A Journey Begun - Epilogue
#30 of saga the first - book one - a journey begun it's done yaaaaaaaaaaaaay "master, the young master shows promise, as had his predecessors." "yeah yeah, i know. it's good that he's making progress."
Chapter 30, or Next Time on Wolves' Legacy (END)
#30 of wolves' legacy saga this is the epilogue chapter of the first part of wolves' legacy. it is intended to lead to to wolves' legacy 2. "(well, i never thought that goes pretty well, though not as expected)."
Silver Stream Memory 25
I gleaned some of the more personal details from these sagas and left more of the fictional story content. i call them memories. posted using postybirb "finally, we're going to climb down into my stomach," behemoth chimed happily beaming at me.
First Dog - Prologue
Sorry for the delay on it, it's just whenever i try to post the next part of the spice and rice saga it crashed my pc. don't worry though i shall be finishing spice and rice soon just have to wait.
By The Campfire
#1 of from the ashes saga a story about grief and regret. the prologue of "from the ashes". i looked over the red fox boy's features, flames seeming to leap off his face in anger.
The Spark
#2 of skyrim sagas folcwine and s'fara chatted happily as they walked the road to whiterun 'i like it, it's something every true nord should aspire to wear!' 'what? a dead bear?'
Of blood and silver
#4 of skyrim sagas part one of the story of how foclwine and s'fara root out a talos worshipper in markarth that can be bribed to provide intelligence that will allow capture of the reach.
Silver Stream Memory 28
I gleaned some of the more personal details from these sagas and left more of the fictional story content. i call them memories. posted using postybirb ss particle 28 the time became inevitable as time did.
Silver Stream Memory 26
I gleaned some of the more personal details from these sagas and left more of the fictional story content. i call them memories. posted using postybirb "roll call!" i announced. "cardia," the jackalope remarked. "falderal," said in a low voice.
Silver Stream Memory 15
I gleaned some of the more personal details from these sagas and left more of the fictional story content. i call them memories. posted using postybirb we were in the bedroom now as wri wrote in the book of particles binder.
The Black-Feathered Monk 1
The Black-Feathered Monk Chapter 1 By Draconicon The Temple of Talon and Quill stood on the edge of a rocky promontory, overlooking a cliff face that even the demons that hid in the little caves in the lower hills would...
The Anaris Saga - Chapter 1: Saren
#1 of the anaris saga the anaris saga is a story that will encompass the lives of two anthropomorphic dragons and an unlikely ally as they try to survive, not only in their own world, but in the future conflict that no one saw coming.