Spirits (Part Five)
He glanced at the stump next to her cot, and noticed the silver medallion. "she showed you this?" heeto picked up the chain and twined it around his fingers. "the spirits showed me..." loka whispered, and chuckled softly.
Lupus-Caracalus ~ Preview
"it isn't much, and i only have one bed," it was more of a plain cot, really. he had a holodesk, a closed dresser with his clothes, and a simple cot against the far wall. not much else, really.
Captivity Ch. 2
I attempted to jump off the modified cot to grab her but i was no longer familiar with these new muscles. they were too spastic and too young feeling. i needed to reteach myself how to use them. i nearly fell right off the cot trying to get up in a hurry.
Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 26
The man was lying on a cot, his chest bandaged and bloody. his color looked good so he'd probably taken heal boosters. the woman seated next to him was the one who worried her.
Lion, Tiger and Bears, oh my, part 9
I took the mattress off one of the cots and tilt sideways in front of the fire so i could hang my clothes to dry. lao and arsalan added theirs to the cot.
Silver Lining (Chapter 3)
\>whitney rocks on her heels and flops back into her cot. \> "it doesn't strike you odd at all? really? shit, cap'n, i swear this place even smells off."
As for stoney, he just stayed put on the filthy cot. ryan might've been a total stranger, but he was all right; and better than that, stoney was done with his shitty job.
Birds of a Feather Chapter 2
Shifting slightly, samantha tensed as the old cot beneath her creaked, her eyes darting around the space nervously.
Smith: Mouths to Feed
Raoul held out his paw, letting his prisoner crash up into it and rebound soundly back into the cot. the lutrai might as well have been a day-old kitten matched up against the smith.
Space Between Us - Chapter 4
Jamey's ears twitched and his gaze drifted towards the cot again. finally, after a moment of silence, he nodded. "yes. i think so." "alright."
Second Chances - Chapter 20
I laid down on the cot and closed my eyes. it wasn't so bad when i wasn't looking at it. christmas came and went.
I, Dacien - Chapter Fourteen - Captivity
Dacien took the single step that separated the narrow cots in the tiny cell, and put a hand, slowly, on dusan's shoulder.