Soap Opera
If i were taken hostage for money, i wouldn't be ransomed. ransom-payments weren't allowed by this war's agreements.
Showmanship (A2B3C7)
Karla took our new hostage back t' base. you should go after her. we can get information out'a the new hostage chick." he motioned an enormous furred paw towards the three gunmen. "i'll handle these dopes."
The Alpha Project Chapter One: Welcome to Delta Four ( Revised)
Replied a dingo as he looked back to the last remaining hostage with a chuckle.
Rocketing Around the Galaxy 6
"let's say - oh, hell, you're not going hostage, are ya?" "kid, lemme tell ya. you get a hostage at my size, you deserve one," rocket said, shaking his head. "i mean, look at me.
Protein Shake - Prologue
The two robbers had us, the ferret clerk, the otter lady and myself, lying down on the floor as hostages after figuring out that banks don't have a lot of cash in hand. who the f... robs a physical bank location these days?
Princess Elizabeth the Hedgehog's Bio
When on a mission with rouge the bat to retrieve the scepter of darkness, she and rouge were held hostage near eggman's base in white acropolis.
Payday part 3
He half pushed, half supported the wobbly legged hostage down the hall. once lester found his footing he began to practically strut, not at all phased by his nakedness.
08 - Mask of Courage
Large cracks spider webbed out from the impact zone and secondary explosions began to fling slabs of lava coated stone into the air ... right toward the hostage.
Training 4 Trouble
"is bull stock being taken hostage?" "unlikely," demolition replies. "bull stock is one of the hidden bosses of the secret seven syndicate." "he's what the group calls one of its shadow sovereigns?"
The Fox General: Twin Spots
"they're also notorious for treating their males like dirt, i doubt the queen would care if you were to harm the hostage."
When You Fight for Your Dreams: Chapter 5: Answers...
Several people were crying themselves as the policemen were trying to calm them down, but it also seemed like a lot of the hostages had already left the building.
Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 30
"i do not blame you for this," she said, perfectly calm, as if she were sharing a moonlit stroll instead of being held hostage. "i'm sorry i killed garten," ander ploughed on.