The Raging Hounds Chapter I: The Misfit

Winters blushed a little, mostly out of pleasant memories but also out of embarrasment "ah yes, you don't know about the shower sessions." "huh?" "we have one rule here among the hounds.

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Yo-kai Specs 5: The Mysterious Yo-kai Specs

The mall (and, embarrasingly, the toy store,) were downtown, so i had no real reason to go anywhere else. we turned down into flower road; being so early in the morning, it was mostly deserted.

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Puppy Play Ch.1 - 4

Before he rushed out of the kitchen, his mother grabbed him, and gave him a big, embarrasing hug. though he liked her concern, it made him feel like a child, witch he absoluteley was not. he hit the door after a brief goodbye.

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Party of Five; Chapter Five

It was freezing before when he left home a couple days ago, but now shaved of all his body fur it was worse. The cum had oozed out of his gaping huge and open to the wind asshole and crystallized on his cock and insides of his legs, he had peed out the...

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Loosening Up - True colors

He looked into the lion's deep blue eyes, his ears fell back in embarrasment. a moment of silence came until the lion broke the silence.

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Warrior Clan: Chapter two: One lost, one found

"twenty-one.", jake sighed, staring down at the ground in embarrasment. dania stopped cheering and looked at him with an understanding look. "sniping's not your thing, eh?

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Dogs of War - Chapter 2 - A Dance of Time and Shadow

It reminded claudius unpleasantly of the things reported by imperial documentarists whenever some campaign against the varingeans or gaels looked like it was taking an embarrasingly long time.

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Keeval-da: Trouble At The Inn

I can't believe he heard us last night, how embarrasing!- suddenly she noticed weiladel in the corner, she had taken some of their advice and covered her ears with her hair.

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Children Of Keeval-da: Valda's Swim

- her mind was racing and she could feel her embarrasment growing. she swallowed and took a deep breath to calm herself before changing the subject. "you are awfully young to make that kind of invisibility spell alone... who helped you?"

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The Quickest Way to a Man's Mind as Well

Dramamine said to himself, stuffing the embarrasing memory back into the recesses of his mind. adjusting his jacket and fiddling around in his cargo pants, he pulled out his camera and stood before the gate.

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Love and Trust

embarrasing." alice came strolling over. "you feel it too?" azure looked at her emploringly. "can't you shut this out of my mind?" alice shook her head. "no, this is too strong, i can barely keep it out of my own head."

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