I...this is it...i know it..._ \* \* \* sandra -- suddenly and involuntarily -- bent over backwards with a harsh crunch as the serum rearranged her skeleton.
Facility- Chapter 1
So i was injected by the serum for the sole purpose of giving me a reason to not just run away. i still can, but if i do i'll be allowing whatever that serum is doing to me to run to fruition.
Unexpected Success feat. Sanmer
He snorted through his nostrils as the taste of his own spunk and musk along with the chemical, medicine taste of the serum filled his stomach.
Lab Animal
The humans perfected a serum that changed my dna and altered me into a species that hunted us. those bastards would pay.
Sandy's Lust chpt 2
The serum even affected her sex lips, increasing its plushy flesh and saliva in volume. "aw, dangnabbit!"
Prison Stream Story 4: Funding the Prison
He smiled as he picked up three more, each filled with a different color serum, each one with a different function. he returned to the table once more, and stabbed the first of the needles into frank's stomach.
My New PEt
He filled the syringe with the memory serum and the fur manipulation syrum. "good thing he is asleep, or this would hurt like hell." ken walked over and injected the serums into toby's arm. the fox kit cringed in his sleep, shaking a bit.
Return of herm ideology + Bigpip and the candy factory
It was decided that they obtain herm serums by offering humans silver for them. to their dissapointment they managed to only get 5 herm serums, with the silver they have been accumulating for over 2 colonial years.
Roxikat Contributes to Science
How would you like to be the spokes model for our new line of temporary growth serum?" \*\*\* roxikat grinned and waved to the camera as she held up the sample of "dr. grosser's amazing growth serum." "myah! i'm roxikat, and dr.
Chapter Three: The Next Day
That gave me some time to work on a serum for tera's 'other' problem. finding the correct variables for the serum for that problem was even easier. i checked over every detail of my calculations to make sure everything was right.
Ace's Story
"may i ask why chissy is using this serum, why any are using this serum? it goes against everything that nature intended." the commander just looked at me.
Chemical Bond
He had been working on this little side project, a serum that would help him lose weight in a controlled fashion.