
Merchants, musicians, and prostitutes swarmed the streets in a mass feeding frenzy of commerce, and a legion of young, drunk soldiers, pockets bulging with pay and minds on celebration, flooded through the city's gates into her inns, taverns, and brothels.

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DREADWOLF Chapter 20 to 24

"i wouldn't do that in their territory, they are nearly unbeatable in water, they just love to drag unsuspecting gobbos under and go into a feeding frenzy." "hmm really?

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Caleb and Raz

Caleb continued his feeding frenzy, and no male was safe. there was a muscular shark on a treadmill, getting good speed. caleb yawned his cock wide and pushed his foot onto the back of it to stop the machine from running.

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Nuthin' but a Houn' Dog

No good could possibly come of a squad car feeding frenzy with us in the center of it.

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Obedience Schooled Chapter 2

Spike was there before the wolves could start a feeding frenzy. snarling words that were as much canine barks as english, spike drove the lusty males back.

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The Mansion

Now kai's missing, the prisoners are free, and there's a feeding frenzy in the foyer! if we weren't already so close to the ritual i'd snap your neck, fix it, and snap it again!

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He slowly made his way over to them, warily watching the feeding frenzy out of the corner of his eye. the husky dropped her voice to a whisper when he approached. "it's not as bad as it looks. it's all posturing. one of the ways the pack shows rank.

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Lola's Reduction Pt 16

Brandie was sucked into the feeding frenzy around the bunny and both girls found themselves side by side! the crowd pounced on them like a pride of lions smelling blood--and began the assault!

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Colonists, Hell Planet, Chapter 2

The fresh hot blood always threw us into a feeding frenzy.

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Loved For Your Own Weight

He was on a feeding frenzy, the taste of sugar in his muzzle was more than enough to drive him over the edge.

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The Wasted Youth, Chapter 2 - A Night in the Heights

His actions quickly result in a feeding frenzy, with numerous people coming up to grab a bottle or two out of the bag before shuffling off to the party, their future drunkenness nestled securely in their paws.

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The Seeker, Chapter 31

Which is why most demonic feasts look like a feeding frenzy at the local waterhole; and be sure to count your fingers afterwards. "thank you for the excellent breakfast great lord." vulva said, burping politely.

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