How Carmen got her claws into Carlisle (part 2)

Story by AllTheWrongPieces on SoFurry

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bold parts - Carmen, written by me

normal text - Carlisle, written by Tempestfox

Seriously, these two are adorable and sexy as hell together...!Don't be fooled though, they're not all sweetness and night and mind blowing sex... He's a hitman and shes a madam ;p

Carmen sighed 'I suppose you have a point, I'll have to move the kitchens about a bit s that one end is where the staff can eat and rest, and the other half can be their dressing room.' She smiled at his comment 'yes it will indeed, a real safe haven for those on the wrong side of the law to come and let their hair down in good company.... As for fetishes, I'll have to cater for as much as I can, but I promise not to expose your sensitive little self to anything too sordid.' She chuckled at the idea of such a fur being bothered by anything, and walked past him towards the stairwell. As she went she cheekily pinched his butt, her fingers running through the fur of his feather duster tail as she went. 'Oh no' she replied over her shoulder as she went by 'the heating being on makes perfect sense to me, though I wouldn't be surprised if you don't have a squatter or two making the most of it... We'll have to get those out if so!... So are you taking me upstairs or not Mr. Blackburn?'

Carlisle nodded and stretched with a smirk he shook his head at the mention of squatters he knew there to be none. "We have CCTV installed in here plus a squatter wouldn't get in easily due to the fact of the patrols and the security." He jumped a little and then grinned as she did that he could not help it she certainly had an effect on him he laughed slightly a shiver running through him as she ran her hand down his tail. He smirked and led her towards a fancy turned marble staircase big and wide with a cast iron banister with fan pattern in the metal work red and green coloured. "Many of the rooms up here over look the park seeing as you want a bath we'll go to the top floor it has the fanciest bathroom suite and there is also a linen closet on the middle landing which holds sheets and towels and things. You never know if you're lucky you might even find some luxurious bubble bath."

'Well that IS good news' Carmen looked over her shoulder at him with a smirk 'that means no disruptions.' Her tail lashed wantonly. 'That sounds lovely, I do like a room with a view, would you care to lead the way?' She stood and cocked her hip, resting one hand on it and striking a mock-impatient pose. She could almost feel herself sliding into the hot bath water already.

Carlisle nodded with a laugh as he passed y a linen cupboard getting a couple of towels and managing to find some soothing bath product which someone had shoved in there. "SO Stairs or lift there's another 5 floors to the top but it's up to you you can explore a bit on your way up if you want to." He waited to see what her decision would be before he continued up the staircase he did not feel like wasting effort if it was not needed.

Carmen watched him pick up some towels and scented products from a store cupboard that they passed and she smirked. Did he think his luck was in? Was he right? Who knew, she'd decide when she got upstairs and saw that bathtub. She liked the idea of jacuzzi jets, and wondered if they had been put in to sooth aching muscles or to tittilate to begin with. She pondered the question of stairs only briefly, promptly deciding that there would be plenty of time to explore after a nice soak. 'Oh I think the lift sounds just fine, I almost feelI should be giving you a silly little uniform for taking me up in it though.' She smirked at the double meaning in her words, unable to help the cheeky smile that flittered across her maw.

Carlisle smiled and nodded his tail wagging slightly with a sigh as he took her up in a velvet upholstered lift he waited until she was inside it before he pressed the button with a smirk. "I don't know if I'd look good as a M'aitre D or a bell hop but who knows." It took a couple of minutes before he showed her into a large penthouse suite which took up the whole floor. "This used to be mine and well if I were you I'd nab this room for yourself the views are spectacular " He started to run the bath giving her a chance to explore pouring in the bubble bath before hanging the towels on the towel rail. "I'll be outside if you need me I'm sure you won't want me around while you have your bath I could go and check the boiler room see if everything is ticking over nicely."

Carmen smirked at his reply 'oh I don't know... I think they all like pretty daft to begin with. Like overdressed penguins.' She laughed, a melodic sound that filled the lift and echoed around them. 'You can really tell the place has been empty a while' she winced as the sound of her too-loud laughter rang in her sensitive ears. "Whats yours in mine hmmm? She joked 'though you're right, its beautiful up here! I may even have to consider letting my new flat go and just living in this place...' She ambled to the windows and peered out onto the city, the view was breathtaking. The she heard his intentions to leave and quickly turned around. "i can help you check once I'm done here Carlisle.' She used his name to grab his attention. 'don't tell me you've come over all coy? I'm sure you've seen a naked woman before?' She didn't give him time to reply. She crossed to the bathtub gracefully, looking into its steaming water before flickering her gaze back up to meet his. Trying to hold the attentions of his one good eye as a kind of challenge as she began to shed her layers. Firstly she slipped of her fur shrug and dropped it behind her as she walked. Not breaking eye contact with him as she pulled the scarf from her hair and slid down the zipper on her dress. Lifting her hands to pull the material down and over her breasts, she dropped the dress to the floor and stepped gracefully out of it. Standing before him in nothing but a lace cupped balconette brazier, a thong that was made of such fine lace it was almost entirely see through, and a pair of fishnet stockings attached to a garter belt around her waist. Lifting one footpaw onto the rim of the tub she reached around her back and unclasped the garter belt. Stretched out forward over her extended leg she pushed her thumbs under the netted material and began to slide it down slowly over her furless skin. Not once did she break eye contact, though she was certain she could smell the beginnings of the musky smell of arousal drifting from him.

Carlisle cocked his head and he nodded with a laugh his was quite deep he flicked his ears and had to agree with her. "I don't even like wearing tuxedos or penguin suits as we call them. Make me look ridiculous some can pull off the suave lok but looking like this I stand out like a sore thumb." He was about to walk away when she began to strip off in front of him his muzzle flushed slightly and he cleared his throat he wanted to look away but it seemed that she had him under a spell he shivered ever so slightly damn she was fit she had the best figure of any woman he had ever seen mind you his were generally furry so some details were hidden her contours were amazing and he had to stop himself drooling over her something which he just about managed his muzzle flushed almost scarlet when she was near naked. He was indeed more than a little bit aroused he felt like a dirty dog.

Carmen heard his babbling about tuxedo's and it amused her no end how people would talk about ridiculous things when they were nervous. She saw him look her over and smiled sexily. Pushing her stocking off over her footpaw she then repeated the process with the second and let the garter belt fall to the floor. Moving around the bathtub to him she stopped beside him and with her curvaceous hip pressed against his side she leant forwards and pressed the jet button on the tub; causing streams of powerful bubbles to fill the water. Swirling one hand in the bubbling bathtub she slowly straightened back up, water dripping from her fingertips as she reached around behind her to unsnap the clasp on her bra. Still facing away from him she used her thumbs to push off her barely there underwear, then stepped up into the tub and sank down into its soothing waters before he could get so much as a glimpse of her naked front.

Carlisle ears went back slightly a light shiver going through him she had a nice backside he had to admit he was surprised she had stripped off in front of him no girl had done that unless they were drunk before and he knew her to be sober. He sighed averting his eyes slightly once she was stripping bare thinking it wasn't right he did have respect for the pretty lady or any lady in fact and felt like a cad when he looked over them but he couldn't help feeling somewhat aroused a shiver went through him this time not so imperceptible his ears went back god what had happened to him he was under her spell alright,

Carmen detected no movement behind her and so she swirled around in the water, keeping herself submerged so that the bubbles hid her assets from view but for the odd peek as the water swirled. She was determined to get some kind of admittance of attraction out of him, he reeked of it for christs sake... And yet for some reason was behaving like a schoolboy caught peeking through a window. Her tail lashed underneath the water's surface in frustration. Was he really so proper? 'What's the matter Carlisle?' She asked in sultry tones 'don't you like what you see?' She rose to her paws in one smooth motion, water cascading from her naked body as she stood for his approval or dismissal. Her naked skin glistened and her iron crossed nipples glinted in the light, she wondered if he would notice them. For some reason people were always shocked by her penchant for piercings. Not that she had ever been as bothered by anyones response to them as she suddenly inexplicably was by the idea that Carlisle might be revolted.

Carlisle was in a bit of dillemma he wanted to but felt that he would be a pervert he swallowed slightly another shiver going through him when she called his name he turned his head catching sight of her in her full nakedness he wagged his tail very slightly. His ears back slightly he coughed slightly then a small whine left him and he looked her up and down his head cocked slightly his muzzle flushed. "Damn, you're beautifull." He shivered again feeling himself becoming more aroused he had seen women with piercings before but not like this and rather than being repulsed by it he was effected even further a bulge appearing in his trousers.

Carmen saw the wag of his tail and a smile graced her maw, then when he exclaimed quietly that she was beautiful hr smile grew. She couldn't help but notice the growing bulge in his smart mobster trousers, and for a moment her huge amber eyes were glued to it. Her ears swivelled forward, he had her full attentions. Moving towards him in the tub, water swished around her legs as she approached him slowly and deliberately. A deep rumbling purr escaped her lips as she drew ever closer. Her pupils were huge and she knew he would be able to see himself in the, but she simply could not hide her desire any longer. At the edge of the bathtub she reached forward with one hand, aiming to hook her fingertip into the waistband of his trousers and pull him towards her.

Carlisle was once again ensnared he was under her spell again and he could not help looking at her body but it was her large eyes almost like orbs which caught his attantion he was surprised to see that they had desire in them something he had never expected. What could she see in him a scarred mutt? There were plenty of other males more of a catch than him he was just a scarred and disfigured cur but the desire was there and he smiled slightly his tail wagging. A low woof escaped him as she pulled him towards her by his waistband he had not expected that it took him completely by surprise a low whine escaped him his tail wagging a little faster the shiver intensifying.

Carmen barely registered his wagging tail so deeply was she gazing into his eyes, but she did feel the tremble of his body when his belly touched hers. She shuddered in response, pressing herself to him so that her dripping wet breasts soaked his shirt through. Her nipples pressed into him through the fabric and she put both paws around him, grasping onto his butt and dragging him towards her. She knew his clothes would be too wet to wear for some time, and so she ground her hips against him awkwardly past the edge of the bathtub. She could clearly feel the bulge of his ever growing manhood against her stomach, and as she tilted back her head to plant her lips on his her eyes widened in shock at the sheer size of him. She'd known he was tall but still...! Breathily breaking from her forced kiss she panted lustfully 'I'm not going to wait for you to undress forever...' As she pulled hard on him, aiming to pull him into the deep tub with a splash.

Carlisle shivered as she pushed herself against him his clothes soon soaked through he yipped slightly as she placed her lips on his and pressed herself close his member slipping out further he grunted slightly damn she was sexy he deepened the kiss holding her around the waist kissing her with passion holding her close to his body not caring that his clothes were now saturated. He cocked his head she wanted him to strip his ears went back before he pulled away and took off his tie and shirt exposing the massive scar down his shoulder and back before he undid his belt and dropped his trousers exposing even more scars he was not too happy with them but they were now part of him he stood there naked his muzzle flushing feeling like a fly on an operating table the worst scar high up on his hip and down his thigh. His arousal was now clear to see his member protruding from his sheath he sighed and walked towards her and kissed her deeply. "Sorry my body is not much to look at but I'm practically littered with scars."

Carmen took in every detail of him stood there before her, each and every scar, the colour of his pelt, the way his fur had spotted patterns in intimate places. She gazed deep into his eyes as she ran her hands moved onto his naked rump. She squeezed the taught muscle there and a louder purr escaped her, muffled by his kiss. When he broke for breath she almost whispered 'don't be modest' Se ran her gaze over his scarred body 'you're a marked adonis, each and every single scratch a testament to your lifestyle. You're a warrior for hire Carlisle, and I can't think of anything sexier.' She tumbled back into the water with a splash, her naked body submerging and then bobbing on the waters surface, looking for all the word like a wanton mermaid. She pulled at him but not enough to cause him to fall on top of her. She hoped he would take the invitation. pushing herself back to the far side of the tub she lent against the wall of it and began kneading gently at her breasts, purring more and more loudly as her eyes stared blatantly and hungrily at his enormous cock then fully exposed and free of its sheath. "join me my gladiator?' she panted.

Carlisle sighed his head cocked thathe didnt expect he smiled slightly she was so perfect and well he was a bit of rough no doubt but he was willing to be that right now he smiled his tail wagging as he got into the tub his tail wagging causing a slight splach he immediately relaxed a low moan coming from him it had been ages since he ahd had a bath generally taking showers instead the hot water soothing his aching muscles his tail wagged. "Thank you." He smiled the water not covering him completely he was so big he smirked slightly happy to be in her company. "There's only one thing missing and that's champagne but we thought it wise not to keep the place stocked."

'Probably wise' she murmured, shifting over in his direction under the water. One of her footpaws snaked up and down his leg, stroking along his inner thigh nearly all the way to the top and back down again. She couldn't help but smirk at the tip of his manhood bobbing above the water line, it really was huge. Pulling herself towards him even closer, she drifted towards him on her front until her enormous chest hovered inches away from his desire. Looking down at it she smirked naughtily, then dragging herself up and forwards so that it slid slickly between her breasts. She snaked up his body until her maw was level with his and then kissed him deeply. 'Do you always talk so much nonsense with a willing female in front of you' she purred, poking fun at his awkwardness. Looking into his one good eye before moving back in for another kiss. Her body was pressed against his muscle clad belly tightly, and she could not help the little squirm of delight from her when he throbbed against her belly.

Carlisle shivered with a grunt as she slid against him he let out a low moan and stroked her cheek gently smiling at her slightly. "Erm, no but normally the willing females are intoxicated so don't mind who they jump really I've never had one willing to seduce me sober except you of course, so begging your pardon for being like this. I find you the most sexy creature on the planet." He kissed her deeply and with passion then a light growl coming from him as he gave into his wild side his hand running down her back gently grabbing her backside. He could not believe his luck and right now his animalistic needs were taking over his insecurities as he gently nibbled along her jaw and down to the top of her breasts licking her there lightly with a deep growl of passion.

Carmen moaned as his maw worked at her breasts, leaning up to nibble at his ear and whispering into it. 'Clearly you're associating with the wrong caliber of female... And do you know what Carlisle? I think I echo that sentiment back... I don't think I've ever wanted a male so much as I want you right now at this moment.' She leant back to get a good look at him, taking in the sight of his fur slick down with water and his scars looking so pink and clean in the water. She smiled at him, a genuine happiness in her expression that reached her eyes... a phenomena that rarely occurred with her, so hardened to life was she. Reaching down she ran one fingertip from the base of his shaft to the tip, looking down at her hand as though fascinated by her own movements. 'Just look at you' she murmured almost dreamily 'you're magnificent.'

Carlisle looked back at her a huff escaping him his tail wagged and he smiled his head cocked he was surprised she liked him so much he kissed her mouth lightly a sudden exhale of air leaving him as she ran her finger along his head bucking slightly subconsciously as she touched his sensitive tip. "I'm flattered I really am Carmen, I can't believe you think that much of me but I think an awful lot about you you are better than any woman from my dreams they don't ven come close. You're amazing." He kissed her passionately again gathering her up in his muscular arms so she was slightly against him his eyes closed momentarily in bliss.

Carmen smiled into his kiss, her eyes too were closed tightly as she lost herself to the moment. When they broke for air she pulled herself away from him a little and kissed delicately at his chin, then his neck, nibbling the sensitive skin there gently. Moving slowly ever downwards she kissed his chest in a butterfly trail of kisses, slowly and deliberately kissing down his belly and then pushing herself backwards in the water; holding onto his knees to stop herself drifting away. She let her body drop down into the water and teasingly gripped at the base of his shaft,her fingers tight around the ever expanding girth of it. Looking up at him mischievously she drifted closer and licked it, just once, from the base to the tip. Her barbed feline tongue adding all kinds of dimensions of pleasure to the experience that she suspected would be alien to him. Then just as quickly she slipped back up his chest and pressed tightly to him, squashing her breasts against his rock solid torso. She hovered above his waiting cock teasingly, waiting to see if he could take the suspense of if he would drive into her with the passion that she could see bubbling beneath the surface of his mind.

Carlisle shivered panting slightly as they broke the kiss he grunted slightly his body shivering slightly as she nibbled his neck a low moan coming from him his body tensing slightly as she kissed down his torso he was becoming more and more aroused he licked his canines slightly. When she gripped him he grunted his member swelling more he grunted as he slipped out nearly to his full extent he moaned as she ran her tongue up his length an intense shiver going through him he grunted and moan slightly he had never felt anything as tantalising and as sensuous as that before he was right he had been going after the wrong type of woman. He wagged his tail slightly he did indeed want to take her but he waited a shiver going through him damn she was sexy.

Carmen kissed him hard, struggling to hold herself away from him, her body tingling with electric sensations, every nerve ending on fire. Somewhere in the back of her mind she heard his tail wag swishily in the water, but what was more important to her was the moans he was uttering. She purred so loudly in response that her chest vibrated against his. Bending her neck to nibble along the line of his collar bone she suddenly changed her mind, no longer able to contain herself. Reaching down between her wide-spread thighs she grabbed him and guided him slowly inside her, slipping tantalisingly slowly down the length of him. Stopping when she met the barrier of his growing knot she shuddered and moaned loudly, rocking her hips in circles around him. She wanted him to take the lead, to use that muscle to throw her around a bit, but she dared not ask him when he was so unsure about her feelings towards him. Instead she kissed him hard, overcome with lust for him.

Carlisle deepened the kiss a light moan leaving him he couldnt believe his luck this was a moment he had dreamt about only the female was not as beguiling nor as attractive she drove him wild. This was much better than whacking someone, thanks boss he thought. Then that thought went away as she slipped herself on to him a long drawn out moan coming to him and then when she started to ride him that was it he gently bit into her shoulder not enough to draw blood and started to thrust upwards gaining in momentum when he became even more aroused a deep growl leaving him as he gave in to his natural urges he was soon taking her hard panting slightly.

Carmen almost screamed in delight when he began to drive into her. Her moans and purrs intensified and counter his movements, slamming down onto him as he drove upwards into her. She felt his teeth on her shoulder and she returned the favour; unable to control herself she found she did break his skin a little but it didn't slow his stride. Reaching round she grabbed his buttocks, pulling him deeper and deeper into her. Pushing him back with her hands suddenly on his chest she threw back her head and really put her hips to work. She could feel his knot trying to work into her and lustfully she desperately tried to take in all his length. 'oh Carlisle you dirty dog' she moaned, her years as a dom causing her to accidentally vocalise when she had been determined just to enjoy the moment. Her legs trembled as she teetered on the edge of orgasm, the water splashing around them and pouring out onto the floor as her movements became more desperate. She was so close to release, it wouldn't take much... Just the idea of him had driven her wild, and the sight of him naked had her so lust filled she had barely been able to contain herself. Feeling him inside her, pumping his hips, that was as close to nirvana as it got. Her moans echoed around the room as she got closer and closer to her release.

Carlisle shivered those were the most sexy sounds he had heard he moaned and growled before he pulled back almost withdrawing before he took her with all his force going deep his knot swelling even more her noises turning him on even more he continued to take her hard and fast his member soon filling her he moaned out he too was close his member not far off knotting swelling ever more he grunted damn this felt amazing he started to pant his tongue lolling from his jaws as he quickened his thrusts.

Carmen was beyond the point of rational response, she was a being entirely made of sensation. Every nerve tingled and she could feel the heat in her belly about to explode into fireworks. Feeling him growing and pulsing inside her she ground her hips onto him hard, taking in the growing swelling of his knot. That was it, that pushed her over the edge of oblivion. Moaning loudly she almost screamed in ecstasy, her muscles contracting around the hot length of him as she felt him drawing close to his own orgasm. Panting and purring she bent forward and savagely kissed him as he thrust her over the edge of ecstasy, feeling him fill every inch of her as they tied together. 'Oh Carlisle' she moaned into his open maw, feeling spent and exhausted but deliriously happy and immensely satisfied at the full feeling of him deep inside her.

Carlisle grunted feeling her tighten around him his member knotted he let out a long drawn out howl bucking spasmodically against her as he found his release with a grunt his leg twitching slightly with each spasm. He moaned into the kiss deepening it before breaking away to pant lying his head back against the tub. His voice was breathy when he spoke and he moaned again. "That was the best I have ever had you're amazing Carmen I've never been that turned on before."

Carmen moaned loudly as he found his release, the throbbing of member intensifying the receding waves of her own orgasm. She fell back away from him at the moment he did, dropping back into the water with a splash and a girlish giggle. Stuck to him as she was she could not drift away but she could not deny that the tug as she changed position felt a little strange. 'What can I say?' she laughed breathily. 'Though I must admit you had quite the effect on me yourself. And this feeling of being joined together is delicious isn't it... I could get used to it.' She purred deeply. After a moment of basking in the sensation she began languidly running her breasts. 'I could go again you know...' She winked, her hair drifting around her in tendrils. 'Though I suspect there's a chance you might be called away so we'd better leave you with some strength.' She giggled again, looking up at him and catching sight of the flushed skin on her breasts. 'I expect you didn't even know women can get a little red blush on their chests after they cum? Not if you've only been with furred women before me...' It was not a question as to his past lovers, more a random observation as she enjoyed the afterglow. 'I wish that we did not soon have to move...' She sighed dreamily. 'I could stay here indefinitely if you let me.'

Carlisle continued to pant a bit the sensation had indeed got him a little but he did enjoy it, more than enqjoyed it the sensation was exquisite he smiled and gentlt stroked her cheek looking down at her chest when she said that. "No I can't say I have noticed you're the first hairless I have been with and it has been the best I have ever had but I think that is down to you you're quite the minx and that in itself is a major turn on. "Don't tempt me this may last for an hour or so just so you know we canines well we're weird you'll be stuck with me for some time. Heh wish I could but I don't know how long the lead the boss has got me on he may call soon then again he might not."

"i can't help it' Carmen purred 'its just the way I'm wired... Besides, what point is life if you can't grab it by the horns and enjoy it?' She winked. She looked down at the space where his cock disappeared into her and her eyes widened. 'An hour! You are quite the athlete... Do I need to do anything to help alleviate your condition... Or shall we just enjoy it while it lasts?' She Sat herself up on his lap ad leaned forward to kiss him again, her stumpy whiskers tickling at his muzzle. Putting her arms around his neck she hugged his head close into her naked breasts and sighed with contentment. 'Tell me Carlisle, why am I so drawn to you... Its not even been 48 hours and I feel like my body is magnetised to yours somehow?'

Carisle sighed and he shrugged with a sigh. "Just how us canines are made I guess, my average is an hour nut sometimes it can go longer and no there's nothing really short of knocking me out that is." He laughed at that and shook his head before he kissed her deeply his muzzle twitching slightly as her whiskers tickled it slightly he stroked her cheek before pulling away with a smile. "I don't know, I'm feeling it too it is kind of weird I've never felt that before. Maybe it's my bad boy image or pure animal magnetism I don't know can't explain it but I fell under your spell almost immediately." Carmen smirked 'Well I don't think I'll be taking it to that extreme' She imagined that even if she wanted to the knocking him out would be impossible for her. She continued on with a smile 'I do like a bad boy... But its not just that this time around, I'm sure its not...' She sank onto his chest and whilst languidly stroking his scars she began to slowly drift to sleep. The soothing bubbles in the water, the contentment, and the exhaustion of all the passion carrying her off into a light slumber. Carlisle smiled and stroked her ear nuzzling her lightly with a sigh stroking her head he smiled as he hugged her sleeping form holding her lightly to his chest. "Sleep well beautiful."

How Carmen got her claws into Carlisle (part 1)

Carlisle yawned and pulled himself to his feet with a huff and stretched his body was aching slightly probably from the hard job he had before. He scratched himself slightly with a grunt still half asleep before heading for the shower he spent a good...

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Introductions (M/F, anthro/human, feline, bondage, BDSM, domination, yiff, sex, vaginal, oral, claws)

**_The following is an RP between myself and the wonderful Celestial-being. The bold parts were written by him from his character Takashi's perspective, and the italic pieces were written by me from my char Carmen's :3 I love rp'ing Carmen, she's such...

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Memories (M/F, sub, dom, bondage, oral, anal, yiff, sex, cat, dog)

**It was dark and atmospheric in the lounge as always. The lighting was kept deliberately dim at all times and that was just how Carmen liked it. The furless feline lent back in her seat, crossing two deliciously long legs beneath her as she surveyed...

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