Incalculable Vastness.
The spot he chose was a clearing in some open flatland, not far from a single isolated tree- not that he can well see it, it's a moonless night and the cosmic canopy melts so perfectly with the surreal dark all around him he feels he could jump and fall through
The Breaking of the world
Held together by the terra-well gravity well the planet retained its life as its exposed core was subdued and contained by gravity, and anti-gravity wells in a cosmic force-field.
Museum Killers
It also cosmically showed how wrong it is to see these exhibits in a museum and to not think of these body parts as parts of a person who lived and breathed, and not just some creature who existed a long time ago.
Serval and Sheep Prologue: Exhibition Match
Bound by the law of the jungle, both the killer and killed are forever melded yet sundered by the cosmic seal of nature. and what creature could ever hope to transcend nature?
It's a Hit?
Resembling a creature of myth, the spaceborne creature blown up to cosmic proportions, with fiery orange scales coating a bipedal form layered in more fat than muscle.
Wind of Change: Chapter 37
Except for cults embracing it, most did not want and would reject it, even more so when they realize that it was nothing but a mishap, a side effect in a cosmic experiment.
Ratty Batty
The beats of cosmic wings weren't why (...they say that like there's others nigh) your species trembles miles beneath with circuits crossed, and toes for teeth, i might be short with you, i know, my face all distant, quick to go. i'm not a threat.
For all their pretense of being cosmic forces given form and intent, none of the other gods matched her in this harmony; kruphix understood the tapestry of fate and purphoros gave in to his heart in his artistic trance, but both still clung on to their egos
Syngeneia Kathairein part 32
''everything happens with a reason. the cosmic plan may not be absolute, but just like glue it has a direction to guide you towards.''
Alien and Camel in the Desert story
The alien couldn't help but be captivated by the otherworldly scene before him - a cosmic interloper in a strange land, a mysterious craft in the midst of an ancient species.
Pre-Determined: A Creation Theory!
His lust boiled unchecked like some cosmic id let loose for the first time; all the power of a god with the loneliness that came with such a responsibility. he ate. each inch of his arm excited him, tantalized him... satisfied him.
A Dezolaat History
Such is the fate of those who dwell on this island on the cosmic see we call dezolaat.