Oni apothecary madness

A warm wetness spread down his pants from his bladder releasing its contents in hopes of ensuring a better chance at running, his body reacting to the primal urge to run away and hide, light a candle and hope that the oni wouldn't find him.

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03 - Rain always brings out the crazies...

A few more enthusiastic gangers were taking pot shots at them from behind cover and from nearby rooftops, but everyone with half a brain was running away still. "you know..."

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Chapter 29: Finding Some Potentials - Part 2

So you should run away from here as far as you can. and if you meet the others, tell them that we are here fighting against the glitches." soul starts to run away to the nearest portal.

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Chapter 12: The Chosen

I know you think of running away but are too frightened. i know that when you sing, the damned trees draw near, it's so beautiful. and i know that right now . . . you want nothing more than for me to be inside of you."

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Soul Stalkers - 05

"another one was running away with video of the whole thing ... i had to get his phone ... so ..." "so you killed him too," master finished. tammy nodded. "i see."

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Realms of Fantasy Chapter 2: Strategy And Strategic Retreats

The day i was called, i promised myself i would never, ever run away. it might have looked like i was running away from the advancing ice drake, but really, it was a strategic retreat. they just look really, really similar. "electros!

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 37

You're running away again by beating yourself up over running away like you did last time?_ really!? _ander never ran away! he never ran away from anything, and he never gave up, not even once! and neither should you!

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Chapter 1 - The Flames of a New Beggining

. \> sarah punches tiber and runs away. however she trips in her effort to get away and shrieks in pain leaving a small pool of a viscous purple liquid before picking herself up and running away again. tiber: oww!! what the hell was that!!

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The Scent of a Lover Part 11

Talbain cried "run away with me....." i said without thinking "what?"

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Forest passion (Dragon M/M story)

." - drohaz nodded and tilt his head - "but why are you running away?"

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