Last Friday

Story by KayrinSF on SoFurry

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A kangaroo challenges his friend to a little after-hours spar at their local gym

A request for Kangaroo-Jack (on FA)

Had a bit of fun with the narration style, going for a slightly disjointed first person perspective that picks up part-way through the fight. The sex at the end hopefully came off better than I feel it does, just because I'm not used to writing the sex scene endings like this--especially anal.

Anyway, enjoy guys! :)

Jack © Kangaroo-Jack

Nina & Dart © Ninahusky

Story © KayrinSF

There's a lot of ways you can spend a Friday night. Getting laid comes to mind, or maybe a pint with some buddies. Hell, maybe a pint with your buddies before getting laid; the number of people to sleep with, and the number of pints to drink defy counting, but I wasn't doing either. How I got here matters less than where I am, and perhaps more important than even that is who's slamming their fist into my right cheekbone?

The impacts are vicious, but my mind is already so hazy from the abuse that I'm more pre-occupied wondering about sex and drinking; I don't feel a thing. Soft rock floats in the air, the slow twang of a guitar accompanying some nameless crooner's grasp for stardom. Above, the bare fluorescents hum like tiny generators, the power they're putting off bathing the ramshackle boxing ring I was kneeling in with a sterile glow. The sweat shimmering in my short tan fur are like diamonds, and the blood running down one of my cheeks are rubies.

"All done, Jack?" The taunting voice wafts from above me. I can hear bells, but just tell myself it's the music.

"Not a chance, Nina!" I gather myself, as if rallying around my own self-perceived wit as I throw myself upwards towards the source of that voice. My glove connects with the soft underside of her jaw and she goes reeling back, black fur slicing through the sodium glow of the overhead lights as her arms pinwheel as she fights to maintain her balance. I rise to my feet, but my opponent--an almost too-slim husky--has her hand up.

"That's the round, Jack. Give me a breather." She looks like she needs one too. A certain smugness pumps through my addled brain. Sure, I was bleeding from a cut on my cheek, my abs felt like they'd been injected with Jell-o, and I'm pretty sure I'm only seeing clearly out of one eye, but she looks just as bad and that meant I still had a chance to win.


I fall back to my corner even as I smirk broadly, my thick tail weighing me down. People always say us kangaroos are supposed to be natural boxers, but getting punched was half the battle, and while I could throw 'em, I didn't feel like I could take many more of them.

The gym is empty. Outside the windows dusk has always given way to night, and only the sound of our laboured breathing fills the air with any kind of life; the crooner doesn't count. My red trunks stick to my skin as I spread my legs, seated on the pockmarked wooden stool that had been set up for between round rests. Nina sits opposite me, her bare tits--marred by bruises, and glistening with sweat--heaving as she stares back at me with the same smirk I'm sure I'm wearing. Her black trunks hang low on her hips, and I pass the crawling seconds by eyeing the girl's form. Sure, there's a cock longer than mine jutting from the front of those trunks, but I don't mind, it just adds to the scene. My own prick bobs with each loud breath that tumbles from me, our trunks a set and both missing a patch of material at the crotch; what was the point of an after-hours spar if you couldn't have some after-hours fun while you did it?

As if knowing I'd had my eyeful, Nina rises to her feet. She combs a glove through the pony-tailed purple locks of her long hair before lifting it up and calling out a decidedly playful, "Ding, Ding!"

"Who are you, Apollo Creed now?" I slide back to my feet and raise my fists. This was the start of the fourth round, and we both knew that the fight was nearing its end. As if sensing this, Nina moves in faster than she had the previous three. A defensive fighter, the slight-bodied herm had apparently decided to throw caution to the wind. I don't chide her for it, the shift in strategy nearly works! I duck the sudden rain of incoming blows, my body ducking and weaving with the practiced ease of a career prize-fighter. A few clip me, one flattening my ear back against my skull as it sends a ripple of pain across the surface of my scalp.

I'm no defensive fighter though, and I don't let her have her way for long. I wait for the inevitable hook with her off hand and duck around it deftly. My own fist comes up, red leather meeting black-fur covered ribs in a hard one-two combination. The jabs are fast and on target, and her whole body shows it. She twists, rising to her tiptoes as a look of pain flashes across her face like a wave washing over a beach. I press this advantage and throw an uppercut that connects squarely with the bottom of her left breast. The pendulous swinging of her tits as she moves is put to shame by the hard strike, no doubt adding a fresh bruise to her already tenderized flesh.

"Ugh! Fuck! Stop that!" She's panting as she chides me, and I can see that despite the pain and concentration blossoming in her eyes, that she's enjoying this as much as I am. Her shaft drips pre-cum onto the sweat-stained mat below us as she tries to fight off my sudden offensive. I don't listen of course, and my firsts travel across her toned belly in a flurry of hits that has her whole body shaking. Each strike draws a pained yelp from the girl, and I'm too busy enjoying the sound to notice her right fist flying towards me.

Stars explode before my eyes as she wallops me in the side of the head. Sweat flies off of me in a shower, I can see it as though it's moving in slow motion while my head twists hard to the side. I stumble back and she uses this new space between us to drop to a crouch and throw a straight punch squarely into my balls. It's the sudden numbness in my entire lower body that tips me off to the hit, before the cataclysm of pain which follows tells me it was a safe bet.

"GRAAAGH!" My cock slaps back against my belly as I let out a guttural yell of agony. My balls feel like a pair of hand-grenades that had just detonated simultaneously. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself though. As miserable as I find myself in this particular second, Nina's fists open up on my already weakened belly. Like stones being hurled at a reinforced window, I can feel those punches cracking my abs, splintering them to the point where it felt like a single hit could shatter them entirely. Grunting out, all sense of shame or proprietary dissolved in a flicker of basic instinct, I get my gloves up and manage to clinch with her.

Our sweaty bodies entangle; I swear I can hear her heartbeat from here. Her breath tickles at my cheek and the sour tang of our intermingled odours seem like a fine nectar to my battered nose.

"No touching..." she puffs out the words, "until..." another deep breath, "I finish kicking your ass..." I can feel the briefest touch of her tongue as she licks along my ear. The tender caress loosens the tight clench my muscles had fallen into. My whole body presses into her and I allow myself a playful bite to her neck before pushing her away. The herm's spry legs help her regain her balance quickly, but the adrenaline that came with the pain radiating from my sack gives me all the strength I need to punish her.

My fists make speedbags of her tits and I don't let up even as she falls back into the ropes. Her arms are up, trying to protect her abused chestmeat but they're clumsy parries, and I have no issue landing a few blows square on the areolas. Nina finally breaks away from the ropes, using their elasticity to throw herself forward into another clinch that I quickly break. She doesn't go back into the ropes though, bracing her feet enough to maintain some semblance of posture instead. Her fist drives up into an uppercut that snaps my head backwards!

The sudden counter catches me completely off guard. As hurt as she must have been by my latest flurry, the herm had still somehow managed to gird herself for a counter-attack. Goddamn, what a fighter! My eyes are rolling about freely in my sockets as I crash to the mats in a convulsion of muscle, sweat, blood and surprise. The mat is warm against my cheek as I lay on my side, my dick oozing pre-cum liberally along itself. The lights above have become stars and I'm flying towards them; oh god, they look so warm!

"Get up you pussy" The taunt drags me back into my body and I blink the sweat from my eyes.



Her count grows increasingly unimpressed sounding with each passing number. I know she's just teasing; she was impressed, I could practically smell it on her. Driving a fist into the floor I get to my knees and glance up at her with an increasingly swollen left eye.



She's smirking, but already readying herself for a fresh onslaught. She knew I wouldn't give up. I get back on my feet as she drags out the nine-count for several seconds longer than she should have.

"Have a good nap?" She blows me a kiss from a pair of lips that were beginning to swell in one spot; she was my Queen of the ring, at least for tonight. I take a wobbly first step before strength returns to my legs and I'm throwing myself in a wild lunge towards those lusciously swollen lips. I pull my punch at the last second, however, and I know I have her when I see her fists come up to cover her face. I collide with her, my shoulder pressing into her as my off-hand begins pumping into her ribs and belly. A few stray blows travel lower and I hope she can feel the same pain I had when she'd done the same to me. I'm not surprised to notice a sticky-sheen to the lip of my gloves as I pull back from her.

Nina's wobbly. I wonder if that had done it; had I just won? She goes down to one knee, grimace frozen on her face as she hissed out a low--but audible--hiss of consistent pain.

"Fuck, Jack." She practically spits the words out, but the anger hidden in her voice is a ruse and I know she knows I know it. The husky can barely lift her arms now, and I can see the effort imprinted in every twitch of her lips or squint of her eyes. I push forward and throw a single, crunching, missile of a punch right into her belly. The herm is practically defenseless against this crippling assault, as I knew she would be.

Nina's eyes light up, her muzzle opening in a wide O that could have been surprise as easily as the pain that had no doubt just ransacked her small body. I keep my fist planted against her belly, grinding it slightly into the charcoal-grey fur that contrasted the darker fur which covered the rest of her. I see a trickle of spit roll down her chin, easily missed amongst her sweaty fur but I was right up against her; I could see that little sign as clear as day.

As I'm left to wonder if I should move my arm in case she vomits, the husky's body gives a sudden shudder. Breasts jostling and her tongue hanging out, the herm falls to her knees before faceplanting on the mat at my feet. My fist still hangs in the air where her gut had been a second or two earlier as I look down at her. She's moving, and the small groans that accompany that movement only heighten my pleasure of what I hoped would be a spectacular finish to the fight.



It's my turn to start the count this time. I step back from the struggling form of my favourite rival as she gasps and chokes for breath. I can see trails of spit hanging from her lips but her hair falls in a way that keeps me from seeing much else. I let my gloved fist wander, curling around my prick and stroking it in awkwardly clunky yanks. It was hard to fuck a gloved fist, but it didn't take long until you learned to practice; some skills are just worth the effort.




There's no sign of recovery from Nina as I reach the halfway point. I remain standing over her, a few drops of pre-cum falling from my tip to mark the top of her head with its invisible musk. I'm weakened from the fight, I know it, but it doesn't keep me from feeling like the most powerful being on Earth at this very second.




I pause. She's on her knees now, her head lowered as though in submission to me and my throbbing erection. Her own shaft is just as hard, and I can't help but admire her dedication to being lewd after such a beating.


She's rising to her feet. Trembling like a dying leaf caught in a hurricane, she's almost upright.

"Really, Nina? Feeling like you can come back from---" She lurches towards me suddenly. I'm surprised she's still conscious, let alone fighting. I duck around the first punch, and she doesn't get a chance for a second. My fist pistons into her right tit, sending her backwards and giving me the space I need to drive her against the ropes with a second hit. Arms laced into the thick tendril-like ropes, Nina watches me groggily. A final uppercut to the chin is all I need to finish her off. She leaves her feet when my fist connects, her upperbody tossed into the ropes as she arches back, head snapping backwards. The husky's mouth-guard flies from her stunned face, spiraling off into the gloom beyond the lit ring. The shock in her eyes is short-lived as all consciousness leaves them. She falls limply to the mats in a crumpled heap.

I lower my guard at last, my body wanting to join her on the mat. "So much for all that shit talk, Nina." When she hears the ten, Nina's struggles cease. She lays face-down on the mat and if it weren't for the steady rise and fall of her back, I'd be worried. I give her several minutes to collect herself; I don't mind the short rest either. Soon enough though, I'm moving back towards her. She's still laying on her belly, but I can see her bleary eyes following me from beneath the purple cascade of her bangs.

"Gotcha, Nina."

She scowls.

"You remember the deal, right?" I ask, popping a squat beside the downed fighter, "Dart's mine. What'd you do with him this time?" I ask the question as off-handedly as I can, I knew it'd bug her more that way!

"Yeah yeah, I remember. He's over there." The herm rolls onto her back, staring upside down at me as one of her black-gloved fists--its red trim matching the blood on her snout--gestures towards a nearby locker. The crooner has already become a forgettable rock song filled with crashing cymbals and no rhythm, but that's the only sound in the place as I stare at the locker and Nina stares at me.

"You put him in a locker?" I say at last. "That's a little beneath you, isn't it?" I grin down at Nina.

"Take a look at that little bitch, you can bet hes been put in plenty of lockers. I just wanted to re-acquaint him with it... with a few added features of course." Nina's feigned offense is well hidden amidst the depreciative slyness of her words, but it's even more transparent than her earlier attempts at feigned anger.

As I approach the locker--a military-esque green painted steel cabinet--I can hear the muffled banging of someone trapped inside. When I open it, however, I'm almost not surprised at the gimp-suited figure standing inside it. Black latex as oily looking as raw crude catches the light in a number of reflective pools on its surface. They shift with the movement of the bound figure within it, and the futility of those movements tell me the fur inside couldn't see out.

"I save your ass from Nina--again--and you're just fucking around in a locker? Goddamn, Dart." I chide the figure even as I drag him gently from the locker, laying the black-clad bundle on the floor before beginning to decipher the zippers and clasps of the bondage suit; I can't stand the feeling of latex. You'd better appreciate this you bastard!

As I undo the suit, a kangaroo--both younger and small than myself--slips free of it. Gasping for air, the sweaty youth grins up at me sheepishly, brown hair matted against his skull.

"Thanks, Jack."

"Don't mention it." I smile, bitch he may be, but Dart was mine.


"Groggy. Want to help clear her head?"

Dart pushes himself to his feet, kicking away the gimp-suit that had held him captive in his High School themed torture of the day. Shorter than me, he doesn't seem any smaller as his lips split in a mischievous smile.

"I have a feeling it ain't her head you're thinking of clearing out."

I don't argue.

The approach is intentionally slow, languishing steps meant to draw out the moment for the downed husky. On her back, the herm looks fully-conscious of what comes next; the little smirk hiding beneath all those bruises, and the quickness of her breaths tells me she wouldn't have it any other way. Defeated, the canine lays her head back on the mat, knees lifted and spread as the legs of her trunks slip down her thighs to pool at her hips. Sweat-stained fur bristles as I slide a foot across the length of her aching prick, putting enough weight down on it to make sure she felt it both in body and spirit; I don't doubt she does.

Dart had been nude beneath the suit, and as he strolls towards his tormentor his dick is already growing hard. Still flushed from his stint in Fort Locker, the young 'roo's thick tail sways with a jerky anticipation that's matched only by my own feelings of lust. He drops to his hands and knees before planting a kiss on Nina's muzzle that seems hungry enough to envelop it. Only Nina's fervent counterattack--if a kiss could ever be such a thing--seems to keep that from happening, however. Her head lifts from the mat and returns the kiss, purple hair splaying across the mat beneath it as I continue to stroke her cock off with my heavy foot. She's already close to her first release, I can see it in the slight tic of her lips at their edges, and feel it in the desperate heat of her prick beneath the pads of my toes.

Breaking their kiss, Dart and Nina's mouths don't go far. They hover half an inch from each other, just tasting the breath puffing in hot little clouds from their parted lips. I lick my own dry lips as I watch, pre-cum dripping from my tip and disappearing amongst the sweaty fur of Nina's belly. Her upper-body writhes slightly as her head bobs and nuzzles along Dart's cheek. She gasps quietly beneath increasingly treasonous breaths, each of them betraying the secrets of desire and submission hiding in her thoughts. Her body soon gives in as well, a sudden pressure against the bottom of my foot drawing my attention away from Nina and Dart's attempts to catch the other in a second kiss. Cum tickles along the bottom of my big toe before a more powerful spurt of it escapes from beneath me. It gushes between my toes as Nina's hips lift from the mat.

"Oh... Ah..." Short little bursts of syllables gurgle from Nina's throat as she sends her cream out in a series of increasingly messy pulses. As if it were a signal of some sort, Dart begins to shift his position. His shaft is fully erect now, balls swaying loosely beneath the stiff flesh sliding itself between Nina's lips. The husky's head is forced back down against the mat as Dart's hips hover above her nose. Straddling her face, Dart begins to push his dick down deeply into the herm's increasingly accepting muzzle and throat and I follow his lead this time.

My trunks fall to my ankles, shaft bobbing as the smooth fabric glides over it. Nina spreads her legs wider, as if she knew what I was planning. I kneel down and slide a paw under her ass, rippling trunks damp to the touch with sweat. Gripping, then tugging them down, I push them up her raised thighs enough to expose her ass. Dart doesn't look back, too pre-occupied with the blowjob he was getting from the husky. Her gloved paws are raised, curling around Dart's hips as though supporting him as he rides her throat. Pushing her hips up with my own gloved hands, I slide my prick along the softness of her asscheeks before pushing up beneath the base of her tail.

Nina's reaction is a little more pronounced than she'd like, I bet. Her jaws clench slightly, and for one second Dart's entire body tightens up-- he seems to enjoy the sudden feeling of teeth pressing against his cock. Her toes curl, and a low rumbling moan--rebuffed in part by the shaft in her mouth--echoes along her cum covered body. My hips roll firmly, bruised abs tensing as my lower body begins to rock towards the defenseless hips of my evening's conquest. My own body is beginning to protest; every punch I'd taken during the fight is now deciding to make themselves known to my brain. The grunts that tumble from me are as much sounds of fatigue and exertion, than simple pleasure.

I soak up the pain and use it to fuel my lust. The hits, the heat, the determination; all of it creates a potent mix of adrenaline and pheromones that has me rutting like a teenager in heat. Nina's practically screaming around the meat in her mouth, Dart's head thrown back as his jaws hang open slackly. My fingers tighten around her thighs as I push in right to my balls, the husky's whole body twisting slightly to the left as I impale her on my need.

Garbled grunts reverberate from Nina as Dart begins changing his position. His prick doesn't leave her mouth, but his whole body twists around, his balls no resting on the bridge of her nose, rather than her chin. Leaning forward, the younger roo lets one of the herm's pink-nippled breasts largely disappear into his mouth. He engulfs it briefly, sliding his lips back up on the respectable mound of feminine flesh before suckling eagerly on just the hard nub of the herm's nipple; I'd taught him that one. I can't help but grin as I'm given front-row seats to the show unfolding at the other end of the defeated canine, and my own prick in her tight tailhole seems all too happy to oblige my leering stare.

Nina's hard again, ebony meat slapping against her belly as she's ridden from two directions at once. Finally--his mouth full of breast meat--Dart can't help but let himself go. I can see the S curve of his body as he cums, well-pent up from his stay in the locker. His fingers dig into Nina's fur, twisting it slightly as he clenches his jaws and unleashes a gush of fragrant kangaroo cream straight down the herm's throat, another deposit for the First Sperm Bank of Nina's Gut.

"Mmmf. Fuck." the words slide slowly from Dart, as though he were a million worlds away and communication was now just an afterthought. He pulls out of Nina's mouth, cum trickling from the sides of her lips as she sucks in her first good breath of air in nearly ten minutes. Her body is a mess, and the smell of cum lingers in the air as thickly as the crooner had, though I found this more pleasant. A cocky grin cracks my lips as I rear myself up to a full kneel, my dick buried deep in the writhing husky's body. Her cock dribbles viscous pre-cum, drooling more than Pavlov's dog in a bell factory. Twisting my hips to make sure she got the full sensation of what filled her, I pull out halfway only to slam back in again.

Nina's second orgasm is larger than the first, pressure building faster than a hyperbaric chamber as her shuddering loins drown in the pleasures washing over her vulnerable form. Cum sprays in a heavy arc that reaches nearly to her throat. Dart catches a good amount on himself as well, fur painted well with the musky seed pumping from Nina. Once again, I enjoy the show.

"S-Shit, Jack. You call that an assfucking?" The snide comment sounds out-of-breath as Nina crashes down from the delirious high afforded by such a climax. Any more wit is cut from her thoughts as I cum as well. I fill her up, my fingers burying deeply into her thighs as I feel my nuts empty their load into my victim. She's screaming, but not with terror, a short--but memorable--cry of exultation filling my ears.

Then it's over.

I fall out of her, sprawling on my back as though every injury I'd sustained had just caught up with me at once. It'll be a few days before I'm back in the ring, but it'd been worth it. Dart is resting against the ropes, grinning wickedly as his spent shaft droops between his thighs. Looking between us, the young roo seems far too chipper; he hadn't just gone through four rounds of hell to reach this point and it was obvious he didn't realize we had either--visible marks notwithstanding.

"So... round two?"

My groan matches Nina's, though she breaks down into a hoarse peel of laughter as I just fall silent.

"So... no round two?" Dart's hopeful eyes dart from me, then to Nina, looking for some sign of another go.

He was a bitch, but he was my bitch. I close my eyes and grin towards the uncaring lights above, it was just going to be one of those nights.

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