Light's Way

The paladin watched silently; only his heavy, labored breathing any indication that he was still alive. He watched as a Dragoness he had only just met tore into the flesh of Erebus the Shadow, a powerful Western Dragon known for butchering knights, as...

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The Room

Apologies for my tardieness. I was having trouble figuring out what to do with this. Hope you enjoy ^.=.^ After he finishes speaking to the group he came over to where he told us to go and says "You three have already proven yourselves to have a...

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The Yanme'e

This story contains language that some may not find suitable. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Please note that this will be a short...

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Chapter one: The Beginning

The Tales of Angrond - The Awakening - Chapter 1: The Beginning To copywriters: Some things in this story are not completely my idea. I might change them a little to fit the story better but the general idea is NOT mine. What I'm going to do is...

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Crime and Punishment

There Gaki set, gazing hungrily at the large cake that had been baked for the king visiting from a neighboring kingdom, as part of a dinner King Draco had planned to set aside the differences between the two kingdoms and avoid a war. "Just a...little...

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Spyro the Relaxing 2 chapter four

Maverick knew she was a half dragon from her smell, and her nipples excited him to some point. he caressed them and brought his long neck down to lick at one of her six nipples.

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Spyro the Relaxing 2: chapter one

Disclaimer: If you are under 18, you are under aged and need to stop reading. I don't own the Spyro characters but I did create Gera, Mia, Joan, Sam, and this stories main character Cirus. In addition, Gold-heart was a character that someone request...

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Running in Style

Unlike crone who is 100% dragon vivian is a half-dragon she has the wings, the tail and instead of fire she has ice breath but her other half is demon which allows her to slip through walls she is a great asset to the team then without warning or that

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New Found Flames

Note: This idea was spawned by Von Kreiger and his series "New Found Form", so that's where most of the credit goes. Disclaimer: If you are under 18, why in the world are you looking at sites like this? If you get caught, it's your own fault. ...

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Dragon Becoming

Dragon Becoming By Von Krieger Traz moaned softly in his sleep, he instinctively curled up and reached for a blanket that wasn't there to fend off the imaginary chill that he felt. It was imaginary for he dripped with sweat in the tower's heat. ...

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Chronicles of a Half-Dragon: Chapter 3: The Subtleties of Psionics

Chronicles of a half dragon: chapter 3: the subtleties of psionics i felt the rush of the updraft catch me, my wings lifting me higher up into the clouds.

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Chronicles of a Half Dragon: Chapter 2: Wedding Night

He had taken the assumed form of a gold half dragon. in his hands, i saw some sort of book. i realized that he must be the pastor. together, aran and i walked down the center aisle, until i stood at the foot of the dais.

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