The Little Gul: 1st Letter

And the nights, the nights are chilly. very. but as beautiful as anything i have ever beheld. the stars are breath-taking and the night skies purple--imagine it! purple, like the black hibiscus.

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The wet warmth moved, his sack was engulfed in it, his thingy now chilly, the difference in sensations hurt but oddly, in a good way! the warmth alternated his sack and his thingy, until, with a thrust of his hips, daniel felt the feeling.

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The Starry Night

Not many hotel patrons were going to be out at this early hour, much less interested in visiting the rooftop heated pool, so the likelihood of running into someone was fairly small, especially on a chilly night such as this.

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In The Middle of the Night

He shut the door behind him and zipped up his jacket, for it was a bit chilly. as the young wolf head down the street, something caught his eye. he wasn't quite sure what it was yet, but he just had a feeling.

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Seven Years Later Chapter 10.5

The crackling of a small fire burning through a collected pile of branches fought off the cold chilly air and warmed the duo's bodies and souls. however, an even bigger fire was burning inside of a certain female charmander.

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Finding Rayraw Island - Natia Emory - Chapter 3

The wind was still blowing so it was a little chilly, but not unbearable. i was able to reach my grandma's hut in fifteen minutes and to my luck, she was sitting behind it in her favorite chair that her husband had made her.

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Never knew I could buy love...

He wanted to feel his anus throbbing forever, his butthole was currently as red as chilli's in lava, with only the cold, white jizz to cool down his asshole."my turn!" shouted dan.

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Second-Hand Life

"you can't leave now," luke says softly, his voice barely audible in the chilly autumn air. he stands up as if to leave, holding out a hand to stop me from following after him.

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Loyal to the End

The cold, clear resin felt extremely chilly as they brushed it over the bottoms of my feet and between my toes, but i did not squrm or let out a yelp, so desperately wanting to show them that i was ready.

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This night is our night

The night was chilly and foggy, the moon high in the air.

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[Cure] Glimpse v2

#3 of cure it's a chilly march night as the half moon hangs in the sky over a main street that seems abandoned. this is goldston, colorado. a small city fifty miles east of denver, that had been, until recently, been barely a blip on the radar.

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Excerpt from Gargul (part 1)

Just as the bards started on the next verse, the door was opened and a moist, chilly wind blew into the otherwise warm tavern.
