The Chronicles of Rogue: Chapter Six

It was hard to spot from his baggy trousers, but his crotch was bulging much more than mine was, that much was obvious.

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Making him grow bigger

When yan made a move going to his chair, sabah's expert eyes saw something special, something big very big in his baggy pants.

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When The Hell Freezes Over

He was one shaggy bay pony, short, with long tattered mane covering his eyes totally so that i was curious how he can see at all, wearing old baggy pants and a loose shirt, definitely far from ideal of masculine beauty.

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Conquests 2: Persuasion

He was just as he remembered him; wearing the jersey of his least favourite football team as well as those super baggy pants to hide his chicken legs. everyone can tell when you don't work out your bottom half! hank rolled his eyes internally.

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Soul Rebellion #03: Judgement

The strangers were a group of different species, their leader was a white tiger with a mane, they wore torn sleeve shirts, with slightly baggy pants, and beads around their wrists and necks, the ones on their neck being bigger.

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Life Bites

Miles started blushing as he felt blood pooling into his shaft, making it harder, his baggy pants tenting. it had to be the fear sending the wrong signals...

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Pandor's Ring

The tails of his headband draped down his full, broad back and his baggy pants had been remade to fit his now much more ample ass and thighs. most of all, though, was that ketan had been letting his beard grow in for the last several weeks.

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Koa the Prostitute 1

He wore a red vest with a black outline and gray baggy pants with no shoes. there was a scar across his left eye though his brown eyes were still functional.

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My College Enslavement: Chapter 6

The tall, handsome, and athletic zebra looked good even in a loose grey shirt and baggy pants. "you know, if you're not ready to answer, you don't have to." theo put his hand over their shared grip, "this is a safe place.

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Harvest Hooligans

Both were in little more than hooded sweatshirts and baggy pants, though each had on a cheap mask to hide their face. the teenager on the right started picking up speed, a grin forming on his lips.

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Keith 'n' Matt: Street life

Keith looked into that direction and saw another boy, maybe fourteen, in a net shirt and baggy pants, leaning against a wall. he had a very prominent necklace. "keith?" "hmm...?" "c-can you do me a big favour?" "how big?"

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Aaron: Getting Together

Finally he went into his room and put on some baggy trousers and a loose shirt. aaron found robert in the kitchen. "don't you have newspapers?" the dog asked. "a newspaper? why?" "for reading, what else?" "sorry, don't have one..."

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