Dual Streaming
"see you tomorrow, wolf pack. the hunt is always on." he stuck out his tongue playfully, then turned off the stream, finishing his other stream on the tree before making his way home a tired, satisfied pup.
Diversia - Chapter One - False Peace
Over the other side of the savannah was the wailing forest, a thick and dense forest with hundreds of trees and foliage, the perfect home for the wolf pack clan, whom were celebrating a birth of their own.
Twilight Eros Chapter 2
"what's the deal with wolf pack magazine? i mean as far as porn goes it's some of the better stuff out there." "spec's sister works for them." "what?"
Serpents, Statues and Sorcery: A Tale of Mowgli\'s Jungle
Not only his feet were bare but his entire body, since he had grown up in the wolf-pack with no knowledge of clothing.
Syn's journey pt 1
#1 of syn's journey syn escorts a mouse to her wolf pack and has fun along the way. this is a request from keeperseen syn and gem belong to keeperseen syn's journey "watch it."
Moonlight Serenade
Saada was still craving knot after having enjoyed her time with sanfrit of the wolf pack.
The Plight -- Intro.
War gasps and breathes in deeper as he is released by his loving wolf pack crew, letting them lower him enough so that his body rests, the rest of them laying in circe around him, covering him with their bodies, he drifts into sleep as the rest of
The snowy Crypt, Love by the fire.
When i turned around, i saw a black wolf pack, one wolf with a cherry red pelt. some had white fur, some silver. but the majority of them was black.
new beggining, sunclaw death
I hope u guys liked stay cool bye :3 aleu and her mate and the wolf pack was walking to find a new home. jenna looked down sad aleu saw her and said'' mom its ok dad was a great mate and father but we have to stay strong for him he would not want us to be
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 2(.2)
The week passed quickly and they were all somewhat nervous that tonight they would be joining others of the wolf pack in a feast to honour them as new members.
The Woodland Visitor Ch 16: New Life
Turning on the mic i looked over to sienna, "wolf pack, fall in on me." i continued looking until the wolf pack had formed, then turned to them. "this is the area where the hunter said they saw the light at.
The Woodland Visitor Ch 21: Revelations II
I formed the wolf pack to hunt down rocare's agents and try to find him. ~ "the wolf pack are all guardians too?" ~no, they are human. each one was selected for their skills and talents.