Colony, August 4th 2011, 1:34 PM

Far from where the pack hunted in the cold mountains of colorado, in a hot and uncomfortable bunker under the new mexico desert, mike lexington was doing some hunting of his own.

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Brothers Back Together for Christmas

San diego did not care about the nor'easter destroying the northeast, nor the blizzard reeking havoc across the rocky mountains from canada to southern new mexico.

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Robery and Revenge

Utah, or the new mexico and arizona territories. he'd cried a little as his father patted him on the back. his twin, jennie, cried openly as he gave her a hug. his mom only sniffled a little.

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Red Crystal

On the other hand, it would be better to investigate this properly first before telling anyone, lest he had to admit to the whole world it was a false alarm, like back in his first year in new mexico.

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Star Fox Alternative - The Stranger

True to his word, a lone homestead loomed ahead, just where the frog said it would be, as the ridge gave way to the flat, desolate plains of new mexico proper. with a kick, fox urged his horse forward.

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Valewood Eyrie Communiques, a POSC crossover with Zmeydros.

"what follows is a collection of fan works by merv degriff involving his character of the same name: a hellenic griffon who's settled into life with his pride in valewood eyrie, which is in the mountains of new mexico.

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Where Angels Fear

Trego will take us the rest of the way on foot, to the place where new mexico highway 9 comes closest to the crossing point. there will be a car waiting to take the four of us to a motel in nearby columbus.

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Roadside Assistance

It was difficult enough getting to new mexico in a comfortable crv by herself, so she very much appreciated the full, fluffy pillows and body-conforming mattress. not that it helped her get to sleep.

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Top Dog Condoms

In practice, however, it meant seeing all of the little oddball roadside attractions between new mexico and niagara falls.

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What Good Am I? Chapter Two

"garrett got back from a shoot he was doing in new mexico." diego noticed the wolf's tail wagging as he spoke.

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Wings of the Warrior: 11

The grand canyon wasn't in new mexico. as it was getting towards late afternoon on the second day, sam saw the canyon coming into view. he was flying high, close to 4 miles up, so that people didn't really see him from the ground.

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Pitch Episode 11: Set Up

After our 3rd day in new mexico, wes and i woke up to russell missing in action. he was just gone.

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