Year of the Rat Chapter two. Soup.

He was not stupid, he knew what had transpired, the queen of pirerpoint took her fathers crown and throne.her xenophobic hatred for all non humans forced him to leave all he knew and loved.and because of her,now here he lay in a wagon inside a cooking pot

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2.1 - Decompression

"wasps are highly xenophobic," wren remembered. "we know little about them other than they're a massive threat." rella considered. "you think they're actually in this system?" "i don't know ... but go to yellow alert.

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The Wolf Hunters - Episode 2 - The Toll of a Slow War, Part 2

I never thought of her as a total xenophobe, but she did seem to exhibit a lot of hate towards the zephenidians, more than most of the other crew members.

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 25: The Coalition Mobilizes

The bull had lightened up after dane's repeat visits and had even engaged him in a few conversations when he sat near the bar, just under the rare shimmerscale trout that hung above the counter, but even still dane could pick up on the faint hint of xenophobic

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A Tail of Two Peoples - The Tribals

"yeah, the tribes aren't nice, but most are very xenophobic." "zeno...what?"

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Never an Act

Are opossums xenophobes?" "i don't know much about opossums," the mouse admitted. "they're creatures of the night. they're melodramatic." "i'll say," mortimer went, frowning, looking around.

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Good Things Come When Least Expected.

I was pretty xenophobic back then." she ran her pawsover his crotch. "yes you were, but i recall you had no problems with me!" noweve stepped in. "jon-tom, what's she talking about? you two didn't pair upuntil much later!"  he made an ugly face attalea.

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Getaway: Part 6

We got sat next to an old pair of xenophobes. that can happen anywhere. plus, i didn't see anyone else there giving us a hard time." "fine. what about ol' bucky from that bar yesterday? and his meathead friends? that sure was a fun time had by all."

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Biological distinctiveness

She didn't think of herself as particularly xenophobic. it was hard to be xenophobic in the star patrol, because there were lots of non-terrans in the confederation. they just tended to be the sort that _didn't_ demand living sacrifices.

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