Final round: The championship part 1
The next day, fur's fill the seat's of the stadium to watch the final round take place. i sit in my locker room, thinking to myself 'ok, i made it to the final's. i just gotta stay calm.'
Fates of the Unicorns 53 - Rounds 3
#53 of fates of the unicorns fates of the unicorns - chapter 53 - rounds 3 ## fates of the unicorns - chapter 53 - rounds 3 _ **spoiler warning** : if you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all
WHEEL Round 1: Exterminator wanted
Kanus walked through the empty mine, torch held in front of him in his left hand while his heavy repeating crossbow was at the ready in his right. A posting on the local tavern's bounty board had brought him to this place. Apparently, there was...
WHEEL Round 1: Accidental Nudist
Champagne stifled a yawn as she pulled her car into her parking space outside SexyFur's main office. She put the vehicle into park and turned off the engine before waiting for one of the studio's security team to escort her inside. The owner had made...
Growth War 2020 - Round 1
"vote now for the second round, and when we return we'll see how things end up after round two, possibly with a bit of a surprise..." she murmured ominously.
Ferret's Five - Rounding up the Group
"grand theft," miko replied, another round of shocked gasping coming from the growing crowd. "espionage, treason, insider trading... i'm sure that the sec will give us the full list after they find out what you've done.
WHEEL Round 1 - Lessening the Burden
The collie found the horse's stamina to be impressive, especially since they had broken their sex record the previous night with how many rounds they did. all without breaking a bed this time as well!
Hunter Vs Mindy Round 2
Hunter vs mindy round 2 after his defeat at the hands of mindy hunter was reduced to nothing but a naked servant.
Hunter vs Mindy Round 1
Hunter the wolf vs mindy the rabbit round 1 throughout time the laws of nature was simple. predators hunt prey however over the last weeks rumors have spread of a new prey in town that loves to turn tables on predators.
TFA!-The Second Round: Slippery Tendencies
-the second round kudos to those that actually read this and found out what lyrics that song goes to. **we now return to your falsely accused defendent.** * * * a goodra.
Engrossed in Artist
He rocked in place for a moment, paws resting atop his raichu-rounded belly. he seemed to be pondering something. after a long silence broken only by the munching 'chu, he spoke again.
Hired Hand 19
"if you can last one more round we can trade places," the ranch owner offered. "i think that can be arranged," flynn agreed, groaning and panting from the approach of his climax.