Warm Sands 2 (eng. ver)

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#3 of A Kingdom of Sand and Water

The Prince of Dragons was sent to the kingdom of the Fenneks by his father, the Pharaoh, to negotiate with them about their independence. After an attempted assassination on him, as well as a surprise evening visit from the fox prince Bakari - which was more than satisfactory for both sides - things seem to be going smoother now. But by chance, the two princes discover that there are some dark secrets at court....

Most of the time Kheru thought of the ability to stay professional in a political setting as an unnecessary one. Right now however, he was very glad to possess it. Before him stood Bakari, throwing him glances as sharp as knifes. By order of his father, he bowed and offered an official apology for what had happened during the feast over a week ago. The prince of dragons couldn't let this opportunity slip. He kindly accepted the apology and explained how impressed he was by Bakaris kind tongue. With a small cough, the fox straightened up so fast that he had to take a step back to not lose his balance.

The crowd cheered as they stepped out on the balcony. Kheru would have never dreamt of such a reaction when he first arrived in the kingdom of sand. Contrary to what he had expected, he quite liked it here. This was also due to the prince of fennecs Bakari, who stood next to him in this moment. His golden eyes wandered over the countless foxes who had gathered in front of the palace and his ears dropped. It was a tiny gesture, only noticeable if one stood close by. Kheru took half a step towards him and felt how the uneasy twitching of his tail slowed.

The pharaoh raised his paws to the sky and the crowd fell silent. The white fox waited until the last voices had died down, then he began to talk. "I am more than happy to announce that our negotiations are making great process. Our relation to the river Kingdom has massively improved over the last few days. While final results are yet to be reached, both kingdoms have agreed to find a peaceful solution for our difficulties. From this day onward, there will be no further escalation or war. In the coming days, we will invite representatives of the merchants to our conversation in hopes of building up a valuable exchange between the kingdoms.

Barks mixed with applause as the crowd cheered for the newfound stability. An ocean of paws raised to the sky before them. Out of the corner of his eye, Kheru noticed Amris, the servant of the Pharaoh, crunch up his nose. He did not have time to question it however. The white fox called them forward, and he stepped up next to him. Once again the crowd fell silent. "On the day I arrived, my thoughts were full of insecurities. After three years of war, I had no idea what would wait for me. To add to that, the beginning of the negotiations was a bumpy one." Next to him, the fox prince couldn't hold back a short exhaled laugh. "But I am very glad that we have found common ground. While I am speaking to you a courier is already on his way to my fathers palace. He is carrying message of our progress; progress that will be beneficial for all of us. I am proud to take this path to our shared future side by side with all fennecs." Once again, a storm of cheers spread over the crowd. Kheru stood side by side with the royal family, waving and bowing to show his respect for their people. The pharaoh was the first one to step back inside, the others followed.

Blinking a few times, his eyes adjusted to the sudden change of lighting. The white fox gave him a encouraging pat on the back. "You're doing well, prince Kheru. Once we hear back from your father, the people will love you even more than they already do." "I just hope father will accept my proposal," the prince of dragons responded. Not only contained the letter a detailed report of their achievements, but also the formal request to accept the fennecs independence in return of favourable prices for their resources. When he started his journey, Kheru wouldn't have dreamt of making this decision. But the pharaoh had given him permission to freely choose and the prince of dragons knew that his father would accept any outcome.

The rest of the day was spent enjoying the various pleasantries the palace had to offer. In the late afternoon he found himself in one of the many gardens. Its peace and quiet made it feel like a whole different world. Kheru didn't know how many hours he spent there, but the air was already cooling down when he made his way back to his quarters. Bakaris brother crossed paths with him just before the palace entrance. "You held a good speech today," the fox greeted him. "My honest thanks, Prince Ruhak. I am glad with the way things develop." The fennec smiled. He couldn't tell whether or not it was an honest smile. "So am I, my scaled friend." He looked up at the setting sun. "Oh, you must be on your way to your room. I did not mean to stop you from your rest." Kheru waved dismissively. "Do not worry about it. I wish you a pleasant evening." The fox stepped to the side and he entered through the large doors.

Something about this interaction felt off to him, but he couldn't pinpoint what it was. Anyway, he liked the good-ish relation he had to the royal family and he hoped it would be of permanence. A moon or more might pass before final decisions could be made. Every day he could spent here was more than fine with him. Carefully Kheru folded the gold crested robe worn by him for official appearances and put it down. He pushed the heavy curtain around his bed to the side. A surprised smile crossed his face. In front of him Bakari lolled between the silken covers. Seductively he stretched his paw out to him. The dragon prince didn't need to be asked twice. He bend over and his breath tickled his lips as the two shared a long kiss. "How did you get in here?" he asked. Bakari stretched his arms over his head. "Natural talent. I'd make a great assassin, don't you think?" Kheru huffed a laugh. "You would, if you weren't that easy to throw." He grabbed to fox by the hips and let himself fall to the side. With a surprised noise, the small fox sat on top of his belly. The dragons clawed hand stroked his furred chest and made it's way downwards to his soft belly fur. He felt the fennecs tail swish over his legs as he closed his eyes with a sigh and put his hands up to his chin. Kherus fingers stroked along his thighs. They found their way up to his shaft and played around the red tip peeking out.

The dragon grabbed his hips. Just as his hands were about to wander below the tip of his tail, they heard a noise. A door was opened and closed. Bakari winced and laid flat on top of him. "Who's that?" He whispered. The dragon shrugged. He craned his neck, but the black curtain made it impossible to see what was going on. "My prince, are you here? The pharaoh wants to speak to you," an unknown voice called out. Just as he was about to respond, Bakari pressed his paw on his mouth. "This isn't a member of the kings guard. I don't recognize that voice," he hissed. They heard the unknown voice say something inaudible to a second person. Somebody crossed the room, calling out to him a second time. "Thieves?" Kheru asked. The fox shook his head. "This far in the palace? Impossible. Not without somebody letting them in." The dragon could feel the fennecs member grow between their bellies. With a cheeky smile, he pressed his finger against his entrance. Bakari jerked and bit his lip. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and made a fist. "Stop it you idiot. We're gonna get caught." His dick twitched against his scaled body. As if they had heard what was said, a shadow stepped towards the bed. Golden fox eyes shot to the side and Bakari quickly recited a few words in a language unknown to him.

If felt as if a second curtain of black silk covered their bodies the moment the one obscuring the bed was pulled to the side. Kherus heartbeat jumped as he found himself face to face with a rough looking fox. Bakari pressed against him and held his breath. His hard erection touched his own. After a few seconds, the unfamiliar fennec broke eye contact and turned to his accomplice. "There's nobody here. Let's try the princes chamber." Neither of them dared to move until they heard the door close. Both exhaled at the same time. "What just happened?" The dragon asked. "Why did he ignore us?" Bakari straightened up and crawled down from him. "He couldn't see us. I put a veil over us just in time. We're lucky I didn't mess up the spell." "I didn't know you could do this." The fox wrapped a silk cover around him. "Magic is usually only done by priests. But I'm fascinated by it."

Supporting himself on his forearms, the dragon prince looked at him. "Any idea who this could have been? Maybe they were guards after all?" The fennec shook his head. "He didn't wear armor. Besides, father would never send a random guard if he wished to speak to you. It's a shame we didn't hear the other one. " He moved the curtain aside and got out of bed. His nose scrunched as he smelled the air. "They covered their scent with citrus oil. No way they were guards."



Kheru got out of bed as well. The room was just how it always was. Not even a chair had been misplaced. Whoever the intruders were they didn't come for the valuable interior. Suddenly the rooms felt very big and very empty. "Didn't they say something about trying it in the princes quarters? Shouldn't we alert somebody?" Bakari tucked his tail between his legs. "They were either talking about my brothers or me. Ruhak can hold his own and Phior is perhaps guarded even more than our father. But I'm worried about something else. There's no way they broke in. Somebody must have opened the doors for them." "So we don't know who we can trust," the Dragon finished the thought.

The prince of foxes sheepishly stepped from one paw to the other. "Hey uh, would you mind if I slept with you tonight? I doubt they'll search here again." Kheru stepped up to him and gently grabbed his chin. "The princes safety is of utmost importance to me. But he should not expect to get a lot of sleep should he decide to stay." With a sighed laugh, Bakari relaxed a little. "Is that all you can think about?" The dragon put a claw around his hips. "What do you expect from a brutish, wild lizard like me?" He pulled him to his body. "Besides, little fox, I could feel your excitement over the thought of being caught." "Not true at all." Bakaris tail swished side to side like crazy as he buried his face against his scaled body.

Kheru stroked the fur on his head with a laugh. "Of course not. Come here." He grabbed his paw and led him through the pool out onto the balcony. The silken cover fell to the floor as the fennec followed him into the water. They stepped forward together and let their eyes wander over the nightly city. "Reminds me of today." Kheru rested his hand on the fennecs back. "Just imagine how it would feel like if there were as many people here as earlier. Right in front of us and all of them could see you as naked as you are." His fingers slowly made their way downwards. "Everyone could see just how horny you are. How you open your mouth and get used in front of your whole kingdom." The heavy dragon dick rested on the foxes shoulder. Bakari barely had to lower himself to reach his erection. His soft tongue twirled around the tip before he exhaled deeply and pushed his head forward. Saliva dripped down his sides as he took in half of it without much difficulty. Kheru let out a low growl as he pulled his head back, letting his tongue do the work.

This pattern repeated a few times before he gently pulled him back by the hair. The fox looked up at him with hungry eyes. He traced the fennecs wet lips, gently pushing two fingers inside his mouth. They moved along the inside of his cheeks, up and down his tongue and tickled the roof of his mouth. When he pulled them out they glistened with saliva. Raising his tail in the air, the fennec invited him and he gently pushed his fingers against his backside. Without much resistance they slid in. Letting out a tiny whine, the fox supported himself against his scaled legs and pressed against his hand. He grinded against him, moaning under his breath. With a grin Kheru pulled his finger back and turned him around. Before Bakari could say anything, he kneeled down behind him. His legs nearly gave away as he let his long tongue slide between his entrance and his privates. A surprised yelp escaped the prince as the tongue entered him. The fox held onto the railing, greedily pushing himself back.

Kheru wrapped his arm around him and closed his hand around his cock. Panting heavily, the fennec grinded against his hand. He flicked his tongue one last time, then he got up. Putting one clawed hand on his back, he lined himself up with the foxes butt and pushed in. Bakaris breathing sped up and he pushed himself back, matching his rhythm. His eyes moved over the sleeping city in front of them, and his thrusts gained heaviness. The idea of being caught seemed to make the fox prince go wild. Kheru leaned over him and sped up. Every new thrust brought a louder whine out of Bakari. His mouth was open and his tongue lolled out. The fennec had his eyes closed and Kheru could see his dick twitch in the air. He slowed down a little, before pushing deep inside him. With a loud howl the fox came, even more than last time. His warm insides tensed up and Kheru could not hold himself back any longer. His dick twitched wildly inside the fox as he filled his belly.

With shaky legs, Bakari let himself sink down. Kheru held him by his waist and carried him over to a shallower spot where they could both sit down. The fennec looked up into the night sky. "By the gods, we have to do this more often," he sighed. "I agree, little fox," the dragon responded, leaning over to him playfully nibbling his ear. Their gaze wandered over the sleeping city. "Do you think somebody heard us?"

"The way you screamed? Definitely," Kheru teased. Bakari buried his face against him and blushed.

Just as Kheru was about to get up they heard a noise. Exchanging looks, they peeked over the railing. Down in the court below them two hooded figures stood in the pale moonlight. One of them was hunched over, supporting his weight with a large wooden staff. "How long have they been there?" The fox prince whispered with wide open eyes. "Can't be that long, or else you would have hit them," Kheru responded, earning him a bump to the side.

Two more figures approached the ones waiting. "Is everything done?" The hunched one asked. One of the newcomers shook his head. "We couldn't find'em. They weren't in their rooms and nowhere else in the palace." "What is that supposed to mean?" The one next to the hunched one asked. "Has the desert filled your brains with sand? How can it be that a lizard, as big as two foxes, is nowhere to be found? Have I not told you he went to his room?"

Now the fourth one spoke up as well. "But it's true. It was as if they had disappeared into thin air." The hunched one dismissed him with a wave of his paw. "Forget it. I should have known this is above you. We will have to wait for our next chance. I will call you once everything is ready. Now go, before the rest of my patience is lost to your stupidity." Both of them bowed deeply and vanished into the night. Moments later, the remaining figures turned around and went back into the palace.

Next to him, Bakari turned pale under his fur. Worried, Kheru moved closer. "Wasn't that your father's personal servant?" The foxes voice trembled. "Why was Ruhak with him?" A knot formed in the stomach of the dragon prince. "Your brother?" "And the other two were the ones that broke into our room earlier." Exhaling a shaky breath he turned to him. " Kheru, what is happening?"

He pulled the fennec into a hug and held him. His body shook in his arms. "What if these guys really were killers? I've always looked up to Ruhak. Why would he send assassin's to your room and mine?" Kheru pressed Bakaris head against him and stroked his hair. "I don't even know why I'm crying," the fox sobbed. "But I don't understand this."

The prince of dragons made sure to sound calm. "We don't know for sure what's going on yet. Has your brother been acting weird lately?" Bakari shook his head, but stopped. "He told me to prove my bravery. He told me to prove that I can defend our kingdom." His tears turned into anger. "He helped me smuggle to dagger to the banquet! He wanted you dead from the very beginning. But why?"

"I don't know," Kheru responded. "But we should have a serious talk with him as soon as possible."

Warm Sands 1 (eng. Ver.)

The familiar smell of hay greeted Kheru as he followed his horse into the stable. The doorframe was too low to step through without ducking down, but that was no surprise. As a drake in the kingdom of fennecs, he was easily twice the size of most...

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