Ember's Tribe Part II: Quarter for a Slave
Relatively evenly-cut timbers formed pillars perhaps four feet high in a tight rectangle. overhead in slats were more timbers lashed together with cured vines to make a heavy roof.
Spy Training: A Step by Step guide
Young, rising superstar of the timber agency, acing assignment after assignment.
All Aboard
A timber wolf, mark's fur thick and protruding from between each button of the crisp white shirt he wore over black trousers.
A Kanic Confrontation
You can call me fane." the timber wolf replies with a wide grin on his muzzle."
Silver Lining
As the timber wolf left, luke got to thinking... "i sure have one weird life..." he muttered with a slight smile.
My New PEt
That is a good boy timber." "thank you master," timber said, smiling proudly at making his master happy.
Tribal Story: To Rule the Future
Whipping around in as dramatic a fashion as he could, the timber wolf marched over to his former rival.
Secret Desires part 1.txt
An introduction: this is a sequel to the destruction, the story begins shortly before storm and company 1st came to great timber.
The Beat's Vibration
#4 of porn shorts an older piece that i wrote for an ex of mine, involving his ice phoenix character and a timber wolf on a dance floor.
Apex City - Work For It
He scratched lightly under timber's chin. "if she wants to, i won't stop you.
Stolen Manhood
timber called out. "you did _great._" sure enough, at that point denver was addicted. he could barely remember that he'd ever been a big, strong man like timber was, now.
Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 12: Triumph and Agony
"the winner... is timber!" "bring on your next!" timber taunted the rest of the team. "come on! i'll send every last one of you packing myself!" "i don't believe my eyes..."