Quick One Shot: Irradiated Love
Note: as with all of my quick one shot, it wasn't proofread other than a quick glossing over. greg "two-shot" reynolds was a former member of the brotherhood of steel, he has already made it as far as the commonwealth in his exile.
Quick One Shot: A Botched Summon
Jake quickly spoke the words of unsummon, the profane words made the glowing bookshelf flash from interference of the powerful magic.
Quick One Shot: The Harvest God's Will
"I love you." Those words were so direct that I felt my chest squeeze. The Paladin, Eric Rembar, a man I had traveled with since he was but a simple man with a robe and a sword. He was now a towering Paragon of the Goddess of Roads. I had been...
A Quick One While He Is Away
You took to the taste of tea quite quickly. and your true voice. that voice of an angel. surely there is a true lady hidden under those scales." i said assuredly while trying to not intimidate the poor dear.
Quick Bite: Pallas' Family Woes
His gaze only quickly darted over the large, overgrown garden at the center of the mansion as he quickly sniffed the air. the scent was unmistakable. not just panther, but also wolf. and...
An Impossible Sentence 2
Tags: m/h, h/solo, nudity, supers, prison, series, embarrassment, forced arousal, dubcon, bondage, examination, vaginal, breeding, orgasm, cum, forced pain, quick thinking, horse, bull, panther, crocodile, various species,
Chance Meeting on Halloween
Ben turns quick just in time to see a bit of red move around the corner. it was the bitch that beat him wasn't it! _"i would have had that little slut's pussy if not for her..."
A Life's Story Part three: Quick Decisions
Zen quickly hammered on the front door of the house feeling the four mercenaries approaching quickly through the backyard.
A quick shower and play A Kouji and Shuichi Short
I **a quick shower and play ** a kouji and shuichi short by ginsenshi it was the end of a long day for kouji and his shuichi as
Quick Bite: My Last Night at The Pit
#15 of vore stories this little quick bite is a birthday present for my friend vash cheetah, who asked me to have him feed another big, hunky cat, after he got to star as lion chow in one of my earlier stories.
RP Log: How Quickly We Return to Nature
Now it was coming quickly and rather than needing to coax her body to find that moment it was going to arrive whether she wanted it or not.
phoneix...To the skies ch4 end it quick, and fly away
Over at the controls-â isn't poetic, the hero, faces danger and yet the greatest is in the very submarine, his mistake was trusting someone he just met, the second thing, didn't he thinkâ it was too easy that his girl friend was found so quickly