Party Favours
I had gone to a party, one that threatened to be a bit of a wild night. some friends were having a lease end party for their house, and they had decided as they had no chance of getting their bond back, it was time to trash the joint.
Life of the Party
Inspired by a picture done by shutupjen from fa: life of the party _"one should never leave a convivial party before closing time.
Party Animals
party animals a blur of orange and black streaked across the night-fallen field with heavy, steady breathing coming from the uniquely furred creature as he ran.
Party Pack
**party pack** **a birthday gift for werewolf666** **_for he's a jolly good fellow..._** there was a rule with birthdays.
Party Piece
Laid still on the table as the partygoers moved around him boisterously, wearing, heavy rubber waders and long slick raincoat open to expose his naked, chubby body and hard little penis. Leather rings hooked around balls and shaft to keep him priapic....
The Party Favors
Tymbre closed the door after removing my leash and collar, telling me that he will be back to take me to the private party once the public party was over. "need help getting dressed?"
Birthday Party
"yes, but even if i know you and i've got some 'stamina', the party won't be the same with the first load already gone, and i'd feel sorry for him if this party wasn't that good because of our egoism..." he rolled his eyes.
Fun at the Party
He let them inside and they all had a party. they all started to drink a lot and when they were officially drunk, they all started to dance like freaks.
Party After
Patches of thick, cloudy sperm clung to its fur as the rest drained like a slow river to drip down with wet plunks and add the contents of his balls to what must have been a great party. jake was satisfied, all right.
Private Party
#1 of private party the weekend had finally arrived and emir was ready to go home. he was a little under 7 foot tall with yellow fur and the begining of a mane which was black, his eyes were so light blue that they almost looked white.
Deck Party
"enjoy the party!" more cheers split the air and the crew surged forward in one massive group. slaves were snatched up from all around rin as he shook in horror and rage.
Party Time
"lick" the skunk boy doesn't hesitate, he rather enjoys working these parties the blend of different species churning together in his gullet is a rather heady feeling.