Jurassic Traps
After ramming the oversized dino prick all the way inside, causing an impressive abdominal bulge, the dinosaur let out a deafening roar and started spraying his seed deep inside of the smaller male.
Rex Overboard
He chuckled passing the stunned dinosaur and giving him a few taps. "coming?" _"a-almost..."_
The Hands Off Approach
The molding up near the ceiling would give the tall dinosaur something to grip on.
Birth of a Mother Goddess
The dinosaur moved over closer and looked zandra down before sniffing her. she can feel the strong breath of the large dinosaur as she shivered a little, but stood firm. "uh...nice dino?"
King Rex
"yes," the dino simply said, and he moved far faster than someone his size had any right to.
The Rematch
The dino reminded him with a broad smile. "and a deal is a deal. besides, i lied earlier. michelle told me everything." "everything?"
Post-Show Relaxation
The rabbit flipped the sleeping dinosaur over, and grinned widely at the outline in those boxers.
No CGI: False Clutch 1
Will anyone else see him as a dinosaur, and why can't you?
No Internet, No Sex
Read as your favorite offline dino seeks relief. the dino thinks to herself for a moment. it's been a while since she's been awake. she stands amidst a barren desert. it's largely flat aside from a few sand piles here and there.
Mesozoic Park 2 (Part 7)
The little camouflage dinosaur hopped to the side and tilted its head.
Love Goes Boom (Rex Overboard Act 2)
But the dinosaur obeyed every movement, from the thrusts to the deep presses.
Warren, Murder and Sex
He also had added a knot, which was deflated at the moment, to the dinosaur-shaped cock when he'd transformed...not a common aspect of a dinosaur's cock but he liked a little variety.