Even though his pink meat hung a good foot and a half out, it was still almost entirely flaccid...for the time being, at least.
Anal, Bulgy, Charem, Charmeleon, Cock, Cum, Dragon, Drake, Gay, Hyper, Inflation, Lizard, Nightclub, Oral, Pokemon, Prey, Sex, Soft, Spooge, Vorish, bloating, bulges, gemini, gut, hunger, hungry, meat, predator, shaft, stomach, stretchy, stuffing, vore
After giving a moment for the clear juices to well up from the succulent meat, butch carefully began to carve into the boy's tender ass.
Advisor, Betrayal, Canine, Cooking, Cooking Vore, Dog, Fattening, King, Long Live The King, Marbling, Mm, Non-Consensual, OVEN, Preparation, Prince, Shaving, Size Difference, Snuff, Usurpation, Wolf, carving, meat, non-con, roast, serving, stuffing, vore
The remainder of the space was taken up with displays and sales space, large wooden display racks designed to hold decadent cuts of meat.
Butcher, Butchering, Butchery, Cannibalism, Cooking, Cunnilingus, Diablo, Diablo_Universe, Dolcett, Enthrallment, FF, Fantasy, Female, Hypnosis, Semi-Con, Semi-consensual, Servitude, Sex, Snuff, Steaks, Torture, baking, chop, eating, eating out, guts, meat, pie, pies, roast, steak, vore
You treated h- him like he was meat... me like meat..." the last insinuation pierced tomek like a knife, the raccoon's heart thudding hard in his chest as his youngest son accused him of a crime worse than abandonment.
Adopted, Ageplay, Anal, Bareback, Cat, Consensual, Cooking, Cooking Vore, Death, Family, Father, Fucking, Hybrid, Kitten, Male, Mm, Pork, Public_Access_TV_Commercials, Raccoon, Sex, Snuff, Snuff_Themes, Son, Tabby, Tonkinese, care, danger, loving, lube, meat, peril, raw, spit, vore
He might have enjoyed ruining homes, but he never really reveled in the fact that the meat-to-be had cheated on their spouse and family before.
Abduction, Anal, Apology, Audience Participation, Bear, Cheating, Choking, Death, Fox, Grizzly, Grizzly Bear, Impending, Kidnapping, M/M, Male, Public, Racc, Raccoon, Sex, Snuff, Swallowing, Treachery, Unconsciousness, Vore (soft), Wolf, cross fox, livestream, meat, vore, woods
And the disturbingly wholesome aroma of roasting meat began to fill the air.
"yummy yummy yummy,
you belong in my tummy,
into the meat grinderyou go!"
Anal Sex, Arousal, Bloodless, Cooking, Cooking Vore, Dark humor, Fantasy, Gay, Gay sex, Gore, Hyena, Kumbartha, Lion, Lizard, M/M, Macabre, Magic, Muscle, Oral Sex, Orgasm, Snuff, Strangulation, Sweat, Teasing, Wolf, fatal, meat grinder, vore
I'm w- worthless mare meat... i'm worthless m- mare meat..." over and over, she repeated the phrase, slurred and broken as her pain-addled mind struggled to speak it aloud.
BBQ, Cheerilee, Cooking, Cooking Vore, Cooking show, Death, Degrading, Grill, Humiliation, M/F, MLP, Non-Consensual, OVEN, Rarity, Shemale, Shemale/F, Snuff, TV, Torture, Twilight, barbecue, enslavement, grinder, meat grinder, non-con, roast, sparkle, turkey, vore
Open, meat," the jaguar commanded, his throbbing, barbed shaft pulsing between his thighs.
Abuse, Band, Captivity, Cooking, Cooking Vore, Death, Fattening, Fire, Fox, Fulfilled, Gay, Jaguar, Kinship, M/M, Male, Non-Consensual, Oral, Prison, Rotisserie, Sex, Snuff, Temple, bones, hunger, meat, non-con, prophecy, roast, spit roast, tribe, trophy, vore
I don't mind raw squirrel but nothing exciting is going on so i pull out my small lighter from my bag and give the meat a light warming to it.
Alaska, Death, Female, Fiction, Fighting, Forest, Friendship, Fursona, Fursona Writing, Girl, Melina, Mink, Otter, Otters, Pet, Short Story, Story, Sword, Throwing, Winter, Wolverine, Wounded, climbing, dagger, friend, friends, furry, knife, knives, meat, sea otter, skinning, stabbing, swords, woods
Shaking it off, rowan smiled as he put his knife and fork to the tender meat, sighing happily as he cut a perfect first bite. a little light meat and a little dark too.
Blood, Buck, Cat, Death, Deer, Feline, Female, Handjob, Kitty, M/F, Male, Salad, Sex, Snuff, Tear, Teasing, Teeth, Thanksgiving, Torture, Veggies, Vore (hard), bargaining, begging, bloody, dinner, eating, fangs, hard, jaws, jerk-off, meat, owlbear, pleading, rip, turkey
The three mandrakes moved through the thick, tropical forest like black oil running through veins. The leader, Helledaerk, with his thick white cloud of hair, high black pointed ears, giant blade and baggy pants seemed to slide through the shadows. A...
40000, 40k, Booty For Weeks, Booty Meat, Comedy, Consensual, Cowgirl, Creampie, Dark eldar, Dawn of War, Girl Greenskins, Gobliness, Grot, Impregnation, Interspecies, Orc, Orcess, Orgasm, Orkz, Straight, Thot, Thun-Thun-Thun, Vaginal, WH40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40K, dark elf, goblin, gretchen
So much beautiful meat. he struggled for longer than i expected, his body thrashing on the hooks before giving out at long last. i can still remember the moment his eyes unfixed. were he not meat, i'd almost call it haunting. but he is just meat.
Abuse, Buck, Bull, Butcher, Cheese, Cold Cuts, Cow, Curing, Death, Deli, Forced Sex, Heifer, Incest, Kidnapping, M/F, M/M, Murder, NC, Psychosis, Rape, Slaughter, Snuff, Torture, Vore (hard), aging, marten, meat, non-con, pine, pine marten, serial killer