chapter eleven

Variations 1x1 rp group rp human and anthro mix other genders can be played as well.

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Hidden Battles

Percival was an anthro like dragon bakugan. he was purple, or at least wore armor of that color.

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A better world part 2

And that was _not _because i'd been the only anthro lion living in a village whose population had been maybe eighty percent anthro canine (of various kinds).

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Silent Stalker

Most anthros are born from putting male anthro seamen into the womb of a human female. there is no dishonor per say because of an anthro being born from a womb of a human female. a male anthro that is born from an anthro female is greatly revered.

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chapter eight

It been 30 years since this event happen variations 1x1 rp group rp players can play human/ anthro / feral animals anthros are the offspring of human and animals mating human and anthro mix other genders can be played as well.


Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt74

That he had been as much a victim of the thrice accursed mercenaries as they had, he had all ready in their eyes broken free from the old ways of the house of anthro and they would continue to serve him and his heirs.** **sir anthro was pleased his hold upon

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Phillip laughed and pointed to the anthros. "well they keep me busy."

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Human Enough

About 40 years ago, the so called "anthro amendment" was passed. it said that anthros aka "furs" weren't humans and therefore were not guaranteed any "human rights." an anthro is a human/animal hybrid.

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The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 6: Changes

Physically, all life forms are sexually developed by the equivalent of being 14 as an anthro creature. mental sexual maturity is defined as when they are the equivalent of being 16 as an anthro creature.

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