
Her empty sheath hanging useless now. "hehe, thanks," she replied though her cock was only meat now.

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Two subs...

Even as that useless organ was throbbing and flexing against the metal so firmly that it makes the big myth wince in pain, that pain driving him on to rut harder. "yes... that you are pansy mareboi."

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The Cat's Stroll 11

**chapter 11: useless rewards** * * * "we should return," suggested wonlai. at the end, this cao cat reminded him of those rare geniuses from the great families, so overly thinking was useless. he was simply an odder version.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Two

Against a gang of armed killers it'll be next to useless, though." tikta growled again. "what'd you say? scatter's the best gun in everdry!

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 52

useless. luke ran his hands through his hair and ripped out a sticky, sweaty clump by the roots. breathing heavily, he watched the strands peel away from his fingers and float down to the floor. useless.

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The Book of Warlock 12. A portent of doom.

"that bloody necklace is useless!" anar spat, "that... that magimetre going off in your pocket is useless too! all your fancy things, they're all just useless! what good have they actually done?"

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Demon fox herd stallion

Roan whimpers with embarrassment, and he slaps at his limp useless cock angrily. "nuttless m ... mare such as m ... myself!?!" the gelded stallion mumbles, confused and ashamed.

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Weaver Fever (chapter 2)

useless for weaving - and more to the point, heavy. between his outstretched legs sprawled the grass itself, carefully stacked stem by stem from mase's painstaking work.

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Bat and mouse games

Foxglove: "because i feel useless." dale: "you are not useless. who said that?" foxglove: "lahwhinie **sniff.** she said i am useless and ugly." dale: "you are not ugly."

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 53

useless. luke ran his hands through his hair and ripped out a sticky, sweaty clump by the roots. breathing heavily, he watched the strands peel away from his fingers and float down to the floor. useless.

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Downward Spiral

Probably beat their name out of you, find them and then kill you both... then again, i would make one of you watch as i killed the other, but hey, what do i know, i'm just a useless fur, right?"

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Enochian: Book 3, Chapter 15

She threw it hard towards the drakkaren a moment before tinman and francis rushed out of the vortex, flying towards her to grab her arms and try to uselessly pull her back towards the rift.

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