A Heroine's Fall

Story by MalCat on SoFurry

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#2 of Flavor Text

More art by the lovely yoshi2332! There will be a full-size story coming soon, until then enjoy this short teaser that I originally uploaded to my twitter!~

Art by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/yoshi2332

Characters and story by me.

"Oh shit that really is her", one of the guards said as they walked into the room, seeing the famous heroine tied up and spread for all to see. Normally that fit body would be kicking the ass of anyone here without breaking a sweat. But normally she didn't have a trap set for her either. Some bad info "leaked" to her had gotten that cat right where the mob wanted her, and with all the trouble she had caused them she wasn't getting off easy.

At first they had to keep her tied at every corner, but even a heroine's resolve can be broken down. Vibrators help with that, and there are plenty of mooks who want a chance with a real life superhero. By the time the second group walked in she was dripping with cum inside and out, one ear askew and only her mask left of the crimson outfit she had worn. Her legs had been unbound to allow better access, and to provide a canvas. She wasn't in any shape to fight anyone right now anyways.

One brave man was first, walking right up and grabbing her tits roughly. She only barely murmured and squirmed in protest, and seeing that their compatriot hadn't been burned to a crisp the others quickly moved in to check her out for themselves.

Another snapped a picture to post online, sure to go viral given her popularity. The one who had approached first grabbed her chin, tilting her head up so that she was facing directly at him. " 'Member me? Ya kicked my ass a few months ago. Gave me a nasty concussion. Think it's high time I returned the favor." She tried to pull away from his grip, but he just squeezed more tightly, slapping her tits with his free hand. "I asked a question slut" he growled, the sharp tone making her want to recoil in fear.

Her eyes moved to meet his gaze this time as she responded in a meek tone, the sharp edge of a heroic voice worn down to but a dull squeak. "I'm gonna beat the shit out of you once I get free." That's how you knew it was bad. Kitty-Flame was never without a quip or a joke.

The men in the room laughed at that, and somehow made it sound threatening to the poor cat. "Oh don't worry. We'll make sure you won't be able to run that cocky mouth by the time we're done with you."