The Orphans Among Us Chapter Three: Violet Accademy Part 2

My name is shawn and i was just going to head out to the nearby skate park. would you like to come with me and meet the guys?" i shrugged and decided to tag along. "ok sure count me in. i never skated before thought." "well you can just watch."


A Christmas Dream Come True

A week ago, james' sunday school teacher announced the trip to the river market for ice skating and a trolly ride, and asked if he would like to go.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 36: Zero hour! The destruction of Fur Dreams City begins!

During tucker's decent, he lifted up his leg with his roller-skate on it and smashed into the ground with an extremely powerful axe kick.

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Some Goalies Need Extra Padding: Chapter 4

Before the wolf could figure out what was going on, though, hutchinson launched himself in from the neutral zone and sent him flying backwards on his skates with an aggressive check.

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Transmutation Tournament Finals

His pants fell to his ankles, and he had to get back to skating again, running away from the flying sex machine.

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Fulfilling Needs and Needing Fulfillment

I bet you that if i was able to skate the entire lap of the rink on my own you had to give me a prize. thinking you would just get me something from the prize counter or some shit."

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Light Bane: Chapter 8

Azureath repeatedly used her ice to let the _blackjack_ 'skate' over it using the floaters on each end.

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If I tell you a secret, would you swear to keep it?

After flexing he threw one a black muscle shirt, and blue shorts, that went down to his knees, followed by his sneakers.he grabbed his roller skates off the closet handle, and ran downstairs.

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Alien Upgrade

Gundolf grabs his right wrists with his left hand which places the shield directly in front of them as they skate through the halls.

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End Game - Chapter 31 - And Release the Apocalypse

Carl skated faster down the street. it was later than he expected. it was already pretty dark, and all the lights where out on this street, probably from that explosion. suddenly, a blue light from a darkened alley flashed.

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Ferret Funk

He wore skate shoes simply because they were more comfortable than conventional sneakers and his backpack was bulging with abundant supplies.

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Second chance

With speed, he skirted ludovic pretty easily on his left and skated towards the goaltender, completely alone.

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