Cherry: Chapter 10 - Dreamless Sleep

"Wait, so Daddy Stripe's not the one who...tried to kill me?" "Nope." I sighed in defeat. "I looked through what little he gathered on Becky...

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Spring Break in Devout America

Spring break is considered a sacred time for kids and teenagers throughout the Devout States of America. One to two weeks of sabbatical for those in school, allowing cubs and teenaged furs the opportunity to spend time with their families, especially...

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Family Secrets

Mom suffered a much worse childhood than me. I didn't learn about it until much, much later in college. In some way, it excused some of her behaviors to me, but not by much. During one of my frequent trips to...

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Independence Day in Devout America

There's almost no need to explain how much Independence Day, or the Fourth of July as it's colloquially called, is celebrated within the borders of Devout America. It is a time to celebrate Old America's independence from the British Empire in Early...

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The Ace of Hearts

_Fair warning: there is a scene near the end of the story involving an antagonistic character attempting to coerce the protagonist into performing an unwanted sexual act. The antagonistic character also makes an...

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Cherry: Chapter 16 - Connecting the Dots

I arrived back to the cabin hours later, grocery bags placed in the passenger seat as my paws gripped the steering wheel in the vice. My eyes glowered between the winding road and my fingers as they trembled in...

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Father's Day in Devout America

Comparing and contrasting to its motherly counterpart, Father's Day is a holiday fixated on honoring fatherhood and paternal bonds in the Devout American family. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of each June, and typically is spent gathering at the...

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Maverick Hotel Part 22

During my time fighting alongside the Defiant, I thought I'd seen enough surprises. I thought the truths long suppressed by a controlling government couldn't make me further question the lies taught to me not...

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Memorial Day in Devout America

Memorial Day, or more colloquially known as Memorial Weekend, is a federal holiday dating back to the Old American era, as a day for mourning the country's military personnel who have died while serving in the armed forces. It is typically observed on...

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Catching A Falling Star

I didn't wake up in my house, but I did wake up with the world's worst fuckin' hangover. Needles and knives jammed their way through my mustelid skull as I blinked myself awake. The sounds of chirping birds and a lawnmower somewhere outside made me...

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Cherry: Chapter 15 - Refuge in the Woods

The locals in southern Wisconsin had a joking axiom I'd heard every now and then: "Travel thirty miles up North, and it feels like you travel thirty years back in time." The reasoning for this involved how much the woodland forest and properties in...

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Winners and Losers

"Had a bad day, Zack?" Daniel stared at me from the couch as if I'd fought a war. In some twisted way, I did. It involved opposing sides, a bit of physical altercations, battle scars, some blood being spilled, and wounds on both sides of the conflict....

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