The legendary Aura Master series #4
Enough to grab the poke ball.
Don't Be a Thief!
Without thinking, he pulled an empty poke ball from his bag and threw it. the lucario froze. the poke ball flew through the air and mat tensed with excitement.
A Boy and His Lucario Part 5
John reached into his bag and pulled out a poke ball. "do you want me to carry you in a poke ball?" he asked. "n-no master, i need to be strong and face my fears." "lucario, it's ok to be afraid sometimes.
The Greenmount Chronicles. Chapter One: Helping Hand
It wasn't one of those distant butt-poked-out hugs either; for a moment calvin was swallowed up in mike from head to toe, surrounded by muscle, fur... and affection.
The orphaned Riolu chapter 1
, riolu watches the poke-ball open and is engulfed in a white light and goes into the poke ball shrunk down small enough to fit in the poke-ball, riolu then barely manages to escape and opens the poke-ball and a red light shaped exactly like riolu lands on
A Boy and His Lucario Part 15
"you make sure celia is in her poke' ball before we leave." ashito said somewhat sternly. john nodded with a grin.
Jim Chronicles 2: Ecruteak City
I'm so upset that i want to use my power to give you a wedgie and toss dust's poke-ball into space.
CYOA: A Night Visitor: 1
Looking to her poke ball that caught the pokemon, then placing the ball on the log she's sitting on.
Monster Food
Peter poked his beak, "your eyes were already kinda yellow." "but wait a minute... they were brown, i rememb... wait." jake walked to the windowsill and poked his large muzzle out. he took a deep sniff.
Coldest wind, Hottest Night
Hally poked his cheek again, saying with another giggle "heya sandlava, why ya blushinggg?" "haha! he's got an erection!"
The otter gaped even wider as a large cut penis, nearly 8 inches along and much thicker than his own, poked its way through the hole in the wall, the dark brown, almost black, head poking out at him and contrasting with the lighter brown shaft.
Broke back Kenny
His little head out the top, ken smiles and pets his head as it pokes out, rocks smiling and murrs at the pets, wiggling lightly, giving a small blush as ken rubs his ears, his sensitive ears giving a small feeling of pleasure, his stoat tip poking out lightly