After the Fall

Story by dr54ui on SoFurry

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'When Jonathan loses his wife from a sickness, he has been falling in his own pain and despair. That is until his late wife's best friend, catches him from his fall.'

Alright everyone, this is my VERY first anthro story I've even written and posted on here! I hope everyone here enjoys it.

As for my warning for anyone under the legal age, tap that back button or your momma will find you reading this and ground you for a lifetime!


On a night in New York City, a wolf stands on top of an apartment building while the cars are honking down below the city streets. That wolfs name is Jonathan, or Jon for short. He stands about 6 feet tall, has grey fur, hazel eyes, and as of right now he's wearing white pajamas with slippers on, since he was sleeping before and just got up from bed to come up there. He was standing near the edge of the rooftop, with a very depressed look on his furred face. He took a tentative step toward the ledge and then another. Feeling hesitant to do it. He let out a chocked sob, as his eyes and fur were matted with tears. He let out a trembling breath.

He doesn't want to do it, but...He wants to. He can't take the pain anymore. Can't take the loneliness anymore. Can't take the memory of her death anymore.

He made his way to the ledge and planted both his feet on it, looking down at the street and saw it's a long way down. If he fell off, he'll die. His legs were wobbling with fright at how high he was, but Jon held his ground and remained still. He didn't want to back down from this.

He wanted to die.

And he thinks this is the best way to end his life.

Jonathan was taking a deep breath and letting it out, as the car horns down below were still heard with his pointed ears. His tail was tucked between his legs and his ears flattened on his head. He was trying to lift his foot off the ledge to take one step forward and fall off, but he pulled his foot back and planted it beside his other one. His second thoughts stopping him again. Now his memories were coming at him. Memories about his wife, Sheena.

She was a wolf like him, only with those green eyes and long brown hair. He remembered that she always had a cute smile on her muzzle and had a perfect personality. She was a nice girl, never had a argument with him at all, while she was alive. They were married for six years, had a good marriage at that. He always remembered holding her in bed, after they watch their favorite romantic movie of theirs. Well, actually it was Sheena's favorite movie to watch, before she met her beloved husband. And when he watched it with her one day, he fell in love with it. Like he fell in love with her.

But all the good times they had pretty much changed, one year ago, when Sheena was suffering from leukemia, much to the shock and sadness of Jonathan. He wanted to help her, but the doctors that were treating her, said they could do nothing to help her. They said that it was too late to help her. Sheena has been sick...Until she finally passed away. Jonathan was devastated and he was depressed that his one true love is now gone forever.

Jonathan shut his eyes tight as those memories were making his heart crack like it has done more than once. He always tried his best to let her go, but he can't. She keeps appearing in his mind. Her face and smile. He even tries to not look at the photos of him and her on the table back in his apartment room, but he can't help but look at them. Every time he does, it's like he keeps seeing a ghost. A ghost of his late wife staring back at him with a haunting smile in one photo. His heart cracked again and he clutched at his chest with his arms. No one in his family knew what pain really was...Except for him. And he can't take it anymore.

He wants to end his life and he wants to do it now.

He loves his wife...He always had. And...He wants her back.

And the only way he'll end this pain and have her back...Is to die.

Jon opened his eyes and unclutched his chest, standing tall above the street, not afraid to do it anymore. He's going to do it.

And with that small amount of courage, he slowly lifted the same foot off the ledge and hovered it over the air, ready to take another step with his other foot. He spread out his arms, like he was getting ready to fly.

But before he could jump off the building and commit suicide, he heard a female voice behind him, "Jon, Stop!" The wolf let out a gasp and pulled his foot back toward the roof and he looked over his shoulder to see a fox emerged from the rooftop doorway. Her fur is orange and white. She was wearing a plain white shirt and tight blue jeans, has a slim figure, fluffy tail behind her, blue eyes and has long blonde hair that's almost close to her shoulders.

Jonathan knew this fox. Her name's Kate and she used to be best friends with his wife, before she died. They knew each other since high school, and while he and Sheena were living in their apartment room, Kate was their neighbor and lives in the same building. All three of them did hang together, whenever they got the chance. Ever since his wife died, Kate always did her best to keep an eye on him and keep him company. Course, Jon thinks there's nothing she can do to help him. He always put on a happy face for her, because she didn't want her to worry about him, but in reality, he's not happy at all. And now she has found him, ready to kill himself. And she's shocked and surprised at the scene.

Kate's ears perked straight up and she was shaking her head at him in fear and desperation, "Jon, don't do it!"

Jonathan however, really made up his mind and shook his head back at the beautiful fox, "Don't try to stop me, Kate."

Kate made several paces up to him in a fast fashion, and he shouted at her with a growl across his muzzle, "Stay back!"

Kate shot a glare at him and shouted, "Are you crazy?! I can't stay back! I'm your friend! You think I'm just going to stand here and let you die?!"

He was screaming at her, "I'm not crazy! I'm done with everything!"

She found herself having a confused look upon her eyes, "Done? What do you mean you're done?" She was shaking her head and renamed her question, "I mean, WHY are you done with everything?"

He hung his eyes and looked down at the floor, one big part of him was telling him to stop talking and just jump.

Kate's voice brought him back from his thoughts and she said it when she figured out why, "Sheena, wouldn't want you to do it."

Jonathan shook his head, "Kate...Please don't talk me out of this. I can't...Take this anymore."

Kate had a worried look now, "I can't believe you would even think about doing it. I thought you were doing alright, but...I was wrong. You're not alright." She held out her hand for him, "Take my hand. Let me get you some help."

The male wolf turned his head to stare down at the street again, not accepting her hand, "I...I can't."


He was about to choke on a sob and blurted it out, "What's the point? What's the point in just living anymore? I can take it anymore, Kate. She's dead, and she's not going to come back. She was the only girl I have ever loved. I've tried...To let her go. I've tried. I tried and tried. I have tried to move on, but...I can't get her out of my head. I...I want to be with her. I love her."

She lowered her hand to her side and asked, "But do you think that she would want you to do this? I certainly don't want you to do it." She made one step closer to him, "Jon, I know you loved her and you didn't want her to die. But still...You think killing yourself is worth it? No, it's not. Your life's still worth it."

Jonathan turned his head to her, his eyes filled with tears. He looked straight into her eyes and Kate went on, "Everyone's sad still about Kate, I'M sad about Kate being gone too. But none of us don't want to jump off a damn building. What's the point in that? There isn't any point to killing ourselves, it just brings more misery to everyone you love. You still have family, Jon, and they wouldn't want you to do this, just like me. I'm your friend and I always have been. I don't want to lose you too."

She was holding out her hand to him once more, "Jon, take my hand and I'll take you to my room and let you stay there for tonight. Then let me take you to a therapist and get you help. You need this, Jon. Please...Don't jump. Don't do this. Sheena doesn't want you to die, she wants you to go on with your life. If you don't want to do this for me, then do this for her. Jonathan, please." She was giving him a pleading face, "Please...." She trailed off, running out of words to say to him and her eyes were filled with worry and fear. Worried for the safety and life of her neighbor and friend. Worried that she'll lose him, like she's lost Sheena.

Jonathan stared at her outstretched hand, his tears falling down his face now. His muzzle let out a sob and he was staring at her for several moments. Until finally, he slowly raised his own hand, it was shaking a bit when he was reaching out to her. He firmly grabbed her hand and she smiled at his choice. She smoothly pulled him off the ledge and right in front of her. She still had that proud smile on her face when she commented, with her other hand patting his shoulder, "You made a good choice. I know that she'll say the same thing."

He looked into her eyes and then he turned away from her gaze, he sniffed his nose, "I...I wish she wasn't sick. I...I wish she wasn't gone."

Kate nodded at that, "I know how you feel, believe me. But you shouldn't do it. We all have to go on. She would've wanted us too."

He shook his head at himself, "But it wasn't supposed to be this way. I...Miss her smile."

The beautiful vixen wrapped her arms around him for a hug and kissed his cheek, and laying her head on his shoulder, "Me too, Jon....Me too." Then Jon was sent over the edge, like he was over the edge of the rooftop. He began to cry into loud sobs as he hugged her back. More tighter than she is. He was crying into her neck fur in so many choked up sobs. Kate was breaking down in tears too, not sobbing loud like he was. She was feeling pity for him, like she has felt pity for him before. But seeing him what he was about to do, made her feel more bad for him.

They were both in each other's embrace, the small wind from the sky blew at their clothes and fur. It was a bit chilled, but it didn't break their embrace. They both continued to cry.


Six Months Later

Jonathan walked through the lobby and started using the stairs to reach the third floor of the apartment building he's living in. Already finished with another section with his therapist. He was wearing a jean jacket along with a pair of jeans. He was feeling good, since he was starting to complete his process. While he was taking one step at a time upstairs, his thoughts went back to the night on the roof. About Kate.

It has been six months since he tried to kill himself, and Kate saved his life. Kate really has saved his life in more ways than one and he was glad she did save his life to begin with. Every time he was done with his therapy section, Kate was always with him, keeping him some company when she has the free time she needed. He can't really get enough of that fox. Not at all. From he can remember before, he never talked to Kate alone all that much while his wife as still alive. He really missed out a lot coming from her. He chuckled to himself. It was no wonder to him that his wife liked hanging with the girl back in high school and liked her living in the same building as they are. She has a great personality.

Before Jon could make another step, he stopped himself when he was thinking about her. A great personality...Like his wife. She was kind and caring, and she held onto him when he was crying that night. Those are the same qualities that Sheena had. Course, Sheena was a wolf and Kate's a fox, but they can be alike. It really was a no wonder to him, why he liked being with Kate right now.

He shyly was rubbing the back of his neck, letting out a sigh. He was starting to have an idea. Kate suggested to him that he should get out more, find another girl to go out with. At least, make a big statement that he can find love again. That he can marry someone else and...Perhaps start a family someday.

He was chuckling again at the thought of starting a family. He and Sheena have talked about having kids together, but they never had a chance to do so. It was pretty much because they were afraid they would have a hard time to raise a kid, because of their jobs. But...He wished he had tried it. He wished he had a kid of his own.

Now his thoughts were on finding a new girlfriend and possibly future wife. Honestly, at first, he was feeling hesitant about trying to find another girlfriend. It was because he hasn't tried to go out with another girl, since he was married and since his wife died. But despite that, he did try to look for someone. One time, Kate actually has set him up with a blind date, but it didn't work out pretty well. They had different interests and couldn't make it work. He even found a female wolf with flowing red hair and those yellow eyes in the diner he goes to every once in a while. But when he asked her out, she basically declined. Saying that she's not in the mood for having boyfriends.

He has tried, but those attempts were getting him nowhere. He was having a bit of a tough time trying to find a new girlfriend.

But now with him standing on the stairs, rubbing his neck, his idea was to ask this certain girl out who lives in the same apartment building. And his stomach was starting to have butterflies just thinking about her. Honestly, it wasn't the first time he was having butterflies when he was thinking about this certain girl. He couldn't believe it. He thought he'd considered her as a friend. But lately when he was thinking about it, there wasn't any point in denying it. He was starting to like her.

His idea...Was to ask Kate out.

He didn't see why it was such a bad thing, maybe he was just feeling nervous about it. Or he just thought that it was a bit awkward. Because she was his wife's best friend and she had become his. He's thinking that Kate would only like him as her friend. That they're both just friend material, nothing more than that. He had to admit though, he did find her rather beautiful. And when he's thinking about it...He feels like he wanted to ask her out. At least try. At least try to ask her out just this once, and when she says no, he'll live with it and nothing would come between them. But if she says yes, that'll be alright too. After all, that's what Sheena would want him to do.

Maybe Kate will accept his offer. He just has to find her and ask her out.

He was starting to smile now and he resumed his pace to walk up the stairs. He made it to his floor and made his trek in the hallway, reaching for his key to his room. Before he could walk any further, he can see Kate about to enter her room down the hall. His tail wagged behind him when he beamed. His heart was pounding at the sight of her. Jon was strolling up past his room door, to Kate. Seeing that this is his chance to ask the vixen out. Before he was ever close to her, he was staring at her fluffy tail and her butt. His eyes were just staring at her. He never did that before, but looking at her bottom was making him...Blush.

The red faced wolf shook his head from staring at her. There was no time for staring, he has to ask the damn fox out! Jonathan raised his hand and waved as he made his way to her, "Hey wait!"

Kate was reaching for her room key when she heard his voice. She was wearing a pink blouse and wearing black pajama pants. She smiled as he made it to her, "Jon! Hi there. I figured your another section was over with by now. How did it go?"

He was grinning at her, "Oh, it went ok. Talking to Dr. Carla is always a pleasure."

Kate was grinning mischievously at him, "Funny, when you say something about pleasure, you sound like you're liking her." She winked at him and added, "I don't think she'll go out with her patient. It's pretty much against the rules for a therapist to start a relationship with a-"

Jonathan was laughing and waved her off, "Please, I like her, but not that much. Besides...She's not even my type anyways. I'm not into badgers."

The pretty fox chuckled, raised a brow, and lowering her tail behind her, "Wow, and I'm wondering how your therapist will take that?"

He shrugged his arms and shoulders, "Not well, I guess." He crossed his arms across his chest and remarked, "So what are you doing?"

Kate responded when she thumbed back at the room at the end of the hall, "Oh, I was helping Mr. Murdock today. You know how that old dude is. He always asks for my help and I don't decline to help."

Jon tilted his head, "Why? What happened?"

Kate said, "Since he can't bend over like he used to, he wanted me to help him find his remote for this TV. That was all, didn't even take very long at all."

Jonathan hummed, "Hmm, I think he needs to have a daily nurse checking on him, since he's getting so old now. That way he wouldn't have to keep asking you for help. Or perhaps he needs to live in a nursing home."

Her eyes widened at the thought of a nursing home, "No way! Then I won't see that sweet old dog ever again!"

He uncrossed his arms and shrugged, "Well ok, nursing home's out of the picture. It was just a suggestion."

Kate changed the subject, when she waved her hand at the door, "So...Do you want to come in? I'm planning to make chicken salad for the evening."

He smiled at the idea, "That sounds great." But then the reason why he came up to her, shot up in his mind. He remembered that reason and he made a bit of a shy step towards her. He was even having a shy look on his face too, "Look um....I want to ask you something. And...I'm going to ask you this question."

She looked a bit curious, "Oh? Ok, what is it?"

He took a deep breath and stuttered, "Well...Look, I know that we've been friends for a while now. And...I did appreciate all the company and help you gave me. And of course...I was trying to...Find a new girlfriend. But I was just...Wondering..." His stuttering was making it harder for him to ask the question and he was blushing again, "Do you....Uh...Do you..."

She laughed and pressed him, "Well don't keep me in suspense, you silly pup. Ask away. I don't see why you're acting so nervous." She put her hand to her chest, "Jon, you know you can ask me anything. Just ask me what's on your mind." She was giving him a reassured, comforting smile.

That smile of hers was making him more confident and less nervous. He finally built the guts and asked her the question he wanted to ask, "Do you want to go out sometime?" He waved his hand to her and back to him, "You know...Go out with me?"

That question appeared to have surprised her. Like she had never expected to hear that from him. Jon seeing her expression, was making him worried that he was making her feel awkward now. Wondering if it was a good idea after all.

That is until she regained her composure and smiled again after a moment of silence was shared between them, "...Yes...I'd love to." He can see that she's blushing too, "We can go out tomorrow night, if you want."

That made Jonathan a lot better hearing her accept his offer. He nodded and smiled back, "Sure, I'll meet you here tomorrow night." She nodded as well and turned to her door, unlocked it with her key and went inside, making sure to give him a wave goodbye before closing her door.

Jon was standing in the hallway, impressed at how it turned out. It was better than he thought. He was wagging his tail in excitement. He was excited for that date and can't wait.


Jonathan and Kate are sharing a stroll together on the street, wearing jackets around their bodies, since it's a cold night. On what they wanted to do on their date for tonight, they both agreed to grab a bite to eat. And the place they've went to was the diner several blocks away from their apartment. To Jon's amusement, the date's going quite well. So after they ate, now they're having a stroll together back home. He smiled as she was walking beside the handsome wolf. He still can't believe this is happening and it's going well. He's thinking, why didn't he ask her out sooner? He realized he should've done so earlier, instead of wasting time trying to find someone else to go out with. He looked down to his side and saw that she's holding hands with him. Which drew a bigger smile from him. His tail wagging behind him.

Kate began to feel that he's watching her, so she turned her head with her ears perked, and smirked at him, "What? Do I have something in my fur? I don't like having crumbs stuck to me you know!"

Jonathan laughed at that and shook his head with a wave of his hand, "Nah, it's nothing. I'm just...Happy that we're out and about together...On a date."

Kate's face went wide and she blushed a bit at that, "Really surprised, huh?" Then she noticed that his tail's wagging and she chuckled deep in her throat, and pointed with her other hand, "Oh, I see that you're really happy. Your tail's wagging!"

He looked over his shoulder and saw his own tail stopped doing its thing and lowered it down a bit, "Yeah."

She said, "I have to say, since you've been going to therapy, and we're strolling right now, you have been the most happiest wolf in the city. I'm happy that you are. You know, I don't like seeing you all depressed and such."

He smiled at her concern, "I have to admit, this is really nice. A bit cold right now, but still nice." Then he let go of her hand and raised a finger, "I'll tell you this much, this date's a lot better than the one you set me up with."

She rolled her eyes at his comment, "Oh come on! At least I've tried to get you a girl! I thought she was perfect."

He exclaimed, "She was a hippo and she was fat! Plus, all she talks about is food! That she said that eating food tastes so good." He let out an annoyed sigh as he brought it up, "I swear, I wonder how you met someone like her and why you'd think she'd be a perfect match for me."

She slugged his shoulder, "Shut up. If you don't like the blind date I've set you up with, don't come crying to me." Then she narrowed her eyes, "OR better yet, don't ask me to set you up for another date next time." She made a hard pat on his back, "You're on your own, bucko!"

He joked with a giggle, "I'll set you up on a worst blind date, just to get back at you. Maybe I can find the male version of your hippo friend."

Kate's face widened at that and she was waving her hands in surrender, shaking her head, "No thanks! I'm not a big fan of eating food a lot! I like my figure!"

He looked at her slim body, mentally agreeing her protest. She wouldn't want to lose a body like that by calories and such. What lady wouldn't? He knows she wouldn't. His wife was the same way, as far as he can remember. His tail wagged again, as he snuck a peak at her behind. Her hips swinging back and forth with each step she took on the sidewalk. He drew his attention to look ahead, blushing to himself. That's the second time he has done that! He was lucky she didn't caught him staring at her butt. His butterflies were coming back to him in his stomach.

Boy, he really is starting to know that he really likes her. Then he took a small deep breath and let it out. Calming himself down a bit. He knows there's nothing to be nervous about. He's with her on this date and there hasn't been any awkwardness since this started. It's like he thought of before. Sheena would want him to try this. And so far, things are good.

He went back to staring at the side of her head. He's wondering how far things would go between them? Would they start a family together? Would they remain a couple, after their first date? Only time will tell.

Kate continued to strode beside him and let out a pleasant sigh, laying her head on his shoulder with each step they took, "But I certainly love this date. And I'd bet that this date's better than the blind date you had."

Jonathan wrapped his arm around her and laid his head over hers, "Pretty better. You're not a fat hippo." He giggled at that.

She remarked with a bit of a growl, "I better not be a fat hippo. I love being a slim, beautiful fox."

He said, "My thoughts exactly."

They were joined like for a bit, the apartment building's not far from where they're at. Only about twelve blocks away. Kate broke the silence with a question, "Hey Jon?" He turned to her and she asked, "How come you asked me out? I'm just a bit curious. I thought before, that you were thinking of me as your neighbor and best friend." She turned her eyes to him, "Why did you really? Did you...Really find something about me that you liked?"

He knew he was going to tell her why sooner or later. Then he put some thought into it and went to begin, "Well, it's-" They heard a bottle rolling out of an alley ahead of them and both turned their gazes to see it moving around. They stopped in their tracks, both of them feeling dread in their bones. Something didn't feel quite right about this.

Then their worries were confirmed, when a guy, who's a German Shepherd, came running out of the alley wearing a coat and he had a grim look on his face. Kate and Jonathan were about to ask him what he'd wanted, but the guy held something in his hand and it was a knife. He raised it when they caught sight of the weapon and threatened them, "Alright, give me your money."

Kate gasped and Jonathan didn't make any noise at all.

The German Shepherd sneered in a bit of a quiet tone, "I said give me your money, now."

Kate was trembling beside him and Jonathan tried to smoothly talk to him, "Alright, just hold on. Let me get my wallet."

The guy nastily said, "Just give me the fucking money."

Kate shook her head and pleaded with her tail tucked between her legs, "Please, don't hurt us." But the dog did so anyways, by slapping her across the face with a free hand. She cried out and fell to her side.

That made Jonathan's blood boil and he lunged himself at the perpetrator, "You shit!" Jon grabbed ahold the hand that held the knife and made the guy drop it with a clang. The German Shepherd pushed Jon away making him stumble back, but he recovered and he tackled the dog to the sidewalk. They were wrestling each other, and Jonathan hollered to Kate who was slowly getting up off the ground, "Call the police!" Then the German Shepherd made a punch to Jon's face, making him cry out and draw his attention back to fighting him.

Kate started to run away from them, screaming for help, "Help!!! HELP!!!"


Jonathan and Kate went through the doorway to Kate's room in the apartment. The wolf groaned a bit when he entered through it with Kate following up behind him. She shut the door behind her, while Jon was taking his coat off and hanging it on the hook. Kate placed a hand to his shoulder and asked in concern, "Are you ok?"

When Jon looked at her, there was a bit of a cut on the side of his head from the fight. He nodded at her, "Yeah, I feel fine. A bit sore, but I'm fine."

She brought her head close to his, to get a good look at the cut, "Hmm, I think I need to clean that up. I'm surprised that the officer didn't call a paramedic to check you out."

He laughed a bit, which made Kate draw back her head, "Are you kidding me? You're worried sick about me because of a cut? I'm fine, really I am."

She put her hands to her hips and made a stern glare, "Well I still need to clean that wound." She motioned her hand to the dining room chair near the table, "Sit right over there, I'll take my coat off and I'll be right back." Jonathan was going to protest, but by the look she gave him, he didn't argue. She was worried about him and she want to clean up that cut so it wouldn't get infected. He did so when he walked to the chair, while Kate was taking her coat off and hanging on another hook near Jon's. He sat down on the chair with a bit of a groan, trying to not sit on top of his tail and it settled beside him. He was feeling a bit worn out. He watched the beautiful fox wander into her bathroom, rummaging in the medicine cabinet to find some disinfectant. From right where he's at, he can see her bottom again. And she's still not noticing him!

He was giggling softly to himself. Gee, he just got into a fight, beat the guy and he's taking the time staring at her ass again.

His thoughts went back to what happened before they came home. Things were going well, until that asshole showed up. Jonathan, despite being a lover than a fighter, fought the guy until he was unconscious! Which that came as a surprise to him. The motivation for starting that fight, was because that dog has struck Kate and he wasn't standing by and let him get away with it. Jon had a smug grin across his muzzle. At least, he taught that guy not to hit a girl. Especially Kate.

After he won the fight, Kate came back with a police officer and he arrested the guy, after he woken up from his defeated nap. Kate was happy to see he's alive and hugged him tight. And soon after that, the officer questioned them and has let them go back home. Since then, they were just quiet...Until now.

Kate came back to him with some medicine and pulled out another chair for her to sit down on. Jonathan was waiting patiently to get this thing over with. Kate picked up a cloth and dapped some medicine on it. Then she raised that cloth to Jon's cut and warned, "It'll sting a bit." And when she started to clean at it, he hissed when a bit of pain shot at the side of his head. The medicine doing the trick to get it disinfected.

She was doing her work some more, when Jonathan giggled, "I think, I need to start fighting more often. You know, in case another stupid asshole comes about and tries to steal our money."

Kate was grinning at that, "I don't know if you were brave or foolish. He had a knife and you could've gotten killed." Then she stopped and eyed curiously and suspiciously at him, "Wait a second....Are you trying to kill yourself again? Because if you are, that's even worse than trying to jump off a building."

He knew why she was asking him that question and shook his head, "No, I was fighting that guy because he'd hurt you. I wasn't standing by for that."

Kate stared at him for a moment, until she smiled at him, since he sees in his eyes that he's telling the truth, "Thanks. No one never did that for me before. Not even the other guys that I was with before you. They're not as brave as you are."

Jon shrugged his shoulder as she dabbed at his cut again, "I'm surprised myself that I can fight. I'm not much of a fighter before! I'm pretty like a lover than a fighter!" She laughed at that and he did with her.

She said when she took a deep breath and had a appreciative smile, "Well still, thanks for protecting me." She raised her finger and remarked with narrowed eyes, "But I still think that was risky."

He nodded, "I do appreciate your concern."

She said, "Hey, I'm your friend. I'm supposed to be concerned for you."

He raised a quizzical brow, "Friend? I thought we were...Boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

Kate blushed at that and she giggled shyly, "I...Guess we are. We just went out on a date."

He shrugged his shoulders, "Hey, I'm just like you. I'm surprised and still can't believe that we went out on a date. But we did."

She remarked when she put the cloth on the table, "Well I still just thought that you liked me more as your friend. I just...Sorta thought that you would've found it awkward to ask me out."

He admitted, "I did honestly think that. But then...I didn't see anything wrong with it. I just think....This is what Sheena would've wanted."

Kate shifted around on the chair, staring at his face, not saying a word. It would appear that she wanted to tell him something. Like she had this big secret she wanted to share. She glanced away from his eyes and he noticed her expression, "You ok? Not still thinking I'm going to die, are you? For the last time, I'm not trying to kill myself again. I'm done with that."

She turned to him with her head hanging low, "Jon....There's...Something that I wanted to tell you....While we were out on the date. Well...Actually, I wanted to tell you this for a long time."

Jonathan tilted his head and eyed curiously, "What?"

She took a deep breath and let it out, "Honestly....Back then when you and Sheena were together....I was jealous." His eyes went wide and she looked at his eyes and giggled, "I knew you would have that look."

He softened his face and asked, "I don't get it....What were you jealous of? Were you jealous of us?"

She nodded and admitted her truth, "Yeah." She was starting to have this guilty look in her eyes. She flattened her ears and sighed, "I know that I shouldn't have been jealous of you and Sheena. She's my best friend and....You were her husband. But honestly....I had a crush on you. Because well..." She gestured to him, "Well look at you. You're Jon! The handsome, kind wolf, that Sheena got lucky enough to marry. You guys got married. And me....I was just the bridesmaid for your wedding and I had a boyfriend, who turned out to be another asshole."

Jonathan did remember around that time, Kate was dating another fox named Tom. But he wasn't good enough for her, actually Tom was a bit of a control freak. And Kate broke up with him soon after the wedding was over. Jonathan nodded at her, "Yeah, I remember he kept telling you what to do and all that. That wasn't fair. I wouldn't do that to you."

Kate exclaimed, "Exactly. And...It made me wish that I was married to you, instead of Sheena."

He shook his head, "I didn't think that you've liked me and you were jealous."

She shook her head, "I was for a little while." She waved a dismissive hand in front of the wolf, "But I've gotten over it. Sheena will always be best friend first, not second. Besides...I didn't want to ruin the thing you guys had. But...I did want to tell you or Sheena that I liked you. And now...Years later, we're...A couple now." She hung her head and let out a breath, "Jon, I'm sorry for feeling jealous before. I feel terrible when I think about it. It makes me look like a horrible person."

He reached out and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Hey, it's ok. I can understand why you wanted me. You had numerous boyfriends and none of them, I believe, came close to being me."

Kate rose her head and smiled brightly, "You really are different than the other boys. And...Sheena was real lucky to have you."

He tightened his grip on her shoulder and stared her right in the eye, "You are too." They both smiled at each other for a long time, until her question from earlier in the night came in the picture. Jonathan turned loose of her shoulder and said, "The reason why I was asking you out...Is because I was starting to love you." Kate wrinkled her face in question and he went on, "The truth was, after all the times I've been with you since Sheena died, I was starting to like you. I mean, you're kind and caring, just like she is. But you're more unique than her. And...You saved my life, in more ways than one. More than you believe. You cared, you've stopped me from killing myself...It makes me think that my wife sent down an angel. An angel who lived in the same building as I do, and she's sitting right here in front of me."

Kate was smiling at him, as he spoke some more, "I wouldn't be here, if it wasn't for you. And...You are also the most beautiful fox I've laid eyes on."

She asked in curiosity, "More beautiful...Than Sheena?"

He giggled at that, "I'll always love Sheena. But...I love you, Kate. And I don't care who's more beautiful. Both of you are beautiful in your own way."

She nodded a bit, "Thank you." Then she had a devious grin across her face, "And I can see that you want me so bad. Because while we were walking back home, I did caught a bit of a glance that you were looking under my tail."

His face went wide and turned red. She did see him do that! She was laughing at his expression and she waved at him, "Oh, don't feel embarrassed. We're a couple now. There's nothing to turn red about." Then she hummed in though when she looked at the ceiling, "I'll admit it though...While we were eating at the diner, and when you were looking out of that window at the booth, I was staring at your looks and...Your chest. Picturing what your chest looked like without a shirt on." She was blushing a little at her confession.

He giggled deep in his throat. Well he wasn't the only one staring. He said with a bit of smug in his voice, "You really want me...Do you?"

Her blush went away and she answered, "I think, out of all the boyfriends I have...I did want you. And...We're here now." Her eyes flicked to her bedroom about a few feet away from them.

Jonathan knew what she was getting at and he doesn't mind it one bit at what she's implying. He simply smiled at her and said, "I'm glad...That I've met you, Kate. While I was with Sheena, I was glad to have met you."

She squinted her eyes at him and said it right back, her voice sounding a bit different. It sounded a bit like lust and love combined, "Me too."

They stared at each other for quite a bit. Until she stood up off the chair and Jonathan did the same thing, both of them facing and standing in front of each other. When he looked into her eyes, he realized they were the most beautiful eyes he laid his eyes on. He rose his hands and cupped her face with both of them. She was breathing in anticipation at what was about to happen. Jonathan started to lean forward, closing his eyes and she was too. Both of them pressed their mouths together a moment later and shared their first kiss. The wolf pulled back for a sec and she did too. Both of them feeling warm by that kiss.

It made them want to do it more, and so they did when they kissed again, only more deeper that time. Jonathan stuck his tongue through her muzzle and she began to moan when they were swapping their saliva. They kissed for a long time, when they had to pull away for air. With Jon still holding her face, Kate reached up with her own and started caressing the side of his head and ear, looking lovingly at him. She muttered in a whisper, "I love you."

Jonathan had never felt more happier than he was before and he said it back, "I love you too." They shared another passionate kiss, and only stopped when she was grasping his shirt and began to pull him with her, to her bedroom door. They entered and Jon slammed the door shut and was kissing feverishly at his love. Planting kisses on her mouth and then to her neck fur. She moaned at the kisses and she held up a finger, signaling him to stop a minute. He complied and she was backing away from him, until her back was faced at her bed.

She was grinning and slowly started to take her clothes off. First, she was unbuttoning her shirt and tossed it aside, leaving only her bra on. Jon was taking his shirt and pants off at a fast pace, also throwing away his belt and tossed it across the room. She was giggling at his eagerness. And she began to take her pants off too, until her other leg slid off and she kicked them away. Now only her bra and panties were on.

Jonathan was just standing there with his underwear still on, waiting for her to go first. She nodded and reached behind her back and undo her strap and took her bra off, tossing it at him. He laughed and dodged it. He looked at her breasts after she threw it at him. They looked big and sexy. Kate started to take her panties off next, slowly just for a show for him. She threw those at him and he managed to catch them in mid air. Jon calmly placed them on her dresser and now it was his turn to take his undergarments off. He did so and tossed them away too, showing off his cock that's fully erect.

Kate was smiling when she looked at it and looked back at his eyes. He was strolling casually toward her and she was starting to touch his chest, at his abs. He was touching her breasts too, seeing how amazed each other looked. She let out a gasp when her wolf boyfriend was cupping one of her breasts. Then he was lowering his head to her bare chest and gave one of them a lick. Kate tensed a bit, as a shock of pleasure shot through her. He began to bury his muzzle between them and she was humming in satisfaction at this. Satisfied that the wolf she liked for a long time, is naked and nuzzling her breasts. She really never thought it would really happen, but it is.

Jonathan was done doing so, and he kissed her directly on the mouth, she didn't deny his tongue to enter her mouth again. And she was kissing him back, fast and deeply, as she was caressing his face and neck with one hand. While Jonathan was grabbing her breast with one of his hands. Both of them toppled on the bed together, with Jon on top and Kate on the bottom. They stopped their kissing and Jonathan was looking down at her. While she was looking back at her lover on top of her. She didn't hesitate to stare another minute and kissed him once more. He was moaning in her mouth as they were exchanging saliva again.

Jonathan and Kate started to roll around on the bed, both of them giggling as they were making love in bed. Until Jon's head was laid against a pillow and Kate was straddling on top of him. Her hands placed against his abed chest. She was rubbing her hands on them. They were breathing heavily, as the anticipation on their minds were being played from this moment. Kate looked down at his erect wolfhood and she giggled at him, having a certain thought that wants to be played out. Jon was thinking the same thing. They both want to have this night be a memorable one.

Kate began to shift over him, until she positioned her clit over his penis. Jonathan was giving her a questionable look, his eyes asking her 'do you really want to do this?' Kate nodded at his expression and then she began to lower herself on his cock, until Jon began to penetrate her through her folds. The fox above him was letting out a silent moan, as she was feeling a bit stretched by him. But she didn't stop and kept going down on him. She was bracing herself, with her hands planted firmly on him. Jon gripped both her hips, and with a silent signal, they both completed their union when she pushed herself down and Jon helped her help with that, now he was buried up to the hilt inside her. Pain shot throughout her lower half and she screamed at this. Kate laid her body on top of Jonathan, as his face twisted in pain at her walls clenched tightly around his hood.

Now their union's complete, they were just waiting for the pain to subside. Jonathan was stroking her back, hoping he didn't hurt her too much. But she gave his face a lick, showing him that she's fine. She began to raise her torso over him, planting her hands on him again. She looked down with love in her eyes. Jonathan can feel that he's ready to do what they both wanted to do and asked her, "Are you ready?"

She nodded down at him, "Yes...Yes, I am." He reached up and kissed her mouth and laid his head back down on the bed. Kate rose her hips as the pain inside her has finally subsided, his cock sliding against her walls of her tunnel as she rose above him, until almost all of his shaft went out of her. Kate slammed herself down and he took her. She did the same motion when she rose up and back down on him again. She was repeating the same thing, until she was starting a rhythm on her lover.

There was no pain now, when she was slamming her hips on him. The pain from before, was being replaced by something else that felt entirely incredible. Jonathan was feeling sensations coming from his hood, as pleasure was shooting through his tool. The feeling was mutual when Kate was feeling those sensations too. She dropped up and down on him, her blonde hair swishing with each bounce she made. She let out a moan and arched her back, as those sensations were coursing throughout her body, all the way up to her brain, "Oooohhh." She was letting out a sharp gasp, as one sensitive spot was hit within her. She angled herself on top of her boyfriend and tried to hit that spot again when she resumed their lovemaking. She did a nice job, as her spot was being hit over and over again.

Juices were making her tunnel slick and Jonathan was feeling that he can take her more easily now. And a idea came to him. He gripped her hips and she yelped when they rolled on the bed and he was now on top of her. Ramming himself into her sex and she was screaming in pleasure as he was taking her hard and fast, "Jon!!!" She shut her eyes as she was feeling happy about being in this new position she was in. She would gladly let him take her, while he's on top. He was hitting that same spot she wanted him to hit in her, at a very fast pace. She was gripping his back, her nails digging into his fur, "Jon, don't stop!"

He was gripping the bedsheets, as he was pulling in and out of her, over and over again. He wasn't going to let up. She was the one who has made him so happy for months, and now he was returning the favor. He was giving his fox lover what he was giving her.

Jonathan was shoving his malehood back in her and sweat was dripping off his face. Kate and him shared a kiss and tongues were wrestling. Moaning into each other, as he was still pulling and shoving his thing back in her. He grabbed her breast and his fingers were rubbing it up and down. Kate was wrapping her legs around his hips, as he was driving her pleasure to full force. She cried out when she pulled her muzzle away from his, "Ah! Jonathan! Give it to me!"

While he slammed his hips into her, he was starting to feel a pressure building up. He was feeling that he's going to cum soon. Her tunnel walls were clenching repeatedly on his wolfhood. Jonathan was banging her roughly, Kate crying out her love for him, "Arrg! God, it feels good!" Jonathan couldn't agree with her more, it does feel amazing. Felt amazing like the time he shared his first time with Sheena.

The bed was creaking and groaning by their passionate love making, as he was taking her harder than before. His fingers dug into the bed. His thrusts were starting to become erratic. He growled a bit, as he can feel his pressure rising now through his cock. Then Kate screamed loud as she came hard on him. Her walls were tight around him and he groaned at the tightness of her sex. He shut his eyes and moaned as pleasure came to him. With one final thrust, he slammed his hips against her, and cried loud when he reached his peak.

He was shooting his essence deep inside his lover, shooting spurts of cum as he was jerking and thrusting as the height of their passion they've shared came, and he was giving her all he was giving her. Jon let out another moan as pleasure shot throughout his body and he was looking down at her, as he still shot his cum. Not letting his eyes off of her. As soon as his shots were slowing down to a trickle, he fell on top of her. Laying over her chest. They were panting, feeling spent from all this.

As they were starting to relax in the afterglow, Kate was giggling at the thought of what just happened, "Wow....That...Was..."

He finished for her, "Incredible."

She laughed at his word, "My thoughts exactly. Incredible." He laughed too and he lifted his head and gave her muzzle a kiss. She said, "I really had fun with this. This was the best experience in my life."

Jon smiled at that, "Mine too." He let out a sigh and asked, "Gee....I wonder when we will arrange our wedding?"

Kate's eyes went wide at the idea and she chuckled weakly as she ruffled his neck fur, "Thinking about marriage already?"

He answered, "I know we've just had our first date already, but I'm pretty sure that we're planning to get married sooner or later. And...I know that you're the one, Kate. I...I know you well enough for you to be the one for me."

Kate was beaming at his answer and she said, "I think you need to buy an engagement ring for me, sweetheart. At least, get down on one knee and ask me to marry you." She gave him a wink.

He gave her a mock expression, "What? THIS doesn't count?"

She giggled and shook her head, "Nope. Do it the old fashion way."

He found it quite amusing and he giggled at her, "Deal." She gave his cheek a lick and his cock softened up for it to pop out. Some of his cum dripped out of the entrance to her tunnel. Jonathan got off of her and cuddled with his lover, wrapping his arms around her. Kate was driven fast to sleep, feeling exhausted now by what they did. He kissed the back of her neck, when she laid with her back close to his chest, "I love you, Kate."

She moaned and said, "I love you too, Jon."

Jonathan looked out of the window to see the night. He was thinking about Sheena, how she was pretty happy for him now. He smiled at the thought, he knows he won't forget her. But at least, he doesn't have the need to kill himself anymore. Because he has been given a new big reason to live. And it's Kate. He looked down at the back of her head, looking at her now sleeping form. For a long time, after his wife died, Jonathan was falling into a deepest of his own despair. But Kate saved him from falling. And now after the fall, he's now with a new love. Love that he thought he would never achieve again. He won't leave her side.

Then a thought came to him and his heart warmed up at the idea and his tail patted against the bed as he was wagging it. He's sure that Kate would open up to the idea of them starting a family together. She would love that idea. But time will tell when that time comes. For now, he just wants to sleep with her. Then in the morning, he'll give his family a call and tell them the good news. That he's with Kate. Oh, they'll be surprised about this.

Jonathan lowered his head to the pillow and held her tight. Shutting his eyes as he was feeling tired too.