Peace, Love and Understanding
It had taken under an hour to convert the entire village.
Transformation Story: Creating Servitors
_and then, we'll slowly convert the village from within._ the end
Villains Need Origin Stories Too
Soon he was bucking and squirming wildly in the monster's grip, being converted even before a symbiont of his own could adhere to him.
Space for a time.
Nine quadrillion kilojoules of energy (approximately...), if you could convert the mass of your entire stick of butter into energy.
Dark Drop-In (TF Story)
Vanished, converted into nothing but thick, throbbing black shaft meat.
Secret of the Maze 2: The Treasure of the Center
The converted croc wriggled with anticipation, straining against its bonds not to escape but to be impaled on that godly tool.
Iced Latte with Breast Milk
At least once the feline was done converting into more of her breast milk.
Executive decisions Chapter 13
They wanted troubled spirits to wander in, ripe for the converting and they were happy for the converted to then freely exit and spread the message to those in the mortal plane.
A Gilded Era
"we must begin the process now to have you fully converted by morning so you can help me lead our invasion."
[Serathin] In His Master's Footsteps, 2
Renzyl asked, his maleness still buried hilt deep in his newest convert's hole. "yes master," marrick replied with a heavy sigh of contentment.
The Merrin, part 11
Aside from the two empty packs, he's brought an energy cell and a portable converter. everything else is in the shelter. after using the converter to make a few tools, he starts to dissect the pod.
Bio-Morph FAQ 1
These are closer to uplifted animals, or 'converted' humans. the closest to human they get is a 60% animal 40% human genetic mix, going as low as 80/20.