Patterson and Crew: Gaming Night
Nonetheless it fired again, dumping buckets of cum inside her until it was drooling back on itself, sticky strings dribbling down his pulsing balls.
The Power of the Heart
Smiling contently, he held her close, and they leaned back against balto's pulsing balls. the next day was a day balto had been looking forward to for a while.
Epiphany Part 4
Her breasts bounced with every movement as seed continued to spurt out of her passage with each rise and fall, leaking over the drakkaren's pulsing testicles and solid abs as he slammed upwards into her in response with growls of bliss, one of his hands grasping
Started with a Rock (Giant Formating nightmare)
Whether or not the pulse ball would hit the pidgeot or not would depend on the rear power of the discharge, but either way that annoying bird--which was all that it was to her, was going to be knocked out, if not killed.