My letter
Good fortune to all worlds that exist.
An Elfs Awakening Prologue
In the name of the great existance i will avenge them all... all those who had fallen innocently.
IN THE DARK (poem re-upload)
In it, it's like i'm there but no one can even see me, do i even exist in the dark, does anyone exist in the dark?
"i don't want to hurt all these non-existing people, but i cannot help. they hurt with me. and still we're not able to console each other. we're so far apart. farther than another universe. one side lives in existence, the other in non-existence.
Never Meant to Love
We are two different beings whose existences are meant to extinguish the other. i prayed to him that he could rid me of my existence below the earth. i've prayed many times...but he has not answered.
The Beastmaker's Age - YEAR 3
Needless to say, there is no real evidence that the kirin's copy ever existed, and though magical techniques of course _do_ exist today for creating such 'breathing paintings' - the irenwaen memorial museum contains several examples of this art - most historians
Judy And Nick
All countless possibilities of existence, all boundless exploration, all the pitiless expansion of existences before their very eyes. "oh, lets go to that one!"
Tales of Alterra, chapter 0, setting the stage
Now, let me just set things straight, orcs, elves, dwarves, any fantasy or antro animal race exists to some extent on alterra, or at the very least, existed.
No One Dossier: R3
Whether or not he is _the_ creator is debatable as he constantly insists he is merely there to 'look after' existence and credits ex with all creation.
existed outside my window.
Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Eighteen
_this place is a spiritual construct, a world that both exists and doesn't exist. if they continue on like this. they're going to tear a rift between this world and the real one. if that happens._ "we have to help shiro!"
Chapter 7: Sip that Poison
Every members of the company knows their existance, but both of their existance are required.