Pokebrothel 10
You haven't interrupted me yet," the mew said, "stay there while i prepare a little something for you." the mew floated off the screen and for the next while it was just brian on the teetering platform.
What are friends for?
He reached his paws out as the persian gave an excited mew and climbed into his lap.
Many Tiny Sparks:The First Collision
mew knew this fact. the party knew this as fact. fortunately the party had almost arrived at their destination. mew's paws were literally tied.
Maya's Pet Chapter 1
First person perspective of another of maya the mew's playthings.
The Pains of Love
Once again mew shimmered into view smiling. pikachu gave a loud sigh to cover up the sob that wanted to announce itself to mew.
The Human Species Ch. 68 - Mystic Tracker Sigilyph
Lucario said while patting his knee, trying to keep everyone's spirits high, "mew's anything but vindictive!" "mew? yes. but everyone else..." celebi explained slowly before lowering her head, "... i will not be there to protect you forever.
Krystal's Story Ch. 2
There is also another mew project in there, black mew. you must rescue it. if it gets trained as a weapon, we are all screwed. but if we can get it on our side, we should be able to destroy team rocket.' 'i'll find black mew first.
The Human Species Ch.112 - Bored Vanguard Graveler
"mew..." he whispered, feeling his eyes tear up almost immediately.
Beyond the End
For the first time since his arrival, nox noticed movement, found life other than him or the mew.
A Feeling Unforgotten
mew... mew and those trainers made me away... hmm. mew... what am i to call her? my mother? my sister? or... my soul mate... i was created from her, it's very hard to say... but we left this world.
Chapter One: Star of Light
mew seemed to be unharmed by it.
Kneel down beside the mew to pet it on the head
Do you: boop the mew on the snout turn to the eevee and mudkip try to hold the mew and cuddle. get out of there sit down and ask about the dreams.