Isan Dawn: Chapter Five
If you didn't cry under those circumstances i would worry, and so would helen." "but boys are supposed..."
Daycare Troubles
He lets go of her mouth letting her scream out "mommy, mommy, mommy" she cries out wriggling around trying to get free. the big bad horny wolf grabs her tiny waist and slams his cock into her driving the pointed tip through her tiny immature cervix.
A Shitty, Pent-up Evening
Not a drop got out either, only being pumped deeper into the wolf before the snake got tired of his crying and slid his tail up, placing his tailhole right at the wolf's crying muzzle before james felt the snake suddenly blow into his mouth- filling it instantly
Ninety Nine Red Ships Go By-Chapter One
Ninety-Nine Red Ships Go By Chapter One-Everything and Nothing Life is strange when your society decides that your life is already set on a course from your birth. Such was the reality for one hundred young cubs growing up, all of whom were...
[Scraps] A Bitter End (Flamechild)
Kira cried out, blood dripping from her shoulder down her arm. the sabretooth stood up, displaying his full height, a sick smile shown on his face.
A Home Away From Home
She shook her head time and time again, trying to shake off the pain and the idea, but managed neither, crying louder than she ever had before.
The Journal of Ryan Raven Ch 5 Bonding
Those three things brought me too far and i started to really cry, letting all my misery and anger out. after a couple of hours of crying i went to sleep, nigel still holding my now limp body.
Into Another World Chapter 3: Remembrance
Meiko was crying. jason began to shed tears, trying to resist the need to cry. "meiko, please stop, i can't to see you looking like that." he got up, and looked at the chief. the chief felt guilty for pushing them around.
Why Pinkie Pie Smiles
Please stop crying, pinkie...i don't want you to cry..." he breathed, his hoof growing weak, slipping down her cheek slightly and then regaining its place.
Dark Thoughts
I was still crying a little while later and felt desperate as time and space started to vanish, that dark room in the basement being like an cage of infinity, there only to hold sluts like me...
The truth in the clouds
I too, wish to return, to see my friends one more time, to talk to them, laugh with them, cry with them, experience what life throws at us...
The Journal of Ryan Raven ch8 When Things Fall Apart
He hugged me tighter and i hugged him back and buried my head in his chest crying softly. after a few minutes i looked up at nero then to nigel.