A Treasure Worth the While

And shi would not only be immortal, unkillable by most standards, but protected and armed with magic the likes of which no slave herder could ever dream of overcoming.

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The Gam3 - Chapter 1

A herder shouted on horseback nearby and cracked a whip while a cattle dog barked and yapped nearby. they flanked the herd, guiding strays back into the masses. as they ran alongside the cattle drive. _'...developed great and wonderful machines...

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“J’Dash and The Child of Darkness” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion

"hope you don't mind sheep herder, were all out of warrior." j'dash chuckled as he took hold of the wine bottle and poured himself a glass of blood.

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Dark city

The sylvan glade was on the corner, were herders path crossed over velmar's walk on it's way to the docks, right on the edge of the adventurers quarter, and some way out of the warrens.

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The Goat Farm 4

But the farm wasn't the source of his dad's disdain for the fellow goat herder. as they got closer to the house mr. brown's wife stepped onto the porch.

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Star Wars: Genesis

"i'd be worried if he _wasn't_ behaving like a petulant nerf-herder." \*\*\* leia solo stared at a set of tattered jedi robes, even as she sank deeper into the plush cushions of her living

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Sunlight on a broken column

On earth, centuries before, the dogs at the root of her lineage had been herders.

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Curse of the Shieldfall: The Tower of Thaniel

She flipped her hood back as she approached, and mikael was slightly taken aback, given that she was one of the most beautiful women the simple herder had ever seen.

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A Harem of Breeders - Chapter 1

She moaned and cried into his mouth, and he just pressed herder, sealing her into him. he continued to give her long thrusts, grunting with her, and his hands again slid across her warm skin. this time though, they went for her clothes.

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Stuck in Orbit: Chapter 22

Miktes scrunched his nose at the thought of mating with ocher's father the beast herder. the submissive male was ancient in his opinion. nearly as old as daleer was and from the way he had talked just as annoying.

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WtV: Timeline

From nomadic hunters and resident herders, the orange tigers start to become farmers. the orange tigers of three settlements form the first mutual defensive contract against the large carnivorous reptiles of the swamps and jungles.

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