We, the Beasts

We the former, now the new; we, the beasts!

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Beasts of War

A battle rages across the land a fight that belongs not to man a rage that engulfs day and night a holy war between all light and with the twilight comes a peace that calms and soothes these bitter beasts and as they bask in lukewarm light

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The White Beast

She and his father had warned him about the forest before, saying that the beast of the forest would snatch him away if he went out at night.

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Beast Within

The beast's large penis hung below it's belly, waiting to enter this female that wanted it equally as much.

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Rebirth to the Beast

Quickly, tell me the form of your spirit beast." there was no response as the man and the beast began a slow circling dance, each evaluating the other carefully.

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Beast Becoming

Forced to bear hatchlings that had no spark of intellect in them; dumb beasts. she would crawl on all fours like an animal, have her ability to speak torn away from her; she would be a beast in all but the confines of her mind.

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Redeeming Beasts

beast continued to hold on to kenai's arm. kenai found that he had unknowingly taken his other paw and placed it over beast's paw. "go on," said beast quietly. "i...beast, i did something horrible..."

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beauty and the beast

You see, the very thing happened to me not long ago; i stumbled upon beauty and fell prey to her beast.

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Belly Of the Beast

"there are places where great angry beasts live, many are marked with grim warnings to stay away. the smart ones heed these warnings while only the very brave or the very stupid ignore them." "a beast?" the young human whispered.

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Hair of the Beast

#1 of hair of the beast that's probably not hair-tonic, but oh well. let the boys have some fun. hair of the beast tom and dub were the traditional sort of trouble makers.

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Beast's Origin

#5 of beasts this may be the fifth installment of by beasts series, but it can easily be read without any knowledge of the other stories. this is luther's origin story, set in london in 1861.

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