thought. After his ejaculation, Geno looked at the submissive rodent. "Thanks for the sex; I could use more of it," he said as he dried up his crotch. Patti's legs were quivering as he ceased the pin. "How did you become much manlier, kid," she asked. "I thought your anxiety got the best of you, but it seems I was wrong." Geno understood why Patti was curious, but he knew some things have been remaining inexplicable. "I think my instinctive nature kicked in," he said. Patti blushed with excitement at him. "Whatever that was, Genie, I loved it," she teased.

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