An Indelible Night

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#28 of Midnight

A female teen with only a few months left of high school falls into an intimate relationship with an umbreon on the school's grounds. She has to juggle this and high school itself, all while finding herself as a person. Playing it safe is key.

This story was the first I've ever written. I've edited it a lot since the initial release but kept its original structure.


Existing; complete stories: 'A Night She Couldn't Resist.' (Male midnight lycanroc x fem trainer.) 'Cassidy's Journey.' (Male braixen x fem trainer.) 'All They Knew.' (Male alolan ninetales x fem trainer.)'Only Crystal.'(Male human x fem espeon.)

^ Excluding 'Midnight,' all three existing works take place in the same universe.


All NSFW scenes: Chapter 6: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 9: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 15: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 24: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon.

~ Non-canon:

Chapter 30: Midnight & Calda.M umbreon x F flareon.

Julie sat disconsolately in her last class of the following day toward the back of the auditorium, staring ahead blankly at the projector flipping through slides of ocean life, and hearing nothing the professor was lecturing about. She'd tried her hardest to pay attention and had some notes scribbled in her book, but Julie had retained little to no information since regional history and had fallen in and out of sleep multiple times during classes.

She kept despairing about what would happen tonight. She hadn't gotten but an hour of sleep last night, so her eyes were puffy. Screw Angie for what she was doing to her. Julie even sat four rows behind her today, but she couldn't help but hate herself more.

She leaned back and rested her head against the seat, trying not to shut her eyes, but everything started to gradually blur, and it was largely tempting. It felt amazing every time she closed them.

Julie opened her eyes to something touching her arm and closed her slightly open mouth, licking her dry lips. She felt drool on the corner of her mouth and looked beside her to see the cherry blonde boy in a red polo that was next to her the entire class. Julie quickly wiped her mouth with her gray jacket's sleeve and looked around to see students clearing out, meaning she'd been asleep for over twenty minutes.

"Sorry... I wanted to wake you up when class ended at least. It looked like you needed the rest." He'd noticed Julie struggling to keep her eyes open during class.

She never sat back here but was glad she did today after passing out with her mouth open. How embarrassing. "Thank you..." Julie started packing her bag. "Uh, so, what's your name?" She didn't want to be rude. He seemed nice.

"Drew, you?" He watched her. "And it's nothing. I couldn't have left you for the teacher to notice."

"It's Julie, and you're thoughtful." She stood after getting her bag organized and zipped up, yawning while covering her mouth. "This was my last class, so I'll go and sleep some more. I usually don't fall asleep in class like this."

"Pretty name, and hey, you deserve it after making it through the day," he said while putting his equipment in his bag. "Maybe I'll see you next class."

"Yeah..." Julie started walking and glanced back at him. "Bye." She didn't even respond to the compliment. She wasn't in the headspace for it. It would be nice to have a friend in Oceanography, too, but friends with a boy? How would that end? Maybe it was possible, and Julie couldn't just avoid them forever. It was unhealthy and unfair. It was as if she feared them.

She exited and walked down the hall past students coming and going from classes while heading to the doors. It got closer to nine with every moment. It was hours away. Julie honestly wished it would come quicker at this point. It was making her consistently feel about as horrible as she did when she almost lost Midnight.

Every minute that had passed leading up to the hour was no better. Julie had been able to do nothing but lie in bed motionless under the covers, only getting up to use the restroom and grab more bottles of water. She couldn't so much as glance at her studies or pick up her phone other than to check the time as the gap closed.

It was 8:40 p.m., and Midnight was lying beside her to keep her company through this rough patch. It was hitting Julie harder than anything he'd seen and created an unusually grim environment. He almost didn't want to go through with it anymore, but it was better than risking her losing her place at the University.

He watched her push the blanket away, get up, and walk to the closet to get dressed. It must be time.

Julie opened it and eyed her options. She didn't know what she'd do if she refused and Angie soiled her desired future. Knowing herself, Julie wouldn't move back to Johto, especially because she'd have to give a reason to her mother, but she couldn't imagine how depressed she'd end up.

Julie grabbed a slim tee split with white at the bottom and a light blue top, the jacket she had on earlier, and blue jeans. She slipped the tee over her head and held out the pants, pushing her leg through.

She'd end up sleeping on the streets or something until she found a way to catch her footing, which terrified her. Julie wasn't built for that, and it'd be almost impossible to continue if her current path was ripped away and replaced with rock bottom. She took a breath and glanced at Midnight. "Time to go..."

He got down as she buttoned her pants, zipped up her jacket, put on white high-socks and sneakers, and went out the door without a word. Midnight followed behind as they went down the hall, elevator, and through the hall on the second floor two doors down.

Midnight sat by the door and glanced at another student passing by who left their room. He had no idea how this interaction was about to play out or how he should go about the next hour or so they would spend in Angie's room.

Julie raised her fist and took a deeper breath before knocking. She could already feel her heart race.

The door opened some moments later, and Angie stood before her with an unapologetic smirk. Her hair was in its usual braid, and she was in black shorts with pink hearts and a bright pink tee with black ones.

She faded it after seeing Julie's austere and tired expression, however, and stepped aside. "Come in."

Midnight saw Julie enter, but he stopped short since he saw Calda behind Angie, and she was looking at him with a timid half-grin, which was unlike her. Angie had to have told her what this was, but he was not here for Calda. There was no chance she'd get him too.

He walked in and heard the door shut behind him, looking around after Angie turned on the light. Her room was set up like Julie's, except her bed and window were in another spot.

"Julie..." Angie began.

Julie looked at her a few feet away while standing by the door. Angie's voice was strangely soft this time. It was almost unnerving, and Julie didn't care to hear it.

"I know how you feel about this... uh." Angie pushed up her glasses and found herself eyeing Julie's face and legs, which were slightly thicker than hers. "I thought I'd try to ease you up first. Would you like water, by the way?"

"No." And ease her up? How would that even be a possibility when she was about to fuck her boyfriend. Julie shook her head in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Okay... Could you maybe sit on the bed, just for a second?"

She didn't want to that much, especially since she didn't know what this was, but being stubborn wouldn't move this along. Julie went and sat on the edge of the black floral-patterned blanket full of vivid colors.

Angie sat beside her, slightly stiff, as she didn't know how Julie was going to react and turned to look at her. "J-Julie... You remember when I said you were pretty, right? In the library."

Julie could feel instant tension and kept her eyes ahead. She hadn't even thought of how Angie described her at that table because of how distraught she was. Looking back, that may have been why Angie was glancing at her in class before the test too.

"I-I know I said I didn't want you like that, but..." Angie placed her hand on Julie's thigh, keeping her eyes on her. "I think I got attached from the first day, a-and it got more intense after I saw you so vulnerable. I just never knew what it was about you..."

Julie's breath stuttered, and she looked at Angie's hand slightly squeezing her leg. It brought her back to Justin touching her that horrendous night. Julie wasn't attracted to girls at all, and her face reddened. She glanced at her. "It's n... not part of the deal, Angie," Julie almost mumbled.

Angie sighed. "I know." She could tell Julie was uncomfortable. "I'm just a bit curious if that makes sense." She was never particularly into girls either but had always wanted to experiment with one that wasn't a pokémon. Angie had done so with Calda ever since her younger teens, attracting her to the aspect and idea, and well, she was very much attracted to the idea of Julie. This was the perfect time to try with her under her thumb; although it wasn't right, she couldn't resist. "I won't do a lot, just... move up?"

Midnight sat a distance from the bed with Calda next to him and watched Julie push off her shoes and obey with obvious reluctance, which he disliked, but what could he do?

"Flare. Flareon," she said, watching as well. "Fla flare." She looked at him.

Midnight glanced at her, then back to Angie crawling and sitting beside Julie. According to Calda, Angie had talked about Julie to her recently in the sense that Angie may like her but was uncertain, but why couldn't she simply ask her out? Perhaps Angie was too nervous, but Midnight wouldn't have expected her to be the type to take advantage of another person. Unfortunately, Julie was docile and meek.

Julie held her breath and looked down at her jacket's zipper as Angie reached and held it, slowly pulling it down and parting it after unclipping it from the bottom. What kind of twisted situation had Julie put herself into? Angie had backed her into a corner, but Julie could have prevented it all.

Angie grinned a little while eyeing her breasts pressed against her tight tee and overall slim form. She'd never been intimate with another person and didn't know how to feel about being in command, but she had no choice here. "L-Last thing. Can you pull your pants down?"

Huh? Julie had to set some kind of boundary. Just how far would this curiosity go? "Angie, I--"

"you can keep them over your knees. Don't worry."

Julie swallowed and sat back. She held her waistband with both shaky hands, pulling her pants down her legs and stopping over her knees as told to expose her bare thighs.

What happened next bewildered her, as it was so abrupt. She put a hand beside her on the bed for balance and watched Angie move closer than ever and sit in front of her, then felt one hand rub and hold her side while the other held her neck and drew up to her cheek. Julie couldn't look at her. She glanced, but her eyes shot around, either looking aside or down.

She felt pathetic for allowing this when she was so capable of stopping it, to allow someone to gain pleasure of any kind by using her body, but if anything, Julie preferred it to be Angie than Justin or someone unknown to her.

"You're so pretty..." Angie studied her disconcerted expression and bright red cheeks but could look past it easily, seeing just who she was holding, and how warm she felt. She rubbed Julie's cheek and shifted her eyes to her upper thighs, taking the hand from her side and placing her palm on one.

Its skin was smooth and vulnerable to the touch. Angie was lost in everything Julie is and could be. It's not why she was here, but Angie played her voice in her head and could imagine what her moans would sound like. She longed to hear them and see what Julie looked like under her clothes.

Julie softly sighed against her touch and stiffened, nearly trembling as Angie squeezed and rubbed her thigh. She'd had enough already and didn't know how much more she could sit through. This was a lot more than harmless curiosity.

Meanwhile, Midnight and Calda were still watching in silence. He saw Angie getting touchy and feely with his mate and wondered what it would become. Julie hadn't told him that this would happen and judging by how unsettled and reluctant she was acting, it was never supposed to.

"Flr flareon?" It took her a moment to gather the courage, but Calda inquired if Midnight had fun with his owner very often. She had seen the video, after all, and the subject was nothing new to her. It did arouse her, though, and not because of Julie.

Midnight looked at her, who was currently giving him a timid and cute side-eye. "Umbre... u-umbreon." That was the most nervous he's ever felt, telling Calda that Julie was his mate, and he didn't know why. Maybe because he's never told a soul, but having a human mate was generally a good status.

Calda smirked subtly. "Flare?" She found it hot. Admittedly, she liked Midnight, and she knew he knew-- or maybe not. Males were dense sometimes. So Calda couldn't have him, but perhaps she could borrow him one day, if once, even.

Julie's face had only gotten redder as Angie got more comfortable and crossed several lines, and she found it more difficult to withhold sighs and short gasps she knew Angie was enjoying. Her hands were all over her, rubbing her stomach under her shirt, her sides, hips, thighs. Anything on Julie's body that was accessible, Angie was exploiting.

But Julie had had enough. It was overwhelming. It was uncomfortable. It degraded and humiliated her. She felt her digits tracing gently over her skin, often pressing into and squeezing certain spots. "A-Angie." She grabbed her wrists and felt her stop in her tracks, and it was the only moment that Julie gave her her eyes.

If Julie wanted her to stop, she would, although her skin was irresistibly soft and lovely to touch, and her body was lush and pleasant to explore. However, Angie wanted one more thing. She needed it. It was something she'd never felt, never experienced. She eyed Julie's relatively plump lips and wriggled her wrists free, taking off her glasses and setting them aside.

And in one swift motion, Angie grabbed Julie's hand and brought it down to hold it in place while leaning in and pressing her lips to hers, kissing and tasting her soft mouth.

"Mmn-" Julie's eyes were wide, and she didn't reciprocate, instead pulling away. To stop that, she felt Angie's other hand hold the back of her head and pull her closer. Julie then attempted to raise her hand but felt Angie push it back down, and she was starting to get upset. She wouldn't take this sick act and let Angie take advantage of her for a second longer.

"Mhgie!" Julie raised her other hand and placed it on her chest, pushing her while clutching her shirt. "Pls..."

Angie fought against it at first but felt Julie push hard enough that her hand quivered, and she came to her senses more or less, releasing Julie and watching her fall back onto her elbows while both breathed softly.

Angie eyed her, flustered with pink cheeks. "I... wh- I wasn't supposed to do that much..." She never intended to, but having another girl was what she'd fantasized about for years, and Angie got well into it after starting enough to disregard how Julie felt. "You're straight, yeah?"

Julie stared. "Yeah..." She wiped her mouth and sat up, glancing at their pokémon on the floor and pulling up her pants. "Can you do what I came here for?" Julie lost all respect that she had for Angie and looked around for her phone, which was nowhere in sight.

After what she just did, Angie almost wanted to call this deal off out of guilt, but she looked back and eyed Midnight's cute features and body, knowing she couldn't pass up this opportunity. Angie couldn't afford to care for another pokémon right now, so she couldn't catch a male, and after getting all hot from Julie, Angie was desperate for relief.

Midnight was her best option. He was an experienced umbreon, thanks to Julie, that would look adorable while using her. She recalled his every expression, movement, and sound from the video, which only turned her on further. "Oh, right."

Julie watched Angie put on her glasses and get off the bed, standing by Midnight and Calda, then hold her shorts and panties and swore she could feel hesitation. She caught Angie apprehensively glancing to the side at her before pulling them down and stepping out of them.

Julie left the bed shortly after and sat upright on the gray carpet against the wall at a distance, stretching her legs and leaning back on it. She'd rather be here than in Angie's bed. She looked at Midnight, whose eyes were at first on Angie's actions but shifted to her.

He stared at Julie with adoration, although she couldn't see it in his eyes. In hers, he saw several emotions and emptiness all the same. Midnight wanted to go comfort his mate and grant her his company, but it'd have to wait. He still had something to do for her.

Back to Angie since she was standing beside him, Midnight eyed her generally slim build, although not on Julie's level, and legs that weren't as toned as Julie's, but she still looked good. Midnight was just as lucky as could be to have what he had. Nothing new.

Calda couldn't wait to watch. Her favorite human and pokémon going at it before her eyes? She looked over at Julie, who held the tail-end of the rope in this situation. It was unfortunate for her, but the excitement Calda felt overshadowed it. She had to see this and ensured she moved to sit at an angled distance behind where they'd be.

Angie would make this quick. She felt like it was the best option here, but she didn't know how she wanted it. Maybe she could get on her hands and knees with a twist. Her gymnastics grind would benefit her here.

She took another glance at Julie before getting on all fours but spread her legs far out on both sides and lowered herself in a transversal split. Angie rested on her forearms and looked back at Midnight, raising her rear slightly.

This felt awkward, almost. He didn't even know her, not to mention Julie was watching. "O-Okay. You can... get on." Angie would have to adjust her position after he mounted so he could appropriately hold her and thrust at a comfortable angle.

If her idea was to arouse him with that erotic position, it definitely worked. It was some of the sweetest eye candy put before him. Midnight had never seen Julie do anything close, but it looked like it required more flexibility than what was typical. He walked to Angie's rear and glanced at Julie, whose expression hadn't changed before his eyes were all over what Angie offered.

Midnight drew them over her cute legs and vaginal lips that were plumper than Julie's. Unlike her legs, her womanhood wasn't shaved completely, but it was maintained and minimal. Julie usually kept hers clean.

He had to admit that he was kind of curious to know how another female's vagina felt. He rarely, if ever thought about it and again was more than happy with Julie's, but he pondered it from time to time. Fortunately, Midnight had a justifiable reason to and wasn't sneaking off knowing that she wouldn't be okay with it.

Julie saw Midnight glance her way again, and she looked away slightly this time. She didn't want to guilt him or make him feel hesitant. He already got permission.

But it did hurt, which she felt brewing in her chest. She watched him close the distance and stand on his hind paws, falling onto Angie's bare rear and tucking his front ones under her inner thighs. Julie caught a glimpse of his red tip, meaning he was aroused, but it wasn't anything he could control when a girl so desperate to be fucked had her ass up in front of him.

Angie grinned in anticipation and further spread her legs, lowering herself slightly to give Midnight the best angle she could, and biting her lip while feeling his paws shift and their warm pads rub her skin. She couldn't believe she was about to live a fantasy she'd longed for for a while. It wasn't often they came true, although Angie had kind of forced it. She glanced back at him. "You, uh... you can..."

"Umb," he cut her short. She didn't have to guide him. Midnight knew what he was doing and then some.

He could feel Julie's eyes on him but had to focus on penetrating. He was glad they were more or less doing this in his favorite position. This was going to feel shamefully sensational. He thrust several times and felt his tip rub her outer labia, hearing Angie subtly gasp and stiffen. Knowing he was in the right area, Midnight thrust his hips in that general direction and slipped perfectly between her lips, entering her relatively wet and cozy embrace but stopping short at her hymen since he knew Angie was new to mating. He'd go slow to start, as he had during he and Julie's first time.

Angie was grateful since she was too stiff for what was to come. She took a silent, deep breath and exhaled, keeping her gaze ahead. She didn't want to look at Julie nor Midnight. The further this went, the more her prior outlook on it altered, but any opposition was blended with lust. Midnight was already inside her, and the living stimulation felt good already. Angie wanted him thrusting deep.

She felt him hump again and his length rub more of her walls, making her shiver in pleasure, but on his next one that was rougher, Angie felt his cock drive significantly deeper. "A-Angh- f-fkk..." she winced and sucked her teeth. She felt nothing but dull pain swell in her vagina, her arms quivering. She was trying her best not to cry. "Hn..."

"Bre." Midnight pressed his growing knot to her lips and felt her walls stroke his shaft, spurting pre. He was consumed by her warmth and wanted more, so he started thrusting at a steady pace, knowing her pain would subside as he went. He twitched his ear to her frequent quiet moans and subtle whimpers, shoving his cock into her pussy and focusing on how amazing it felt and sounded squelching loudly around him. Angie got a lot wetter than Julie, which amplified their session more than what he was used to, and she felt smoother in comparison. There was less definition and a gentler texture making up her walls.

However, Julie felt naturally tighter and had firmer ribbed walls that created more intense sensations. Midnight loved both for different reasons. Angie was practically soaking and a pleasure to thrust into. "Mbreonh," he groaned, shut his eyes, and found himself pumping harder and hearing a soft smack reverberate when their hips connected.

"Oh w-wow... hmh," Angie moaned with her mouth agape as the pain gradually faded, her legs shaking from pleasure and the stress this position put on her hips and glutes. Julie was such a lucky girl to have a pokémon's dick whenever she pleased. Midnight humping her pussy felt better than any toy she'd used. His cock was warm and so hard, and he drove it into her seamlessly, massaging her walls like nothing else. She was curious to know how it felt to be knotted too. His bulb tapped her lips whenever he thrust, bringing her anticipation.

Angie lowered her head and briefly raised her hand to push her glasses back up as they started to slip. "This is s-soo good. Mhhidnight," she moaned, mainly to herself. She clenched her hands into fists and rolled her hips against his thrusts upon him unintentionally finding an angle that stimulated her sweet zone. "Nhuh, mhdamn, it's s-so good." She closed her eyes slightly and breathed quickly through her mouth. His paws tucked under her thighs felt snug and cute, as were his huffs and noises that he kept quiet. Angie was relieved Midnight was enjoying her as much as she was him. It made her feel better that someone was pleased by her actions tonight.

Julie, meanwhile, was suffering internally but didn't show it. She was off to the side but could still see everything, hear everything. She watched Midnight pump his hips with vigor and real passion, his cock sliding deep inside her, and his testes dangle. She eyed his paws holding her firmly, and listened to him grunt and moan his name in pleasure.

Her chest felt like it had a five-hundred-pound weight on it. Julie could barely breathe, and she felt like puking all over again, watching and listening to Midnight take another girl while getting into it so deeply. The humiliation lived on, but Julie couldn't find an ounce of assertion in herself. She especially despised that Angie was feeling as good as she was from his work. She'd already heard her moan and mumble his name, and her breaths and whimpers were clear among so much silence other than Midnight's hips smacking hers and how wet it sounded while he rammed her pussy, but she couldn't look away.

She studied how Angie's legs shook, how her clothed breasts jiggled, and how her tee gradually slid off her now exposed back and hung slightly under her chest, rippling under Midnight's thrusts, as were her sweaty thighs. Julie's eyes were glued, and she despised every second.

Midnight was acting under the influence of wondrous physical pleasure. He could feel and think of nothing else besides her lubricious walls pulsating and gently contracting around his cock, frequently coaxing pre from his tip. He leaned over Angie's rear and thrust faster, almost desperately while huffing through his mouth. "Mmbrh, b-bre," he groaned and winced, shifting his paws against her skin to get a better grip on her thighs and briefly raising his hind one upon a surge of pleasure warming and briefly dizzying him.

The sensations grew more intense with every hump, and he felt a strong climax stir in his stomach. Midnight flattened his ears slightly and gritted his teeth, his paws twitching against her thighs. He heard her moans and high-pitched gasps get louder and become more frequent, meaning he was likely hitting Angie where it mattered most, so he'd focus on his angle. Midnight wasn't initially aiming to drive her to an orgasm, but if he could give her her first, he would. He found an odd sense of pride in being able to do so.

Calda had been gazing with full eyes at Midnight mating her owner, shooting her eyes to and from them both, but she was focused mainly on him. Calda watched his stiff cock pump in and out of her owner's hole, his sleek body and hips moving, and her eyes were especially on his testes as if entranced by a swaying pendulum. Her lower regions felt almost as hot as she was, pun intended. She wished to Arceus to be in Angie's spot right now, and if she couldn't have Midnight, she was at least going to taste him before he finished.

So she padded up while they were busy and crouched under Midnight, looking up with a slightly open mouth at an up-close view of his testes and dick sliding into his owner's wonderfully wet pussy. She twitched her ear to the detailed squelches and occasional queef, swaying her tail. Calda stuck out her tongue and stood slightly, inches from the action, but was hesitant to go through with it. What if Midnight didn't approve? Then again, he'd probably shun her after tonight anyway, so this would be all she'd get. There was nothing to lose.

Calda leaned up and pressed her wet tongue to his shaft's moving underside, feeling his warm glans run over it and receiving a cute moan from him, which made her cheeks heat up. She felt him briefly slow his pace, likely looking to see what the new sensation was, then felt him speed up again and huff and groan. Calda was happy to make him feel better than he was already, and she wouldn't stop here. She alternated between his testes and cock, lapping her tongue at both and shutting her eyes, often stimulating Angie's lips and clitoris due to her sloppy accuracy. Calda got a delicious salty taste from their privates and fluids.

"Umb- Um-mh..." Midnight stuck his tongue out while feeling Calda's smooth appendage slick his length and caress his sack while he thrust into Angie, which increased his pleasure significantly, and he'd go along. If his mind wasn't being driven by lust, he'd reject this. He glanced back again and saw her backside raised and puffy tail sway between his and Angie's legs, breathing faster and higher. Midnight was about to burst. He humped rougher and winced, leaning forward.

"C-Calda, nhu- ohh... I'm so closee," Angie murmured under moans and deep sighs, feeling her climax build in her stomach. Pleasure in orgasmic surges swelled vividly while Midnight's length rubbed her walls and her flareon's tongue lapped at her labia and clit. She rested her head on her hands, wiping sweat from her face, and stood almost on her tippy toes, though she struggled to. Her feet and legs quivered from stress and extreme pleasure, and she struggled to hold the position for the first time since learning the splits.

This was the best she had ever, ever felt. It was unimaginably hot, being eaten while getting fucked so hard. "K-Keep humping me with that h-hard dick, Midnight. M-My pussy... hhmyeah..." Her body was hot, her head, vagina, and groin warm with constant sexual sensation. Angie needed a boy in her life after this. She couldn't be satisfied solely with Calda's tongue after having an umbreon ram her vagina.

Julie watched, assuming they was close to reaching climax by how Angie sounded, and she already knew Midnight when he was about to cum. His paws were twitching, his grunts and groans were frequent, and his tail was stiff. She hadn't expected Calda to involve herself, but Julie knew she had a thing for Midnight. Neither of them would go anywhere near him after tonight.

She felt sickened to her core and even more so that Midnight would make her orgasm. Julie wanted to get up and push Angie over. She wanted to stop all of this and take Midnight back to their room, but it was too late anyway. The damage had been done, and Julie wanted no trouble. She just wanted to keep attending classes and separate from Angie after this.

"Umbrhe, mmhbre..." Midnight was dizzied and had to really grip Angie so he wouldn't lose his balance. His hind legs shook, and his thrusts slowed. His breathing stuttered, and saliva hung from his tongue. It was overwhelming. Calda's lovely licks began to numb, and every thrust made him huff and groan under his breath.

It was too good, and Midnight had reached his limit. He inhaled several times as his climax built to its peak, making him thrust desperately against a sudden increase in hot pleasure, and he reached the point of no return after pumping his hips the next few times. "B-Breon, nhmbre!" Midnight pressed his hips to Angie's and humped while an orgasm intense enough to make him borderline pass out embraced him, spurting cum deep into her and marking her walls. He couldn't think. His mind was numb with hot pleasure, and it felt better than ever to thrust into Angie's pussy and feel her irresistible walls and Calda's tongue rub his cock.

"Uh-hmm!" Angie bit her hand gently to cope as her climax closed in, swaying slightly on her feet and briefly flinching upon feeling something ooze and drip onto her lower back before realizing it was likely Midnight's saliva for whatever reason. She knew he was mid-orgasm inside of her after hearing his concluding moans and feeling how rigid his movement was, which further flushed her face and made her grin. She loved that he'd relished her so much. Angie could feel him throb wildly inside her while spilling.

She felt his knot grind and tease her labia while Calda licked and drew her tongue across both. "Ghna! Mmhh..." Angie bit harder after Midnight pushed his knot past her folds and went deeper, rubbing her sweet zone. Her breathing hitched, and after Calda licked her clit a couple more times, making her jerk and arch her back while raising her lower body and standing higher, Angie was consumed by a blended orgasm that made her push her arms out and grab at the carpet.

"Mhnm... Nhgmm," she murmured as several waves of blissful warmth exploded and covered every inch of her body, from her sensitive clit that Calda kept working at, her vaginal walls, groin, and her stiff limbs down to her fingers and toes. Her mouth was agape, and she couldn't even begin to catch her breath until it started fading seconds later. That was the most ineffably profound orgasm she'd experienced.

Julie was just glad it was over with, but she didn't understand why Midnight had to knot her. Sharing an orgasm with her was beyond enough. She sighed to herself, watching them both recover and catch their breath while Calda backed up and sat, licking her lips and glancing back at her. Julie looked away and pulled her legs so she sat criss-cross.

She'd have to live with this forever, and she couldn't and wouldn't dare tell anyone about it, not even Alyssa.