Poem #56: Inspiration

Feel rushing up through my chest quivering at the top it's going to burst and the mess it makes will enlighten humanity my hand trembles with ink against the page slashes and curves and dots mark my legacy my eyes see the void my fingers pluck

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The Serpent Curse - Chapter 8

Critter closes his eyes with regret, and plucks the second fruit. kiah watches as it falls to the ground, her face falling as it lands with a thud, the moment of victory riddled with guilt.

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Why Not to Meet Online Friends

He felt raven land against his body, swiftly plucking the fox out of his seed once his orgasm tapered off, dangling the little fur in front of his muzzle again.

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yiff in Hawai'i 3

He thrusted in and out of her, his rubbery barbs raking and plucking her as he had his way with the mongoose.

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Borrowing the Zune

From one side pocket however he plucked a set of micro-binoculars, and set them across his eyes as he looked north one more time. his whiskers twitched. his tail bristled.

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Sleeping Beauty

The bear turned around and undressed me, he began to pluck my pubic hair while the female bear flattened one of my mother's breasts! "hey! don't pluck my pussy hair!"

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Musical Pause (Otherwise Untitled)

The badger leaned over to pluck her favorite guitar out from behind one of the speakers. the neck was wrought iron, the body hammered out of copper. as she passed the microphone, "free drink, for everyone who's ass i'm not about to kick."

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Thats not a plane.

Quickly getting to his feet to run out of the trap, he merely found himself falling to the metal floor as claws plucked the broken thing up.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 83

He reached for the piece of copper upon the grave, plucked it and placed it in his pocket. he waited a moment before he stood up, his legs stiff and cold. he shivered, soaked to the fur.

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The Slave and the Mage: Bought, Chapter 3

She plucked strands of other useful plants here and there as she found them, but this close to balmora there was more roobrush, heather and occasionally corkbulb than anything else.

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