The Toll

"can't you just let me cross the bridge?" "if you cross my river, you have to pay. if you want to cross the bridge, but you don't have any gold, there is an alternative." "great! what?" "i haven't been with a man in a very long time!"

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The Chair

bridges whimpered as she rocked back and forth. "dr. bridges!" the marten cried back, his paws on her hips.

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Episode 11A: Into Darkness

"is it the same bridge?" jakar asked, walking back down into the command well, towards ops and con. "sure looks like it," rivas said uneasily, "or did we step from one bridge to another bridge?"

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The Fox General: Blood on the Suez

Laurent and taj were inspected as well and we were soon marched up the ramp leading to the bridge and into the clan's bridge-top village. "sorry about the hassle, honored fox," me'uuapologized as we entered the outskirts of their town.

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Doberman Afloat 1

I salute the captain again and hurriedly make my way to the bridge. as i step onto the bridge of the alabama for the first time the chief of the watch salutes me and then announces my arrival.

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Artificial Interrobang

One of the stations on the bridge had turned itself on, and at each action the wolf made, diagnostic windows opened showing the state of various ships systems. eventually, there was a knock on the doors to the bridge.

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So Drop Your Gun - Prologue - Part 3

The shark hated walking across the bridge. neither side of the divided structure, really two bridges together, had a path one might walk upon, so he had to skirt the shoulder.

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The Adventures of Bloodstrype ch4) The Queen's Council

#4 of the adventures of bloodstrype the adventures of bloodstrype ch4) the queen's council open log "captain bloodstrype to the bridge, i say again captain bloodstrype to the bridge."

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File #3 - "Echoes"

"bridge to sickbay... kevin, what's going on down there?" nicholson immediately asked but there was no response as the ship suddenly shock heavily, causing the holographic bridge controls to flicker and shimmer in the reduced lighting. "captain!"

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The adventures of Lisa the vixen. Got to save the Earth

The view screen changed, the nasal's bridge is in view. caine is glaring at the bridge crew of the night wing. "admiral song, you're a traitor to your race by helping the humans.

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