Cybera - an erotic cyberpunk thriller - Chapter 15
Behind them, an antique wooden cabinet erupted into scattering splinters, covering the wall with pieces of wood and the cabinet's tattered contents.
Smoked Pork
This an antique dude? and whoa, some very good tobacco." his eyes widened slightly as he takes a sniff at the 'bacco while i put my bulky arm around his shoulder.
The White Cat
The dungeon itself was elaborately decorated, with an antique throne one one side of the room and cupboards full of toys on either side of the doorway.
[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-003]
"there's an antique shop." "well then, let's go in, let me go first and you put the robe on," shane said. shane went first in the antique shop, akira followed him. the windows and the door were barred.
Boondocks: Becoming 'Man' of the House
'_this looks interesting,'_jazmine thought as she looked at the sign, 'janet's and eliza's special antiques store!' she looked at the window.
Starting Anew
Said she picked it up from some antique shop on the way here when her and dad came to visit earlier today. the cover of this thing looks ancient but it was completely blank. she only paid five bucks or so.
A Familiar for a Familiar, The Second Hand Suit
I liked to poke around in antique stores, and "baron's antiques & oddities" was one of my favorite. the old guy who ran it reminded me of peter lorre; he even talked like him, and he came up with the neatest old junk you ever saw.
The Discovery
This guitar truly was a magnificent and truly lucky find and he wasn't even expecting to find it at all- and to make matters better, this was not some outdated antique but something that still worked.
A Bed For Life
With food and drink containers, both empty and full; the fourth was where he kept his controllers, his wireless keyboard and mouse, his switch, all with easily accessed charging cables or ports; on the bottom shelf was a vast array of consoles, from the antique
Pitch Episode 35: Closer
"dragons aren't real," i muttered to myself as i put away what seemed to be antique swords and shields.
I looked at the antique grandfather clock. _about five thirty._ i should go out and grab some dinner before grannie come back. so, i flung my sling bag over my shoulder, and it hung diagonally across my chest.
The Wolf Soul - Part One
It was not really antique, but it fit their image of what a nice dining room should look like.