Belonging to Dragon
There is a magical solution to this problem, but it involves an odd ritual for claiming the cheetah and infusing him with dragon magic to protect him from mishaps.
Free Bird
He noticed little things, and often fixed francois' little mishaps. "ted, why you gotta do that? i can dress myself, y'know. um, regardless, i'm still trying to get the funds up for the shop." he pulled out a carton of cigarettes and a lighter.
Prolougue-Championship race.
The race was soon placed far away from the cities of the world as the explosive nature of mishaps and combat made for poor security in society.
Life In Training - Chapter 4 - New angles of perspective
After several mishaps where they would get the gun jammed or wrong setting i got them to gather round me. "ok, most guns use the same settings: safety, single fire, burst fire and full auto."
OSAT CH3: Contracts of a Child
Everyone looked on to see what tragedy, what mishap had befallen another careless waste of blood. seeing if yet another asshole got what he deserved, no one ever thinking it could be some poor soul. not a one of them believed in good people in this city.
Frat Stag
I just thought i'd check out the gym facilities here," replied laine, eyes glued squarely to the floor to avoid another mishap, the image of the jock's sheath and partially erect penis still fresh in his mind.
Decadence Chapter Four: Foraging and Rape
He protected her well, and there were no mishaps as the two made it to tarith's place. koruak placed the steel pipe in two notches on either side of the door; baring it. "rudimentary security; but, we'll fix that, tarith.
Pidgeot Valley (Why I Left It)
Some mishaps had nothing to do with the berries or trees. one sad pidgeot was drinking from the river when an arcanine came along with the same idea; and accidentally lapped it up along with the water.
Remembering the years Part 2
Dizzy took a quick glance, looking over the wonderful wolf as he giggled at one of the mishaps on the screen. _how cute.._. he mused to himself, sighing beneath his breath. _no..._ usual most of the furs i like are gay or taken...
Hopefully with fewer, um, perfectly innocent mishaps." "yeah, yeah..." kickaha sounded like the day was nearly over, and in part that was because the air around the tree had started to shimmer.
Chapter One: What Else is New?
"it's great you made a friend. . . but what do you mean when you say 'other mishaps and things' pumpkin?" hunter's mother asked while setting the table for dinner.
True Blue Love
But it didn't matter how she knew, all that mattered was that she had someone special and so did he; this random encounter was just a horrible mishap and the only way out of it was to get satisfaction.