Assimilation, Chapter 1
There was some opposition from some religions, mainly the muslims who called them 'devils' (sound familiar?)
Reaper Pollenburn Campaign Episode 3
I heard i was actually going to make it into some religious text at one point." he glanced off to the side absently. "i wonder if i should get paid royalties for that..." "right..." gale seemed a little unnerved.
Risk Management
"i think some religious fundamentalists just released some... untested, aerosolized nanotech into the room." richard's eyes widened. "u-uh... should i sound the alarm? we should seal the building..." jan started to nod, then reconsidered.
Risk Management
"i think some religious fundamentalists just released some... untested, aerosolized nanotech into the room." richard's eyes widened. "u-uh... should i sound the alarm? we should seal the building..."
Divinter - The Birth - Chapter 01
Furs are everywhere and yet some religions or even people in general, seem to think we deserve to die for being "not-human, a plague, waste of life, and a sin."
I Love You Twice: Secrets to Sleep On
"well... there was this guy on tv, some religious nutjob, he was ranting about morphics the other day.
The Final Voyage of Captain Alva - Ch.2
She hummed a happy tune - some religious song, it must have been - that seemed to followed the rhythmic jingling of jewelry and the rasping of cloth.
Demimonde (Chapter 1-2)
You're some religious nutjob aren't you? and you think you somehow know what i consider happiness? who the fuck do you think you are?" "i am not religious and i didn't mean to imply that i know what you think and feel about things.
Chapter Six - A Timeless Love
"dahmietra's family gave her up when she was only five turns of the seasons old and she was put away in some religious place. she hasn't seen her own family since then, and that was nine turns of the seasons ago.
Anthem Of The Lonely - Act 3: End Of All Days
You had me chasing some religious symbol this entire time?" she hissed in a whisper. "...he's real-" "to who!?" those red eyes looked sadly at the floor. "why?" she asked thickly.
The Dragons of Euphaea
She had plans to visit the cathedral of daphne and perform in some religious rite that she wasn't too sure of. the sooner she got that over with, the better.
Ryan's Journey - Part One
I could use some religion myself right about now, ryan thought. it might give me something to focus on instead of the odds we're going to face. he slipped his hands behind his head and stared up toward the ceiling.